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Trouble playing with friends


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So last night I was playing with my two friends for up until night 6. We were having no problems what so ever but I had to leave for some time. However when I came back when I joined my friends never saw the notification that I would join, I was able to move around and open doors but no matter where I went my friends always saw me standing in one spot. Eventually I would be kicked back into the main menu with no explanation as to why. Now the problem has progressed to where they can't even see my character when I join, they cant see any chats I type but I'm able to freely move around and watch them in real time but the game just acts as if i'm not even in the game. I don't think it has to do with internet because Discord and ANY other game is perfectly fine. I have done a clean reinstall and restarted my wifi and PC. We are at a loss on what to do, someone please help.


Also I can join other servers and play perfectly fine, my problem is just only with my friends server. Also my other friend who we were playing with can join just fine. I need help quickly because we were about to experience our first horde night together and they dont want me to miss it.

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Moved to the support section, since this isn't a bug report.


Please read the Sticky thread that tells you to read it before creating a new thread. (Just like the one that was in the Bug Reports section.)

Then simply follow instructions and provide the necessary information.

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