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Suggestion on Perks/Questions


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Why did people feel it was needed to remove recipes you could find and put it into a perk system that is based on level? I am learning that may be the biggest killer for me on A17 that it is now level based, and the best way to level is kill zombies.


I don't see a good way to say that killing zombies will make me good at making a forge, bike, etc.


To me, the recipes were the most realistic aspect of the game before and I loved it. Average joe isn't going to just figure out how to make metal, but finding a book can teach someone.


So, are recipes gone forever? I would like to see them truly brought back and used as raid boss type drops. We have POI's now, maybe have one feral in specific POI's that have a higher chance of dropping books. Mechanic shop drops bikes, jeeps, etc recipes. Book store bosses drop forge recipes, etc. There are so many other ways to try and keep the replay level high and also draw out the game play without leveling.


I have really enjoyed this game for a number of years now and even got my wife to play(she is not a gamer, but loves zombie apocalypse stuff). We were both excited for A17, but seems that after just a few levels of playing we are both kind of bummed out because looting seems to not matter as much since everything seems to be gated on levels.


If trying to make more MP friendly moves, maybe make it that when you start on a new server your character can have a skill set that they start with(mechanics, forge, etc).


Just my random thoughts and I am hoping that there are some balance changes that make the game play feel less grindy.

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I have really enjoyed this game for a number of years now and even got my wife to play(she is not a gamer, but loves zombie apocalypse stuff). We were both excited for A17, but seems that after just a few levels of playing we are both kind of bummed out because looting seems to not matter as much since everything seems to be gated on levels.


Well, in a sense, looting is important because you find a lot of zombies in POIs. /s


But yes, pretty much everything is related to global experience points obtained mostly by killing zombies and a bit by doing other stuff like mining. Which i'm fine with for all the trees BUT the Intelligence one, who should be treated differently (books, quests, special monsters drops, etc) and be THE reason to go out there and loot everything.


This Alpha feels weird and inconsistent as in there's been some AMAZING features like a ton of brand new POIs, but other systems like the removal of books actually make looting less needed than ever.

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I understand that. But that is easily fixable, by adding features to the actual system instead of removing some. Like making quests give specific recipes as rewards, drastically reducing the chance of finding schematics you already read (thus raising the probability each time that the next is the one you're looking for), etc etc. But mapping out a static progression journey which packs no surprise at all no matter how many times you start over ? No way.

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What I think would be good is maybe the POI's be used as dungeons, where specific ones would have a feral and if you kill it then there is a much higher probability of getting specific things like high end recipes. Then killing a bunch of zombies doesn't feel quite like a chore, but more of a valid grind to hopefully get what you needed. Just my 2 cents. I feel keeping books, but than having high end quests or POI's to get them, makes it feel more like you are working towards something and not just grinding away to get needed points. Plus it adds the element of having to search for the POI's that may have what you are looking for.


There are so many ways to tweak things back to a fun state, IMO.

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Yup. The thing I most complain about is the new building style the AI encourages, which I hate. But on the long run, I think not going out to explore for finding important recipes, and instead just farming zombies to unlock them, will be even worse.

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