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Posts posted by DiegoLBC1

  1. Well, I want to leave my 2 cents, based on my gaming experience and the reports I've seen here. I apologize in advance, I'm using Googlew Translate. If you don't understand something, let me know and I'll correct it.


    In summary, I didn't notice differences in stealth in A20 compared to A19. Yes, many zombies fall from the ceiling or out of the closets, but this only brought me "more scares", because as reported (I also noticed) many times the zombies don't know I'm there. It brings me more "excitement" when performing a stealth loot, but at the same time it's predictable and doesn't cause as much surprise. Why is it predictable?


    Because since I started playing, currently with 1300+ hours played, I always saw zombies falling from the ceiling or in closets, and in A19 this was a sign of combat, they already knew I was there and they came directly to me. In A20 this keeps happening, but often it's just a "scare", if I keep stealth, walk away and don't despair I succeed in stealth.


    When I say "predictability", it's that I know these "tricks" of zombies on the ceiling or closets a long time, it's easy for me to just shoot an arrow in the closet, I find zombies in them 90% of the time, so the murder is right, I ALWAYS check closets and ceilings, and because of that there is no surprise.


    My tactic always boils down to this, since A19:


    - Going across the floor with Stone Ax in hand > remove the trash on the doors > sneak into the room leaning against the wall while looking around. Closet doors? Shoot an arrow. Zombie in the closet? Arrow to the head.


    - Going through the ceiling, bow and arrow in hand. If I need to jump into a room or the vertical ladder removes me from stealth mode, I jump and immediately click the button to crouch before I hit the floor. Then I look around as in the item above.


    Anyway, for a long time I thought that stealth was broken, but after upgrading to the A20 I noticed that it just seems more difficult because of the zombies coming out of closets more easily and giving me "scares", but I also realized that just need to I keep calm, for "it was nothing but a fright," they had not seen me yet.

  2. I have over 1300 hours in this game, and even today I find myself discarding things I didn't want discart, I've already eaten glass twice and scrapped weapons thinking I was repairing countless times.


    It never bothered me. Just assume it was a stupidity/inattentive , and don't repeat it next time, you can use mods, modify your keybind, anyway, you have several options to correct it, you can't wait for TFP to take care of players like a mother takes care of their spoiled children.

    "I can do everything, but not everything suits me"


  3. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I'd be interested to know how many people play shared xp with default proximity rules in place.


    I play on a server where the share is 100m or less (I don't remember what the vanilla default is), and that's fine with me.

    I'm basically in charge of hunting, while my friend is in charge of food and construction. As my playing time is short, I go hunting about 80% of the time, so he will have enough resources to make food for us when he enters the game. When our schedules coincide and we play together we do quests, build and loot.

    That's why he's currently above level 20, maybe 30, and I'm still below 20. The difference is small, but I noticed that when we face hordes or do missions the difficulty is based on the highest level, so it ends up being more difficult for me keep up, but still, I don't think there's anything that justifies full XP sharing, our backpacks are already heavy enough to carry others player too.

    I think everyone should do their part. Being responsible for hunting doesn't make me any less responsible for fighting during blood moons, or that I can't help with construction. If a person doesn't like such actions then I think he should go his own way, it's not fair or fun that just one player to carry all on group

    PS: Yes, when he can't play I also take care of building and cooking, but as he already has a focus on these skills he uses less resources than I do.  Likewise, when we need to hunt, I collect more resources for having invested in "Huntersman". So we help as we can

  4. The opposite happens with me. Due to the short time I have to play, my friends always evolve, so sometimes they are level 50 and I'm still level 20, it seems like they always look for my friends and ignore me completely. 🤔

    Anyway, it helps me stealth kill them (XP bonus kills) 😂


    PS: many other times they pass me by and ignore me. Sometimes I'm alone on the street, they look at me, come towards me, suddenly turn away and start punching the walls 🤪

  5. 14 minutes ago, Biscoitoso said:

    Hello everyone!!! 😄


    Heres my opinion 😅


    1: I dont like the replanting method, it is very irritating. Also I think we should have a machine what automatically collect the crops, but of course it is a top tier machine for late game.
    2: Why farms grow too fast?

    3: Why farms dont need water?
    4: Why we can have good farms in the desert, wasteland and snow?
    5: Why we dont need fertilizers?

