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High brightness at night, very good visibility bug


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Hey everyone! Just wanted to post a note for anyone that can "see everything" at night, even at the darkest hours.


On my current save i checked a few settings in the video tab, among them was Reflections Quality. Of course with my rig it's down to low settings. After logging into the world again i had a very bright setting on, basically able to go out at night and see everything around. Some textures seem over saturated (bright), which means most things look very good.


SOLUTION: Turn Reflections Quality to "Low" (or any other value) and click apply. The view should change back to how it should (if it's night you should stop seeing everything so clear). You can turn the setting back to "Off" if you want to.


SPECIAL NOTE: I can't say if it's due to me previously messing with Reflections Quality settings or simply with leaving it at "Off" after logging out of the game. Just be sure that it's somewhat game breaking as someone could be using this at night and "cheat" their way against others.

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