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The Frankman

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Posts posted by The Frankman

  1. image.png.c2f171ece8996267735790e11709e2d8.png

    Blue Goo Gaming Website 


    visit for all Game, Map, Shop & Discord Information.


    Server Name: -=Blue Goo Gaming =- |PvE| Darkness Falls 5.1.0

    Size: 50 Max with 10 Donor slots

    Map: Blue Water


    Make sure you have the latest Darkness Falls version installed (5.1.0) and the most updated 7DTD version (A21.2 b37 Stable)!!! Server should be ready by 7-7:30 PM EST!!!



    Full Server Settings







  2. image.png.c2f171ece8996267735790e11709e2d8.png

    Blue Goo Gaming Website 


    visit for all Game, Map, Shop & Discord Information.


    Server Name: -=Blue Goo Gaming =- |PvE| Darkness Falls 5.0.1

    Size: 50 Max with 10 Donor slots

    Map: BGG


    make sure you have the latest Darkness Falls version installed (5.0.1) and the most updated 7DTD version (A21.2 b30)!!!



    Full settings









    As of the time of this topic, it is Day 5 on the server. Please obey the rules on the splash screen!

  3. image.png.c2f171ece8996267735790e11709e2d8.png

    Blue Goo Gaming Website 


    visit for all Game, Map, Shop & Discord Information.


    Server Name: -=Blue Goo Gaming =- |PvE| Darkness Falls 5.0.0

    Size: 50 Max with 10 Donor slots

    Map: DFalls-Medium2-PEP


    make sure you have the latest Darkness Falls version installed (5.0.0) and the most updated 7DTD version (A21.2 b30)!!!



    Full settings













  4. i was wondering what is the plan for the future of this mod regarding A20 integration?


    the reason I ask is this chat that was had a month ago:



    Next DF wipe, can we have the sorcery mod incorporated? its fully compatible


    Somehow I doubt they will be compatible right after the release of A20 stable. We have resisted sorcery in the past due to various reasons. As it stands currently if there isn't an integrated download on the mod launcher to install them together with minimal fuss, I'd have to stand against it personally. There's already so many errors out of bad installs, incomplete downloads, or corrupted files.

    Bob the blue blob of goo11/22/2021

    We are always open to evaluating new MODs to play. Note that we only standup ONE MOD per server. Mixing MODs makes it difficult for players, makes it difficult for us, and usually means that we won't get support from at least one of the MOD makers. That is asking for trouble on a server of our size. It would be a different situation if we were all friends playing on a small, local/shared server in a private group.


    While this would normally be true, the devs of sorcery and DF actually work together frequently to try to make them as compatible as possible (hence why there's a compatibility mod that you need to make DF+Sorc work nicely together). Also, if I remember correctly, you guys have a section on your website for downloading the mods (or even on the launcher? I can't remember) just in case you guys ever made any edits to anything and people would need to grab them.
    What you could do is bundle everything together correctly into one big zip file, and have people download it to play it on the server for those less inclined in how to do it themselves. In order to do that you would simply just upload an entire 7d2d copy with a poper mods folder etc. That way people download it and are immediately good to go.
    I completely understand that it's quite a chore having to guide everyone though that @%$#s things up, but using this method above should be okay for even the most technologically illiterate lol

    The only downside to this method is that the uploaded file would be quite large (probably around 12-13gb combining 7d2d+sorcery+DF) and people would have to spend a bit downloading it if their internet is bad


    For some of the bigger public servers, a few of us have been asking for mods like Snufkin's Server Side or the Sorcery mod to add to Darkness Falls server but the admin have been very resistant to the idea.

  5. spacer.png



    Server Name: [Kronik] Darkness Falls PVE

    Size: 10 person Max

    Map: DFalls-Small2

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/htjCjV35



    1) No building a structure within 50 blocks of a Trader (claim size)

    2) No building new structures inside a Trader a.k.a don't make a base in a Trader (last server a played tried this and collapsed the whole Trader area).

    3) No digging in the Trader Base!

    4) You are free to use a POI as a base, just be careful since certain quests will reset a POI and you could lose everything*

    5) No Player Killing, No Base Raiding, and no Stealing/Trolling.



    Note: Admin is looking to integrate other mods like Snufkin's Server SIde Zombies in the future.  Settings may be tweaked in the future.


