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Improvements for the dedicated server


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After a while (like hours) I randomly get a SSE error "Can not write to endpoint, closing", and then csmm can't see what happens in game anymore, until I restart the server. Sometimes it comes back for seconds and processing outdated log lines, and it goes down again.
Is there a linux setting I can apply to prevent those?

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Posted (edited)

Do you have a full log with such an error? (Ideally with knowing the time it happened in the log :) )


Typically that's caused by the client closing the connection, so in that case CSMM. Reconnecting afterwards should be fine though, but I'm not sure what Cata has implemented in that regard.

/EDIT 1: When it happens, can you still use the game's web dashboard to look at the log output?

/EDIT 2: Do you also use the game's web dashboard for the server? If so, is it only you or are there a bunch of people accessing it at the same time, possibly permanently with the console / log section open?

/EDIT 3: Re edit1: When it happens, can you still use the game's webdashboard in general (so *both* log output specifically as well as other functions like looking at settings or whatever or even just reloading the page)

Edited by Alloc (see edit history)
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I'm still wating for an opportunity to get you that info, as it often happens when I'm not around. In the meantime, seems like the latest update broke the server fixes:

2024-07-12T03:15:41 116.098 ERR [MODS] Error while executing SavePlayerData on mod "Allocs_Core"
2024-07-12T03:15:41 116.099 EXC Field not found: int .ItemValue.Quality Due to: Could not find field in class

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I too got an error, no one in game (server locked) and using 'visitmap full'. CPM and CSMM running:


2024-07-12T12:30:01 1763.761 INF Executing command 'say "ANNOUNCEMENT: Hit the ESC key to locate server rules and instructions for play."' by WebCommandResult_for_say

2024-07-12T12:30:01 1763.769 ERR [MODS] Error while executing ChatMessage on mod "Allocs_Core"

2024-07-12T12:30:01 1763.774 EXC Method not found: NetPackageChat .NetPackageChat.Setup(EChatType,int,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<int>)

at ModEventInterruptible`6[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6].Invoke (T1 _a1, T2 _a2, T3 _a3, T4 _a4, T5 _a5, T6 _a6) [0x00011] in <a5e1e08580dc4adeb353dc7dd8a39ba5>:0



ModEventAbs`1:LogError(Exception, Receiver)

ModEventInterruptible`6:Invoke(ClientInfo, EChatType, Int32, String, String, List`1)

GameManager:ChatMessageServer(ClientInfo, EChatType, Int32, String, List`1, EMessageSender)

ConsoleCmdServerMessage:Execute(List`1, CommandSenderInfo)

SdtdConsole:DMD<System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] SdtdConsole:executeCommand(System.String, CommandSenderInfo)>(SdtdConsole, String, CommandSenderInfo)

MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:SyncProxy<System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] SdtdConsole:executeCommand(System.String, CommandSenderInfo)>(SdtdConsole, String, CommandSenderInfo)


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On 7/8/2024 at 6:14 AM, Alloc said:

Do you have a full log with such an error? (Ideally with knowing the time it happened in the log :) )


Typically that's caused by the client closing the connection, so in that case CSMM. Reconnecting afterwards should be fine though, but I'm not sure what Cata has implemented in that regard.

/EDIT 1: When it happens, can you still use the game's web dashboard to look at the log output?

/EDIT 2: Do you also use the game's web dashboard for the server? If so, is it only you or are there a bunch of people accessing it at the same time, possibly permanently with the console / log section open?

/EDIT 3: Re edit1: When it happens, can you still use the game's webdashboard in general (so *both* log output specifically as well as other functions like looking at settings or whatever or even just reloading the page)

Yes I can still use the game's web dashboard to look at the log output
I had to create my webuser and checked I'm the only one there
Commands like gg and lpi work fine in webdashboard

The last acknowledged by csmm log line was 
2024-07-12T16:36:31 8309.459 INF GMSG: Player 'Kimina' joined the game


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Hm, if the web dashboard shows the log output fine and CSMM does not capture anything and/or can not reconnect that seems to indicate the 7d server side is fine at that point. Checking with Cata.


