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[MOD] Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival


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One possible issue I can see is the day 6 random 20 dog hordes. I just went through it, they came at 9:20 am, I saw them coming and managed to duck all but the first three. Unfortunately, with nothing but a spiked club 3 dogs was still too much. My guess is that the sheer number of dogs must be a bug in the game, but it's a bit more pronounce in BTGB since we often don't have guns yet on day 6.


Arrows help there too btw.


I went through my first day 6 dog fest earlier today as well, and yeah, I'm not entirely certain about it myself. I too had 3 dogs peel off the hoard and come after me, but the spiked club worked fine for me in getting rid of them (and I have an infection I haven't been able to cure yet as well, so I was short on stamina to boot). If I hadn't seen them coming and happened to be caught in the middle of the wave though, I suspect I would have bought it, and wouldn't have felt it to be a fair death.


Will think on it some more, but I really don't think that dog wave is necessary. I heard mention that it was intended as a warning for the day 7 hoard, but I don't think one was really necessary, nor do I think it really serves that purpose, and is probably actually more dangerous than what it's trying to warn about.


So yeah, I suspect I'll probably get rid of it. With feral zombies in particular, the day 7 hoard is a bit of a non-event anyways. It definitely does more damage than a regular night (I was actually chopping trees to fortify in preparation when the dogs attacked), but is nowhere close to the "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" factor of 20 dogs running at you in the middle of the day :p

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Will think on it some more, but I really don't think that dog wave is necessary. I heard mention that it was intended as a warning for the day 7 hoard, but I don't think one was really necessary, nor do I think it really serves that purpose, and is probably actually more dangerous than what it's trying to warn about.


I'd have to agree - I've played a few vanilla playthroughs so far, and that dog-pack is basically the only real risk that doesn't involve either A) zeds beaming down from the Enterprise right on top of you ( ;) ) or B) carelessness.


I'm also not a big fan of it as I feel that it's diluting the dogs' presence; they should really be only found in the tougher biomes. I've verified experimentally (by reducing them to 10% of their normal speed and 1% health) that they're the real cause of danger, risk, and infection in most situations. With nerfed dogs, I can pretty much roam around where I please in vanilla, as long as I don't get stupid and/or spawned on. I was even kiting about fifteen zombie cops from a late horde one day, not nearly as dangerous as a dog or three catching you unaware.

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I'd have to agree - I've played a few vanilla playthroughs so far, and that dog-pack is basically the only real risk that doesn't involve either A) zeds beaming down from the Enterprise right on top of you ( ;) ) or B) carelessness.


I'm also not a big fan of it as I feel that it's diluting the dogs' presence; they should really be only found in the tougher biomes. I've verified experimentally (by reducing them to 10% of their normal speed and 1% health) that they're the real cause of danger, risk, and infection in most situations. With nerfed dogs, I can pretty much roam around where I please in vanilla, as long as I don't get stupid and/or spawned on. I was even kiting about fifteen zombie cops from a late horde one day, not nearly as dangerous as a dog or three catching you unaware.


Yeah, I feel the same way about it. I don't mind so much the occasional dog and/or cop in the night time hordes when you're in "defense mode", and to make getting out of your fort in the morning more interesting, but definitely for the daytime zombies I think restricting them by biome is a better approach.


BTW: Have you dealt with the new ferals any? I've yet to encounter one and I've been wondering where there difficulty level is at.

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.3 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


Download Link


This release contains the following changes:


-Updated the mod to Alpha 11.2 of 7 Days to Die.


-Added a progression to both the difficulty level and rewards (in terms of potential loot) available in several different biomes. I'll leave the details of this for the player to discover, but a word to the wise: there are likely some places you don't want to go initially, and as a general rule of thumb, the more "alive" a biome is, the lower risk, and lower payout, it usually is. If you find yourself initially spawning in an area with little natural life, then it is likely a good idea to get out as quickly as possible. This is a pretty major change to the way the game plays, so I would suggest starting a new game to take full advantage of it.


-Added quality level to wooden bows. It doesn't affect the damage dealt, but it does greatly affect the durability, similar to what I previously did with the blunderbuss.


-Added the ability to repair wooden bows with plant fibers.


-Changed a bunch more windows and window frames to break like glass for the same reasons as previous releases.


-Changed (increased) the amount of loot found in medicine cabinets, once again to balance for the reduced number of buildings in BTGB.


-Changed dogs and burnt zombies to be immune to fire damage as they were getting killed running around in the burnt forest biome due to the cinders.


-Removed the day 6 dog horde as it had the potential for a lot of unfair deaths.


-Removed feral zombies from cave spawns, making them exclusive to the wasteland and some rare night hordes.


-Removed the "iron sights" zoom mode from the wooden bow as with the lower velocity and shorter range, it's actually way harder to aim with it than without, and it was bound to cause confusion for players habituated to using them for other weapons as a result.


Enjoy! :)

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while you're trying to supress POI thus reduce the number of settlements, pimps just loosened the grip for more.... i assume?


Nah, was a bug in the previous versions that was causing POIs not to appear when they were supposed to. Was happy to see it fixed, as it also resulted in some more interesting shapes and POI diversity that I was able to take advantage of in the last release :)

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Quick question, was there a reason for having the blunderbuss and blunderbuss ammo recipes in so many of your books?