    In a short answer I could say "it's still in Alpha". But that would be too generic. Based on that, I believe (but I'm not sure) that they will be able to modify the system before the game goes gold. 

    I agree with your points, and would like you to add them in the future:

    1- Agree, we had hoe before. A harvesting machine would be welcome


    2- They could actually increase the growth time of the plants. Maybe different times for each type, for example, corn takes longer than pumpkin


    3- It's another nice addition, for obvious reasons.


    4- A good point, although I'm not sure if they could implement it, and how to implement it. Maybe need a greenhouse to plant in the desert, or something. Being a climate-controlled greenhouse, it would be suitable for any biome. They could change the harvest "profits" according to the biome, perhaps implement harvest loss due to hostile weather, in short, there are many possibilities.

    5- I believe that the agricultural plot is made "already fertilized". One option would be to reduce the health of the plot with each harvest, so you need to "fix" it using some material (similar to wood/concrete blocks). as "fertilizer", and uses it to repair the agricultural plot.

    Again I say, the game is not finished yet, so I'm not using the "Alpha version" argument just to justify, but with the hope that they will be able to implement these changes before officially releasing the final game.

  6. 2 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Do you understand the system i suggest? It would likely mean less food overall for many players since it comes at a cost, resources would be limited in a healthy way where players can invest more into food if they want it or not by choosing fertilizer over gunpowder or duct tape (or whatever other use rotten meat has)



    No, it wouldn't be "healthy". Satisfying hunger is just another aspect of survival, and as such it should also be part of your quest. You need to invest points in skills or read recipes to be able to do something, the workbench for example, and even with all the points in LotL you still need to learn some recipes (like making seeds). Some foods you need to learn by reading recipes or unlock by investing points in a specific skill. Unlike eggs, which you can only find in nests Likewise agriculture. It is not mandatory and you can very well survive without it. You argue that you don't want to invest in LotL to have a "sustainable farm", and I argue that it is not necessary to spend useful resources in other areas and have more work to have an agriculture without investing in LotL, as it would be much more painful due to time divided between hunting, loot, missions. By logic, farming is not mandatory, it is much easier to invest in LotL as my game evolves and achieve my stability, in the same way that I evolve my strength, my intellect, my health.


    2 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    What are your actual arguments against my idea? you just seem to be making snide comments with no real substance and it just makes it seem like you have no actual idea on what im talking about.

    "no need" food does need to be infinite as demand is infinite.

    "just put points into living off the land" i dont want that to be mandatory to have a replenishable food source, the system should work fine without it and i think the design of it currently is either too rewarding with full investment or too punishing without investment. I want to cap how productive it is while making it so that without it its still worth farming.


    I need the meat to make my food, so I go hunting. The supply of live animals is higher than zombie animals, so to get rotten meat I would have to take raw meat and turn it into rotten meat.

    A lot of effort for nothing, even putting at risk the (little) supply of meat, as you said yourself, just to make agricultural plots and "fertilizers", to maintain a farm that is not mandatory. 

    Everything in the game has its "reward" and its "punishment". If you die you get a penalty, if you get infected you can go a long time without finding antibiotics, but the lack of viable farming without investing in LotL is not a punishment, as I mentioned before, because you can survive without it,  isn't  mandatory, and many other things will be locked behind skill points or recipes, like better Weapons/Tools you need to invest in skills, and some you still need to read the recipe before you can do.

    "I want to cap how productive it is while making it so that without it its still worth farming.",

    Well, you can, just choose if you want to invest 1, 2, 3 or no points. Without any points you just plant the seed and reap the product. With all points you can plant, reap with some profit + chances of extra seeds. It is a scalable limiter.


    2 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    "yeah infinite food but no pain no gain"

    See, i just dont think solving an entire problem with 3 perk points is good design, i think that the rewards should be locked behind gameplay not just the menu. All other gathering perks make gathering better but not mandatory.


    Meat is guaranteed from animals, you dont lose meat when harvesting chickens.


    You don't lose meat when harvesting chickens, but you harvest a lot more when you invest in "The Huntersman". And with the meat collected you don't make another chicken, you have to hunt again, and again, and again. Likewise, you don't lose when you harvest agriculture, but you gain much more when you invest in LotL. If it is to be compared, we can then leave agriculture like the chicken, never return seeds to do other agriculture, and force everyone to plunder more and more to find new seeds. A little irrational, no? Yes, because there is no way to compare agriculture with animals in this case.

