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[MOD] Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival


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So your last post was a while ago, FC, but I'm hoping you might come across this. My wife and I just finished our 6th or 7th play through of BTW and I had that post-play through, "I wonder if there are any other good games out there?", feeling and found 7 Days.


I'm wondering if your thoughts on A12, mostly playable out-of-box, still hold for A16?


Well, I certainly haven't given up on 7 Days no, however my inspiration for modding largely comes from trying to get the gameplay experiences I'm looking for as a player, so if that's provided by stock, and my ability to improve things beyond that point is limited by the modding capabilities of the game (there's a ton of stuff I'd like to do if I had the ability to create code mods), then there's just not a lot of incentive there :)


Right now I feel I'd just be going through the "must update the mod" motions rather than bringing anything substantial to the table.


And yeah, I can certainly hear you on the recipes and such. I took a number of notes on things I wanted to change as I played A12 stock, but IMO, it really didn't add up to anything significant enough to make it worthwhile this time around.


Who knows though, I may feel inspired to start up another game during A12, at which point it'll be highly likely that I mod it as I go, and will be sure to post back here if that's the case.

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I wasn't aware of this mod. But if anyone sees something salvageable for the current game, there's an interesting part of the modding policy that could apply here.


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