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Move the compas please


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They should make it an item in your toolbelt and you can see the whole thing but only when you have it selected so that you see your hand holding it out in front of you as you walk. Then you would have to choose between knowing which way you are going or holding a weapon. One more toolbelt slot would be taken as well, and if you lost it......
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I like how the compass is built in. It's survival gear. I'm already a bit annoyed that I suddenly appear in the middle of a group of Zeds carrying nothing but an empty backpack and a compass. I should have SOME sort of survival gear, or at least some story around the spawn point as to why I'm in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a zombie attack. A bus smashed into a tree, the wreck of an airplane, parachute. I try to convince myself that the nearby car and corpse are my buddy and we were driving somewhere, but the car's so rusted up that's hard to believe. To put another way, I'm already annoyed that I'm obviously the absolutely worst prepared survivor in the world and somehow I've survived the initial onslaught with no supplies. If anything else, if we were going to go your route, Roland, i'd want a compass, a multitool, some bottles of water, and some food, to at least explain how I've survived so long...
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