    Food is not guaranteed with animals, as you always have to hunt, struggling with bad weapons at first, and harvesting little meat. So you improve your weapons, you improve your meat collection, and then you feel less and less need to hunt, as you start to collect more and more meat as you evolve until you find a "stability" (and stability is not a guarantee, as you will still need hunt sometimes to get more meat)

    But to get there you need to invest in skills and / or learn recipes, whether to improve the collection of better meats, or manufacture weapons among other things, it needs a lot more investment.  Anyway: "No pain, no gain."


    2 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    "Oh yeah, farming is a lot of work, so I want to do more work, spending other resources that I use to make better weapons, hunt better, just survive better, because I don't want to keep planting every seed and invest points in LoTL"


    Yes. Being able to invest resources i would otherwise use to advance my state in the game on food because i dont want to go hungry is exactly what i want. Currently the only gameplay surrounding farming is whether you invested in LotL, i think that is bad design and having a way to make farming profitable by putting in some effort is a good compromise. Its not free, so why not?



    It's no use having abundant and infinite agriculture, guaranteed food, if you also need to invest in weapons, strength, health, specific skills for certain weapons. I don't want to share resources with agriculture, because you can live very well without a farm.

    See: just like other points in the game, agriculture is there, you can plant a seed and get some return, and you will receive much more if you invest more too. Without investment in LotL farming will be like hunting meat: you will always need to loot to find seeds/end product, or buy the seeds/end product from the Trader.

    This is called SURVIVAL, and hunger is just another aspect of survival.

    Anyway, you won't starve to death without farming. You can hunt, you don't have to follow a single path, you have choices.


    2 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    "they take time and some challenge to obtain (not free)"
    "🤔 ???????????
    Why not an extra challenge to have a viable agriculture? You invest in strength, health, intellect to be able to manufacture things and survive, suffer less damage. But NOTHING will fall from the sky if you just sit at home. Except the Air Drops, but you still need to go to them."


    Im not sure what you are trying to say here?



    Yeah, farming also takes time and challenge to get. By investing in Huntersman you get a lot more meat, but you still need to keep hunting, apart from other investments I've mentioned above (weapons, health, intellect, strength).

    Your challenge in agriculture also exists, as you need to go out, loot, find many items to do many things, including seeds. Agriculture is not free either, because even with investment in LotL you can go bankrupt if you don't know how to manage your stock. For example ammo: even if you can manufacture and have "abundance" in the loot, your ammo can run out if you don't know how to use it, if you spend it unnecessarily

    In the same way you can use all crops just to make food and run out of resources to convert into seeds, and the chances of return are also not guaranteed, you can plant 10 plots and only receive 4 seeds after harvest, so you will need to convert products in seeds to replace the 6 that were missing. In the next harvest you can receive 7 seeds, or even 3 seeds. Probability does not mean guarantee. BTW: I'd rather "waste time" replanting the seeds than wander around aeh looting the Pois and return home without sucess.

    Anyway, nothing will fall from the sky if you don't move. You need to loot, hunt, fight, heal your wounds/infections, satisfy your hunger.

    And check it out: you said that meat is not so easy to get, but according to the image posted earlier, your statement seems wrong. Oh yes, there was effort, it was necessary to hunt or harvest meat from the bodies/carcasses scattered across the map. So, honestly, I don't see any difference regarding the initial difficulty in agriculture. On A19 it was very "easy", while currently on the A20 I consider it much more balanced.


  7. 2 hours ago, Niil945 said:

    You can always post something substantive instead. I'd much prefer that than people devolving into browbeating everyone who doesn't share their opinion.

    I didn't intimidate anyone, I just expressed my opinion according to what I noticed here in the topic. Apparently you accuse others of what you yourself do: you put words where they were not said

  8. Just now, Niil945 said:

    You decided to summarize what people were saying that were not happy with the changes to farming. I'm one of those people. I've read this thread. Literally no one asked for what you said they're asking for with the first point you made. The second point you made commented about alternative system that people (including myself) have suggested and seemed confused about why one methodology is different than the other. That has been explained by numerous people numerous times in this thread had you actually taken the time to try to understand their position. Even if you disagree, it's not a reach to in the least understand the distinction being made.