Also interestingly your log does not show any SSE related errors like dropped/timed out connections. Does not have to say anything but still unexpected if there's issues with the connection.

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So far neither Cata nor I have further ideas what's going on there. From what Cata found it seems to be you're the only one hit by that right now - which is kinda unfortunate as it also limits the available data.


From what you said it seems like it's not an issue with the game side server. If you can still use the game's web dashboard it means the server is running and responding fine. So if CSMM/Takaro are no longer connected at that time it must either be on the client side (i.e. CSMM/Takaro in this setup) or something in between on the network level.

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FYI:  Using the latest/greatest on your site, I'm still getting NetPackageChat errors in the logs.  HERE are some of the error examples.  OC (ST author) notified of the same.

Love it still.  Wish they'd put all your fixes in place by now

Edited by i_robot73 (see edit history)
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Sorry, but if you get that error it's not the latest version. That specific issue was fixed in the core mod v34. Maybe you tried updating the mods while the server was running?

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4 hours ago, Alloc said:

Sorry, but if you get that error it's not the latest version. That specific issue was fixed in the core mod v34. Maybe you tried updating the mods while the server was running?

Nope, not while up.  I'll give it another whirl & let her rip for a bit, see what she does & report back.  Thanks again.

EDIT:  I did note THIS confirmed bug, does ASF require a specific load order (I still have most mods in my UserData specific folder as TFP indicated that was going to be their 'forced' location going forward)??

Edited by i_robot73 (see edit history)
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I keep getting this error on a timed CSMM shutdown/restart :

ERR [Web] In ApiHandler.HandleRequest(): Handler GetPlayersOnline threw an exception:
2024-07-28T18:00:07 43171.183 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AllocsFixes.WebAPIs.GetPlayersOnline.HandleRequest (Webserver.RequestContext _context) [0x00057] in E:\allocs_mod_legacy\MapRendering\API\GetPlayersOnline.cs:41 
  at Webserver.UrlHandlers.ApiHandler.HandleRequest (Webserver.RequestContext _context) [0x0010e] in E:\allocs_mod\WebServer\src\UrlHandlers\ApiHandler.cs:111 
Webserver.UrlHandlers.ApiHandler:HandleRequest(RequestContext) (at E:\allocs_mod\WebServer\src\UrlHandlers\ApiHandler.cs:115)
Webserver.Web:ApplyPathHandler(RequestContext) (at E:\allocs_mod\WebServer\src\Web.cs:288)
Webserver.Web:HandleRequest(IAsyncResult) (at E:\allocs_mod\WebServer\src\Web.cs:249)
SpaceWizards.HttpListener.ListenerAsyncResult:InvokeCallback(Object) (at E:\allocs_mod\SpaceWizards.HttpListener\src\System\Net\Managed\ListenerAsyncResult.Managed.cs:99)


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Oh, misunderstood you before. Thought you meant CSMM was restarting and it caused an error. This error on shutdown of the game server is not really an issue :) 

Will still have a look at what exactly might be the cause. Probably have to make sure the web server is shut down earlier.

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1 hour ago, RippedWarrior said:

HI there, I have only 2 mods installed on an a server running ubuntu, CSMM Patrons and Allocs Fixes. When I add Allocs Fixes to my mods folder, all zombies on the server become static. Does anyone know of this issue?

Thank you,

And, w/o running CSMM??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been having issues where the map does not show up. I also did the visit map command and still nothing when I log in to look at my livemap. I included my mod version along with a screenshot of the v1.0 XML settings. I am renting a server and not sure if the port has anything to do with the issue or not. Any help would be appreciated.

Allooc's mod versions.jpg

XML settings.jpg

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Not really mod related ;)

Anyway, for the map to show up you need to make sure rendering is enabled (which you did) and the user accessing the page has permissions to view it. Either by having a user with permission level 0 logged in or having the webapi.map and web.map permission both be met by the user (e.g. user without any permission set would be 1000, so make sure webapi.map and web.map both are *at least* 1000).

You can see if the user logged in has those permissions by clicking the user in the menu, it will show a table with all permissions that are currently given.

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