    * - Have to check with Server admin


    Full settings





  6. I remember seeing a post where a guy had good success integrating this mod into Darkness Falls and other overhaul mods. Is there anything confirmed that says these mods are very compatible client and server side?


    EDIT: Here is one of those posts regarding Darkness Falls... for the record, Khaine himself says usually it's not supported but the poster seems to have it working since he can spawn the zombies in debug, just needs help editing the right XML setting.

  7. Hello, I'm a vet 7D2D player looking to play with others on a modded server. I've gotten used to some mods in my single player (Day 260, Warrior Difficulty, 16 zombies per) and I'd love it if the server had these mods included.



    Snukfin's Server Side Z(S)ombies -


    A Mod that makes the game harder like Snufkin's mod or even Darkness Falls is a must.


    Riles-HUDPlus1.07 - A mod that greatly cleans up and simplifies the HUD

    Bdubs Vehicles - A mod that adds more custom vehicles

    CustomPerksv3.1 - A mod with another Perk system built in for more player customization. Not a must but nice to have.


    PhD Better Lights 3.3 (A19)

    PhD Bigger Crafting Queue x 10 1.3 (A19)

    PhD Bigger Forge Input 1.0 (A19)

    PhD Food_Water 2.1 x 5 (A19)


    The PhD suite of mods are designed for better QoL. Better lights adds more lights that can be crafted in the game (look brighter too). Bigger Crafting Queue and Forge input increases the queue and Input size, and Food and Water multiples the hunger/thirst rate either 2.5 times or 5 times so you actually have to eat a realistic amount in-game.


    Doughphunghus' Buff Infection - Increases the rate Infections occur/progress so you actually need antibiotics more. Again, makes the game harder.


    The next 3 aren't needed but nice to have:

    Blessed Metal Mod

    Super Auger

    Weed Whacker

  8. Is there a weight dynamic to the Snufkin zombies? On Horde Night I tried some of the Snufkin Weapons on them, namely the TurretAuger and a Robotic Sledge with Fire mod and Blessed Metal mod (extra damage to undead). The automated Turret Auger worked well as long as you confine Snufkin zombies to a spot, but the Sledge ... holy crap these dudes FLEW when they got hit by it. It's like the Undertaker and the Parasite got hit by a 16-ton semi truck!

  9. Quote

    How to install:

    (1) Make a fresh copy of the vanilla game folder (A19.3 or A19.4), rename the copy to something like '7 Days to Die Spencer Mansion Incident'.
    (2) Extract the Data and Mods folders to the new copy you've just created. Example location    C:\Steam Games\Survival\7 Days To Die Spencer Mansion Incident
    (3) Extract the GeneratedWorlds folder to    C:\Users\your PC name\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie



    Please note: To ensure your game is set to night time, change the Daylight Length setting at least once.

    How should the setting be for this? Don't quite understand this part. Did everything else and it loads but Daylight length is still 18 hours.

  10. 7 hours ago, Bomarr said:

    Hi. Thank you for maintaining this mod!


    So we tried this out last night just in time for our first blood moon. There were three of us around level 20. (double XP) and we got completely wrecked. It seemed like it was mostly mod zombies coming. There were a multiple Archons, Banshees and Geists at the same time and we had 3 Undertakers hit the base plus a bomber. It was impossible, considering our best looted weapons at that point were the blunderbuss.


    Is that normal?

    Was this the Day 7 (first) horde? What level is the game and how many zombies per horde (16) ? Which mod are you using, Snukfin Party or the default mod?

  11. So another update (why did I stop recording my vids?) Was doing Day 210 Horde Night and started with 3 Demolitionists. I was like "Ok it's going to be THAT kind of Horde Night" but I was doing ok. I managed to kill 2 before exploding and the damage didn't take out my Dart Trap/Electricity/Bridge trap system. It was 3 am so I was starting to wind down the night... then HE showed.


    The Juggernaut, a big 9 ft tall cornbread mofo in full armor walked up the stairs and immediately I started freaking out. He predictably went through the Electric traps with little issues and immediately went on my final line or Triple Iron Spike traps. Dude was constantly staggered and if I concentrated my fire completely on him i MIGHT have been able to kill him fast w/o neglecting the rest of the horde too much; it was 3:05 AM so I might have had time. However I was so shook and made a business decision and jumped out the window onto my dirt bike. Now, the AI is changed so birds/flying enemies can keep up with vehicles, but I had Bdubs' vehicle mod installed and the dirt bike was extremely fast, so I theorized as long as the flying enemies aren't programmed to be locked on the player speed, I could drive faster then they fly.


