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nullreference with changed RepairTools value on battery

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Testing out my mod that adds in the small battery to be a power source in my mini battery bank, I had changed this property


<property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>




<property name="RepairTools" value="resourceScrapLead"/>


but found that when clicking on the dead battery in my inventory I was given a null reference error in 2 different games. I figured it must have been this material change because it seemed the only odd thing in my changes, by changing it either to resourceScrapIron or back to the resourceRepairKit it was fine and the null reference did not happen.

i feel the repair kit is a bit expensive to use as a repair method for this battery, and changing it to the scrap iron costs 50 of the suckers, again well out of the leauge of what it should cost to recharge AA batteries. IS there anyway that I can change the RepairTools value to something not normally used and if not is it possible to change how many iron it costs to repair?

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