Yup, it's intended as a primitive weapon that's just a slight upgrade from the bow, and only really better in specific circumstances. I did that so that it would likely be available before you can put together a modern firearm, and because I figured that putting it together wouldn't be that hard for someone to figure out if they have knowledge in one of several fields.


The blunderbuss itself is rebalanced in the mod to fill that progression gap between bow and modern firearms. It's mainly good as a one-shot "panic weapon" if you're being chased by dogs or otherwise want to take out a zombie quickly for whatever reason.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I may try to run your mod on my server to see how it plays in MP. I'll have to make some small adjustments, but the bulk of your Mod looks pretty good.


BTW: In case you are planning on using this for a server, I know back in alpha 10 there was a problem related to items added by mods not properly relaying to the clients if they didn't have a mod installed as well.


Not sure if it has since been fixed, but it may be something to keep in mind. This is a general 7 Days issue I'm talking about, not something specifically related to BTGB.


I only really play single player myself, so I can't make any guarantees about how it'll behave in a multiplayer environment.

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I'm already pretty committed to a particular saved game so I'm hesitant about trying the latest version, I don't want the new biome difficulty mechanic to mess up my zombie spawning.


Yeah, I can hear that. I decided to revamp things at the same time as a new vanilla update, since those usually trash save games anyways.


As an aside, if you want to keep that save, DO NOT download the 11.2b4 hotfix from earlier today. As I describe here:




It seems to have serious issues with maintaining worldgen when you save/load. I got caught by it earlier today and have been fiddling with it for hours trying to figure out what was going wrong before finally confirming it's a problem with the new build.

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.31 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


Download Link


This release contains the following changes:


-Updated the mod to Alpha 11.2b4 of 7 Days to Die.


-Added the ability to break sleeping bags down into cloth.


-Added the ability to scrap flashlights into iron.


-Changed "Stunning Defeat Gardening" (the seed skill book) to be a rare one.


-Changed a few things about giant bees to make them more aggressive and dangerous.


-Changed (increased) the run speed of burnt zombies slightly as the animation for them running looked odd relative to their speed.


-Changed (increased) the wellness gain from vitamins given they're so rare in the mod, and to provide a buff which increases wellness slowly over time instead of all at once. Was a bit of a letdown to eat them only for them to not have a visible impact on your wellness, and was a bit silly when you'd raid a Pop'n'pills and down bottle after bottle to make yourself instantly healthier :)


-Changed the spiked club to be repaired with nails rather than metal strips.


-Changed (reduced) the number of eggs and feathers you get from nests.


-Changed shotgun shells and magnum rounds to be scrapable.


-Changed (increased) the movement speed of snow zombies slightly to better match their animation and make them more dangerous.


-Changed goldenrod to be exclusive to the plains for a little more biome diversity.


-Removed cotton from the plains and pine forest biomes for the same reason.


-Removed bird nests from snow biome for same reason.


-Removed damage from cactus as both animals and zombies are terrible at avoiding them and it was causing a lot of random mob deaths as a result.


Enjoy! :)

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Just as an aside, I'm *really* happy with how this whole round of biome progression balancing I've been doing the past couple of releases plays out.


A week or so into my current game, I managed to scare the crap out of myself in a snow biome last night, in one of the most intense 7 Days experience I think I've ever had. I don't want to to describe it in too much detail due to spoilers, but I'm still camped out on the roof of a gas station there and kinda afraid to boot the game back up :)


But yeah, the combination of the sounds and new atmospheric effects the pimps added in alpha 11 with the various tweaks I've been making is just downright terrifying. I really don't recommend going in there until you've progressed a decent amount, or without a spare pair of shorts ;)

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is there a loot respawn in this mod? failed to remember from the previous.

esp. i am asking about libraries. should i expect born and noble to respawn books later?


That's determined by the game options. I recommend that it be played without loot respawn, and that's the way I always play it myself, but you can set it as you please.


Personally, I think that option really detracts from the experience, especially with the biome progression changes I've been making recently that really give you a reason to go out and explore, but whatever floats your boat :)

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having looted born and noble i had a nice collection of 32 plain books :) i keep the faith


Is this with the most recent release? If so I am wondering how you gained access to the book store to begin with, nevermind why you would want to ever go back again.


I strongly suspect you'd need some serious military grade firepower and armor to do it now. I think I still have PTSD from just testing it out in creative mode ;)


If you managed to find some kind of loophole there, please do let me know so I can plug it. I've tried to set things up so gaining access to a bookstore really isn't feasible in the early game, as it stands a good chance of breaking the progression.

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we have just started a new server with your files.... ups i think i forgot to patch my own client? do i need to patch my client too? is it the reason why i had a bookstore?


Depends where you are. If you're in a burnt forest, you may get small bookstores. If you're in the city, you may also get large ones.


Both biomes are extremely difficult to survive in, especially the city (they're presently the 2 hardest biomes). Client files shouldn't matter for world generation. I'm not sure if current versions of 7 Days require it to be installed on both, but even if it did, it wouldn't impact where buildings appear as that's determined entirely server-side.

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