    I was wrong.


    As I was getting circled and damaged by vultures, Geists and Archons, I tried to get to the ocean so at least I could swim underwater for the 40 minutes (in-game time) Horde Night had left. I wound up dying no more than 200 feet from a large body of water.



  12. This sounds like the Snukfin Party mod, which ratchets up the difficulty with primarily Snufkin Zombies. You might want the original mod, which has the Zombies but at a lower frequency. Again, Snufkin Party make the zombies the rule rather than the exception.

    2 hours ago, Skjold, Son of Kord said:

    Right, but everything is still set to default. I was just checking to see if this NEEDED altering or if something else was going on. I'm new to modding 7 days (modded just a few games in the past) but i'm not sure the definition of the values in percent. For example, by default, prob="0.1" is equivalent to what percent value of spawn?

    0.1 = 10% probability. I edited the file also to increase not only their spawn chance, but overall amount that will spawn in a normal day (raised it from 1 to 4). I travel between biomes a lot and it's refreshing to have a Narcotic/Undertaker/Flamethrower attack you all in the same day LOL.

  13. On 12/23/2020 at 11:45 AM, arramus said:

    Previous issues of this nature are often the result of running another mod which is not compatible with a Snufkin Zombie feature. Possibly a duplication or something that changes a default feature that the Snufkin Zombies depend on. If your server environment consists of multiple mods, starting with only the Snufkin Zombies and building up the mods can help to find any conflict. If it's not related to these common issues, further analysis will help through logs and a more detailed description.

    Yeah this happens a few times to me on Horde nights and I quickly close the command console so I don't miss stuff lol. I've accepted that it's just clutter from running tons of mods at once. I run:


    Bdubs Vehicles

    Blessed Metal Mod

    PhD Better Lights 3.3 (A19)

    PhD Bigger Crafting Queue x 10 1.3 (A19)

    PhD Bigger Forge Input 1.0 (A19)

    PhD Food_Water 2.1 x 5 (A19)


    Super Auger

    Weed Whacker


    and of course slightly altered Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19-Stable-2020Nov03-master

  14. This is so nuts, man. Just recorded another horde night and everything is just random. Saw a Banshee crawl through my electric trap like a Sunday stroll, watched an Undertaker touch a wire and get shocked into oblivion, then watched the Scarecrow actually touch a wire while in its spin animation and get shocked. The only thing I can conclude is that every interaction is random; they will randomly take damage, randomly get shocked, and randomly treat the trap like it's not there.


  15. I looked at a recording I just did on a past Horde night and it's the weirdest thing.


    Results so far

    Undertaker - Runs through electric traps but randomly will take damage. Sparks appear on him but he doesn't get "shocked" (shaking in place animation) until death.

    Parasite - Runs through electric traps but randomly will take damage. Seemingly only gets shocked on death.

    Banshee - Normal interaction: Is affected by electric traps. takes damage  and does get shocked.

    Cowhead - Runs through electric traps but randomly will take damage. Randomly will get shocked.




    Scarecrow - I couldn't test the Scarecrow because my trap is at leg level and he floated over the trap wire. 😦


    I'm recording another horde night to get more data now.

  16. The tricky part in testing these guys (I have an electric trap base with SMG/Shotgun turrets and dart traps) is that while many of the Snufkin zombies do not get "shocked" (frozen electrocution animation) I think they still take damage from them. Parasite and Undertaker are two examples I was sure don't get shocked but take damage from them, I'll have to check that out again...

  17. Played Horde Night with the new mod and... YIKES. First thing I noticed is a few of them didn't seem to be affected by electricity sometimes (?) or maybe they were but the staggered animation didn't trigger. The second is that I had no idea the Geist phases through walls; I outfitted a Shamway Foods building with my pit electric trap area and multiple turrets while breaking out the glass windows and enclosing most of them with steel to keep vultures out. Was not  prepared for the Geist to phase through the wall (and maybe the Archon too?) My death was definitely a humbling experience since I hadn't died in at least 30-40 days.

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