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Mining Hat


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F. If you currently have, say, a laser mod on your gun equipted, press and hold F.


Note not all mining helmets have the Helmet Light Mod attached.


I'm playing this on the PS4. Also it shows a light on mine.


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when you pick up a light emitting item you get a tooltip on how to turn it on, check your tooltips often for basic info if you forget


Where is Tooltips listed?

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I'm playing this on the PS4. Also it shows a light on mine.


Oh pfft lol I don't remember. This is the PC forum why we all jumped to F and etc. Umm... best advice since I don't remember is to make sure you have only your fists out and press all the buttons haha. It may be one of the thumb stick clicks, as I said I don't remember. Been well over 2 years since I played on console.


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I'm playing this on the PS4. Also it shows a light on mine.


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Where is Tooltips listed?


That's something on PC. I don't think that's on console versions. Check your help journal, you should have that. It'll be a pen (?)icon from the menu (as in, inventory, look at top-screen icons)

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