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Put Thrown Spear on Compass


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Mark the spears you throw on your compass.

Maybe just the last one or two.

Maybe only while you crouch (like animal tracking but for your spears).


Nothing ruins the mood like a random missed throw taking away your only L6 Spear filled with all your favourite mods you've been able to find. Nobody else has to perodically risk effectively destroying their primary weapon, a lot of resources can go into it. It can instantly make you regret having chosen the Spear path, or restict yourself to only using it as a sub-par melee weapon.

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Either that or allow us to make a simple weapon mod for spears that allows us to it, like a painted cloth tied to the end highlighting it for longer or something. I like spears, but can't use them anymore since I keep losing them among grass that I can't clear fast enough before the spear despawns. That is if they despawn at all. I'll never know. I tried using just stone spears in case I lost another iron one, early game, and Kept losing those too after awhile. It may be a bug with thrown spears landing on slanted surfaces, but I have permanently lost quite a few.

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