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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. TBH, I am fine with small bonuses from the armor.  If they make them so OP, then I will be nerfing them afterwards.  The key is balance.  You want the armor pieces and set bonuses to give you a boost, but not to the point where it becomes too easy.  And if you tweak the zombies to counter the OP bonuses, then early game it becomes too insane dealing with them.


    But I won't know how everything works out until I start playing.  Watching streamers is fine, but they always boost XP to go faster in progression and I prefer the slow progression.

  2. 14 hours ago, bobrpggamer said:

    I left the forums for a while after losing my main PC about a year ago . So as usual I am always the last one to know anything.


    Are you talking about the game going gold at 1.0? What is going gold going to entail after all the years of updates. Will this mean basic patches every once in a while,  or what exactly?



    It’s not yet at gold.  1.0 means leaving early access and the launch of the console version.  They got at least 3 more major updates coming out after 1.0

  3. 10 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    Why would anyone NOT want this?
    It's SOOOOO satisfying!!!


    Some people just don't care that the game is not taken to this level of realism or animation.


    When I play, I don't fret about the pump shotgun animation loading two shells when in fact it loaded 8 shells total.  I am just concern about the horde I am fighting and waiting for the reload to get done so I am ready to go again.


    Same thing with Iron sights / crosshairs.  I am using the crosshairs and pull the trigger, I don't fret about where the iron sights are compared to what I am using to assist with my aim.


    And lets be honest, if you truly want realism, then you would need to be required to hit R to load each shell individually - so loading 8 shells in, you need to hit the R key 8 times in the proper sequence.  For game play, I am okay with one click of the R button and a 2 shell loading animation.

  4. 1 hour ago, AaronG85 said:

    Is there any chance with the relaease of 1.0 that players using Geforce Now would get the ability to use mods via Steam Workshop or is SW still a planed feature/request?

    No, they stated SW support is coming Q4 2025

  5. 55 minutes ago, posineg said:



    It would be cool to have a PC-Xbox cross play due to 7days might be on Game pass... we will see.


    TFP stated that cross play is working today, it is just getting approval from Microsoft and Sony that is holding up that feature.

  6. 1 hour ago, posineg said:

    Hi All,


    What are the chances that the upcoming release will have Crossplay between PC and consoles?


    Close to nill - TFP already stated that crossplay doesn't look to be available at launch based on Sony / Microsoft not approving it.  Things could change last minute, but for 1.0, that doesn't look like the case



    How about a split screen couch co-op?

    The hardware can't support split screen co-op for this game.

  7. 1 hour ago, sillls said:

    If I were in this situation in real life. I would setup a bunch of buckets to catch the water when it rained and drink that. 

    Maybe adding this to the game would be better. At least until you could get your hands on a pot. 


    If the world was plagued by zombies and it looks like Nuclear bombs went off, the last thing I would do is drink rainwater.......   😉

  8. 15 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Well, according to the first page of the 1.0 dev diary, there are several outfits within this tier, and it's been officially mentioned on the dev streams more than once. We're just unsure what TFP's intended form of progression will be. Will we be encouraged to specialize within one tier of armor (light, medium, or heavy), or will they expect the player to start at the primitive grass fiber set and work their way up to heavy armor? We'll have to wait and see. If it's the former, and they don't include a medium armor perk, I'll be (lightheartedly) calling them out on that. lol


    Edit: I'm not seeing the official list of armors on the 1.0 dev diary anymore, so either they removed it, or it's located elsewhere. As an example, however, they referenced The Enforcer set as Light Armor, the Farmer set as Medium Armor, and the Mining outfit as Heavy Armor.


    Here is the post you are looking for



  9. 16 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    I might have missed about new upgradable storage chests, but what happens when being destroyed with axe or pickaxe, what would happen to the loot inside, does the slots that have been unlocked/added destroy the loot in them as going from steel to iron to wood, or the whole chest goes poof. 


    I would assume it follows all other blocks and is destroyed, not downgraded.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ouabi Gaming said:

    There's a little thing I didn't really understand regarding the dew collector.

    With the appropriate mod, there will be 6 actual jars per day to pick up with 6 slots in the dew collector ?

    Or is the rate accelerated and we will have 2x3 jars to pickup per day ?

    The water filter is still a trader thing ? We won't be able to craft it ?


    There are three mods for the dew collect:

    • Filter - changes dirty water to clean water
    • Gatherer (ice block looking mod) - increases collection rate - faster rate
    • Tarp - increases the stack size from 1 to 2 - doesn't affect the rate


    Based on their description in the video

  11. 16 hours ago, Kevkos said:


    Thank you very much, it works great. But would you mind sharing fix for 7.62 as well? I have downloaded V2 version from March and it seems the fix isn't implented there. 


    Izayo is working on combining all the weapon packs into one and releasing it.  At that time, all the fixes should be incorporated.  I would wait for the 1.0 release, as I myself am not doing any modding until after 1.0 drops.

  12. 6 hours ago, BBBBilly said:

    3. I hope to still see the complete H7SB and snufkins mod of a20 in version 1.0


    Those are custom mods.  They can't update their mods before 1.0 drops.  Not sure why you are expecting mod creators to update their mods for 1.0 prior to the release.



