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So, about those T5 clear quests...


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From the patch notes:


T5 clear and fetch/clear quests will have QL 6 items as a reward


Quitting the game after starting a quest and reloading still resets it to the "activate the rally point" stage. Starting the quest again re-generates the entire area and respawns all enemies you are supposed to clear. Just tested it.


Good luck to the certifiably insane among us who decide to do these clear quests. They'll need it.

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When you're in full Q5 iron/steel armor with a Q5 fully modded steel melee weapon, a good backup gun, plenty of healing, and perked survival skills, you can just sprint into a room and start whacking, then move onto the next room. My endurance build at level 70 finished the shamway factory in 8 in-game hours....20 minutes real time...and I didn't remember the POI from before, so I was exploring around a bit.


If you're expecting to finish Tier 5 quests at low level or at higher difficulties in record time...well, you probably won't.

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When you're in full Q5 iron/steel armor with a Q5 fully modded steel melee weapon, a good backup gun, plenty of healing, and perked survival skills, you can just sprint into a room and start whacking, then move onto the next room. My endurance build at level 70 finished the shamway factory in 8 in-game hours....20 minutes real time...and I didn't remember the POI from before, so I was exploring around a bit.


If you're expecting to finish Tier 5 quests at low level or at higher difficulties in record time...well, you probably won't.


The fortitude build is a lot of fun to play. I was in that factory today just to get some resources at level 43 and day 33, and instead of going into a room, what i do is hit the wall outside to wake everyone up and fight them in a more open location. Man they have some tough zombies in there, and man is armor and armor perks worth the investment in this build. That was a very challenging fight, and i managed to survive because i had a bunch of med kits and tier 4 and 5 iron armor and a good shotgun.


I am liking this build. So far i am only doing the buried supply quests and spend the rest of my time looting or building my bases. Mining is also more enjoyable now.

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