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18.3 Font question


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Hello everyone I came from Thailand or Player in Asia and I'm Admin server game in Thailand I have question and problem about er.. Text or Font something, Cause we have many players in Thai around 50,000 players play this game please help :miserable:.



- After update alpha 18.3 I heard about alpha 18.3 have new update localization in current support only 13 Languages I can not type message in chat game with Thai language or Thai Char anymore, they change new Font so pretty cool and my question is in future can we write message different than localization 13 Languages ?


- Can we name Steam profile with Thai character or different character ? cause when we set name like "ผมสบายดี" or "ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ !! IS" in game our name not show on tab Score bar.


- From both on top 1-2 question If game not support other localization like (Thai language) can we Modlet font in game ? Cause I want to change in chat system and player name I don't know how to change maybe in code game is hardcode.


- The main current localization 13 language important for player, Have any way to support TH= Thai localization in future ? because we have many player in thai and big community hope so :crushed:

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