    And for a good laugh, you also quoted the image that I posted of my inventory without farming, so you did in fact quote me.


    If you know how to read, go back to the previous page and you will see the quotes I made, and in none of them I mentioned your name or any of your answers.


    And yes, the summary of the topic is this, because, again, if you know how to read, you will see that 90% of the complaints are about  what I mentioned before.

    And again I didn't mention you in the previous quotes. It's not just you in this topic, I talked about most, not all.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Niil945 said:


    Now this, this is a textbook strawman. "Let me put words in your mouth that are not what you're saying and then pretend such an idea you didn't say that I actually said is stupid while I condescend to you." Cool, those things that you said that literally no one said in this thread who dislikes the farming change said doesn't make sense. I agree.

    You too.

    Now I understand that you are also a textbook strawman, because at no time did I quote anything you said, not even your name...

  10. 15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Food needs to be infinite in this game


    No need.


    15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Food can drive gameplay, but to do that there needs to be ways for players to be able to prioritize it and actively and successfully obtain food if that is their main concern at the time. 

    Just put some  points in LoTL 3


    15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Some argue that its good that food isnt reliable and the current system isnt broken, but they all use living off the land 3 so i see that as dishonest since they are playing with those rules removed and LotL 3 just reverts everything to a19 standards with more legwork.

    Yeah, infinite food, but, "no pain, no gain".

    15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    Seeds and farms should be profitable baseline without any perk investment, even if just barely, and a secondary resource should be brought in to make farms successful without being free and Living off the land shouldnt be required.



    It is not necessary, agriculture is not mandatory. You actually need it to survive, and so it shouldn't be guaranteed, just as meat and other resources aren't guaranteed. Play your game, run after, survive.


    15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    Thats why i suggested fertilizer as an ongoing upkeep cost for farming that cost rotten meat, nitrate and bones which competes with gunpowder and duct tape.


    Oh yeah, farming is a lot of work, so I want to do more work, spending other resources that I use to make better weapons, hunt better, just survive better, because I don't want to keep planting every seed and invest points in LoTL


    15 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:


    Early game you need to funnel those resources into food to survive but when you get a competent farm running with a decent supply of resources you can funnel those resources into weapons and tools instead. nitrate is near infinitely abundant while rotten meat and bones spawns with undead animals so they take time and some challenge to obtain (not free) but will nearly always be accessible. That i believe is a healthy system.



    "they take time and some challenge to obtain (not free)"

    🤔 ???????????

    Why not an extra challenge to have a viable agriculture? You invest in strength, health, intellect to be able to manufacture things and survive, suffer less damage. But NOTHING will fall from the sky if you just sit at home. Except the Air Drops, but you still need to go to them.



  11. I will summarize the 2 main points of the topic:


    1- "I want all the benefits of LoTL3", but I don't want to invest points to do this 😑


    2- "Current agriculture requires a lot of time, work and resources (points, planting, harvesting, making seeds)", and the solution is to add more time, work and resources (rotten meat, fertilizers and etc).🙄


    And farming isn't even mandatory...🤷‍♂️

  12. Just now, Urban Blackbear said:


    That wasn't a promise and it certainly isn't a certainty. *shrugs* I don't care either way so I'm going to remove myself from this discussion now.

    "explicitly said that they will support this in the future."

    "hopefully optimizations will be robust enough for you guys to enjoy largerservers again."

    It means that, at least, they haven't put the idea to sleep. I don't see this as a promise, but I'm sure they plan for it in the future.

  13. My Gaming System

    • CPU - AMD Ryzen5 1600AF
    • MB - ASUS Prime B450M Gaming/BR 
    • RAM - XPG Spectrix D41 TUF 16gb DDR4 CL16 3200 Mhz 
    • OS Drive - XPG Spectrix S40G 512Gb M.2 2280 NVME 
    • Game Drive - SanDisk Plus 240Gb SSD SATA
    • GPU -  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 OC 6GB GDDR6

    Works fine at 60Fps for me with a "old LCD monitor" 17" 4:3 60Hz in 1280x720 (fullscreen mode and V-Sync active) without stutter.

