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Move آ“Generalآ” forum to the top?


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Just a thought, but would it make it easier for forum users to know this General forum exists if it were the first forum listed? Iآ’m seeing a lot of posts moved from the PC General Discussion to this section. Personally, I didnآ’t even realize this section existed for quite some time until some posts were moved to it. Seeing so many others moved, re-shuffling the listing order may help.

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Wow, so insightful. Thank you for informing me that I can just scroll down....


The real issue is that people see the PC section and think, “I play on PC, that must be the right section”. It’s called logic.


The right way to organize is big to small. General applies to everyone, so logic would say it’s first.


Just trying to suggest an idea to help things land in the right spot and your sarcastic response tells me all I need to know....

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