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Another stamina thread [A17.1]


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The problem comes when you assume that your trollish responses are ONLY going to be seen by those pesky misbehaving posters. Anyone can read them no matter if they've posted before or are brand new and just lurking looking for answers. I mean, I get it. I love responding with snark and sarcasm. It's a bit different when you are in a position of authority, however. Not a good look, especially to people who might be new and not understand the history and dynamic between certain people on the forums.

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There is no game in the world you know how to play first time you start it.We have youtube now, its not like 15 years ago.First time i started the game, i had no idea that zombies rut at night , no idea about 7 day horde.Then, i restarted, built a base, and got killed on day 7 because i did not know about spider zombies, so i restarted again...

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Tooltip when hovering over the bars is a good idea. Someone else suggested it as well.


Maybe if they made the pencil look like a paper clip and it would jump out of the scenery and talk to you with word bubbles while bouncing in the corner....


[Clippy]: I see you're starving. Would you like help with that?

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Funny thing being is that getting Water for a new player is one of the most hardest things to do.


When i started with 7D2D, i did not know my hand from my foot. And did not know you needed a cooking pot to boil water ( every game has different mechanisms ). When i knew that detail ( Google ), finding it was hell ( at that time, those alphas cooking pot RNG was extreme low ). And all that time i had cans in my toolbar that can be used for cooking water. And i did not know it!! And that also brings me to another grip for 10 alphas. You can boil water with a can but you can not boil anything else with it ( i call bs on that ).


Stuff like this is a typical issue with 7D2D where veterans expect new player to know these "tricks". Or even the devs being arrogant how people need to read a journal, when most new players are just trying to survive and not getting eaten by Zombies.


Its veterans that know when they can simply stand around and do things like inventory management / quest / journal looking without being zombie attacked. And at the same time, its Veterans that do not look at Journals because they think its useless information because they are veterans. One of those catch 22s. :smile-new:


But yea, the starting experience can be very brutal for new players. And can be very off putting. Even in the old Alphas. A17 really ramped up this issue more with the whole Stamina drain, 50 sleepers in POIs, the broken stealth ( so new player have a hard time falling back on that ) etc.


And no, do not bother commenting how you can do better, sorry people, you are all veterans who know the ins and outs of 7D2D. You can not relive / replicate the experience new players to the game. Even running A17 for the first time, you already had massive knowledge of the game mechanics and crafting systems.


Getting a mini tutorial for empty cans + dirty water is probably a very good starter addition. Why do we even have a campfire tutorial if we have no cooking part to it.


My intention was to instruct, not to come off as condescending . When i started playing myself, i had the advantage of having watched a few lets plays ( Games4Kickz is my fav 7days streamer) , so i had an idea of what i was doing going in. But, I still had to ask questions, and still do from time to time.


So when someone shows up confused, I'll offer any insight i can.

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Part of the problem here may be that the journal entries don't fully explain mechanics.


For example, the "Survival" entry does talk about caps and health/stamina damage and how to heal damage. However, I couldn't find any explanation of when or why stamina or health damage happens. Maybe the intent is for the player to figure this out on their own, but if I'm surprised by zombies and am fighting for my life (especially as a new player!) then I'm not going to have a clear idea of what lowered my caps. I'm not a new player, and after playing the latest experimental for a few hours, I have some ideas on what's going on, but I'm still not clear on how the new system works.


Likewise, the journal entry for "Hot Weather" pops up when you're overheating, but doesn't actually explain the effects of hot weather, just how to avoid overheating. The info text for the overheating status effect does have more information, but is only available while you're overheating, so if you get indoors to safety before reading, then you might not find the information.

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