  14. Yes, I write my text in portuguese in google translator, copy the result in english, then paste it in google translator to convert from english to portuguese (to ensure that my text is written correctly and expressing exactly what I intend to say.


    These language "traps" are sensational, and I totally understand how you feel. In Brazil we say "Rose Red" (flower > color), while in English you say "Red Rose". In Brazil, the only difference between question and answer is the grammatical punctuation (?) at the end of the sentence. In English the beginning of the sentence changes if it's a question (Can I?) or an affirmation/answer (I can).

    The portuguese of Portugal is very different from the brazilian portuguese. In Brazil, in some cities, the language is so peculiar that it seems to be another Country/Continent. Many people, including our natives, say that Brazilian Portuguese is one of the most difficult languages to learn, because of these "traps", slang and so on.

    Yesterday I read a post by @Pernicious:


    A man is floating in a hot air balloon, totally lost. He sees another man working out in a field, and decides to float down to ask this gent for some help.


    "Excuse me mate - Could you tell me where I am?" He calls out.


    "Sure - You're in a hot air balloon, about five metres off the ground!" the man on the ground replies.


    Bemused and nonplussed, the man in the hot air balloon yells back "Well that's was completely useless. You must be an engineer, technically correct, but you've missed the point of my question".


    The engineer on the ground replies "Ah, you must be a middle manager".


    Now curious, the manager queries "I am, but how did you guess?"


    "Well, you had a problem. Rather than ask me directly to solve your problem, you asked me a question without context, and I answered it correctly. Now, you still have a problem, but some how it's my fault!".

    Portuguese citizens are literal, like the Engineer in the text above. Brazilian citizens "read between the lines" 😂. EG:

    "Do you know how to go to this store?"


    Portugal: "Yes, I know"
    Brazil: "Yes, you will walk to the end of the street, turn right, walk 2 more blocks, and you will reach your destination."

  15. 51 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

     since I don't know if their Loot percentage is setup higher than Mine,  which is set at the normal game default.  But one of My regular Teammates also has a 7D2D world that she plays in when not with the group, and she constantly messages Me that she is finding "acid by the barrel-load"   *grin*  but then again,  her Loot and experience percentage is set to 300%.

    For me, vanilla, pregen10k, default settings around loot/exp gain: only 2 acids in 9 days (at moment)

  16. 46 minutes ago, Boidster said:

    (...)  it is pretty trivial to turn on Super Easy Mode for harvesting. Just add the seeds back into the harvest (blocks.xml). They're only commented out in the code, so you don't even have to figure out where to make the changes. Just uncomment the seed harvest and *boom*, Super Easy Mode. I bet there's already a modlet out there for it. It'll be easier than A19 even since you get the A20 harvest boosts plus an extra guaranteed seed. Don't keep playing if it's too hard for your group, just make it easier.

    Thanks for showing me this. I'm still new to making mods, your post helped me a lot, I'll research more and delve into the subject, to make my own mods

    @Boidster and @Roland

    I think the same. I could write anything, but it would just be a wall of useless text. Thanks

  17. I try to use google translator (I speak Portuguese), and my language has some pitfalls. I'll try to cite an example, but I'm not sure if you can understand this in English. EG: In Brazil, we call bus stops of "point of bus"

    Anyway, Bus Stop is the correct one indeed, because "point of bus " should be "bus stop point" (in literal translation into English, saying "point" is unnecessary in this case), just say Bus Stop to understand). We can assume that "we speak wrong" in Brazil. For this reason, translation from English to Portuguese by Google seems strange. Likewise, I'm never sure if the portuguese to english translation is correct, even writing in good portuguese. 

    PS: "point", in Brazil, has basically the "same" usage as dot, spot, point, score (depending on the context)...

    Quoting my Canadian friend, after a conversation on Discord, he mentioned this:. EG:


    Cool = cold, fresh, chill.
    Cool = good, nice, sweet.

  18. I try to spread the skills linearly with the first 4 initial points, eg: 1 point on Tyrannosaurus, 1 point on Dart, 1 point on Archery and 1 point on Iron Gut. Then I put the skills as needed


    PS: Sorry, my game uses the Portuguese language, I'm not sure which is the correct reference in English. Later I will change the language and correct this post.

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