    5. Restore the glass bottle, otherwise it will really affect the immersion, for a survival game


    TFP wanted the bottles removed, don't see them bringing them back.  Best just to accept it and move on, or just mod them back in



    6. More game modes, such as Alpha2's GameModeZombieHorde, are very creative. Players defend in the ruins of wasteland and often drop airdrops of supplies from the sky.


    You want them to generate new game modes prior to Experimental release, which is slated around 6/24?

  13. Turn on debug mode and turn on stability.  That will show you if there are weak points in the structure.  It will also show if you add something to it that causes a normally solid block to become weaker.  Then when you step on it, it collapses.


    Is it possible that it might be related to CPU processing?  When the bloodmoon happens, the game has a lot to do so stability calculations might be delayed.  I have seen issues before where something I had that was solid would have portions failed (no damage or missing supports) because part of the support structure wasn't included in the stability calculations (I think it was chunk loading related but that happened a long time ago).

  14. 12 hours ago, Boblogg Ravarge said:

    It was degenerating into a flaming, bullying and condescension contest on who would dismiss my "perceived", yet *very real* suffering in the most hateful way and / or attempt to reduce my actual mental and / or psycho-emotional conditions as mere vagaries of a mind affected by something much closer to Munchausen Syndrome or Hypochondriac Syndrome. >_>


    That happens.  Nothing much you can do about that.  Some people think that all disabilities are easily to see and visible, and that somehow makes them an expert to judge others.


    I had an ex-Marine tell me that I was lying when I mentioned that my eye disorder kept me from enlisting back in the 1990s - his expertise was that he knew people serving in the military while wearing glasses - not realizing that there are more to eye disorders than simply fixing them with glasses.


    Note their ignorance, try to explain the concept of hidden disabilities; but realize some people are so "righteous" that nothing you can say to them will change their minds.

  15. Public Service Announcement


    A sandbox game is a video game with a gameplay element that provides players a great degree of creativity to interact with, usually without any predetermined goal, or alternatively with a goal that the players set for themselves. Such games may lack any objective, and are sometimes referred to as non-games or software toys. More often, sandbox games result from these creative elements being incorporated into other genres and allowing for emergent gameplay. Sandbox games are often associated with an open world concept which gives the players freedom of movement and progression in the game's world. The term "sandbox" derives from the nature of a sandbox that lets people create nearly anything they want within it.


    Some games offer a separate sandbox mode, where the player can use a game's creative systems with fewer constraints.


    From wikipedia which I understand this is the accepted baseline definition of a sandbox game.


    Creative Mode in 7 Days to Die is the true sandbox for it, as it has been stated many times.  So if a player wants to a true sandbox mode for the game, they need to turn on the creative menu.



  16. I liked the format of the Dev Stream.  I see professional presentations all the time through work, I prefer the open ended streaming they did with everyone.  It felt natural, not a corporate event.  You also get to see the passion they have for the work they have done.


    Technical issues aside, I wouldn't classify it as a disaster as others have stated.  What they showed, the content, that is what matters.  Anyone that has done presentations in the past know that technical issues arise so you just roll with it as they occur.  I have never had a team member come back to me stating one of my training sessions was a disaster because of tech issues I was dealing with, as they were focus on the content and me - not the tech issues.

  17. 2 hours ago, treos said:

    the HELL is wrong with you people?! why are you telling me all this useless BS that has nothing to do with this problem and are all WASTING MY TIME? you're all just @%$#ING me off now!


    i have already done everything i can on my end. nothing on MY pc is the problem here! that much was obvious to me from the start. because just the other day, this game was working. then i start it up last night and get some error about a license and now it's completely unplayable.


    and i also already submitted that error log via pastebin.


    and don't give me that "we're just trying to help" bs. cause NO YOU'RE NOT!


    So in the end it was an issue on your computer.


    And yes, people here were trying to assist you even though you came into the forums accusing TFP of doing something nefarious at the very start of your OP.


    If you come into a situation already assuming things are not the issue, you are not being open-minded as fellow gamers talk you through steps to try and root cause the issue....because at the end of day, everyone's situation is different and we are trying to assist based on the information you provided.

  18. Give me a break.  Waiting 3 additional days is not discrimination.


    While I am sorry you have to deal with those issues, that doesn't mean you accessing the game the same day as the streamers (rather than the general public) is not a right based on your issues or seniority.


    I'm legally blind without my specialty made contacts, but you don't see me demanding that TFP release the game to me earlier.


    As for not being spoiled by the new things released in 1.0, don't watch any streamers or videos.  Pretty simple.

  19. 4 hours ago, kolobok123409 said:

    1. Can i use more accuracy names of car brands like "Charger" -> "Dodge Charger", "Nova" -> "Chevrolet Nova", "Stallion" -> "Mustang" or "Ford Mustang" (not all russian peoples knowing USA classic cars) or it add problems with car brands?


    FYI those are trademarks so be aware that using them could open you up to legal actions from the owners.  Even if you don't make any money from a mod, the trademark owners can go after you if they feel what you are doing is diluting their brand.  That is why a lot of people don't use the proper names or use parodies.


    Note I am not saying you will get in legal trouble, just that it opens up the potential for legal issues.

  20. It depends on what object you are talking about.  Are you asking for items, vehicles, blocks?


    For most items, they get damaged via use so you would just need to remove the degradation per use property on them


    For blocks, you cannot destroy bedrock and compared to other blocks, I believe that is tied into hardness (bedrock has 10,000 hardness while everything else has 1 hardness).  Thad would be the first thing I would try if I was going to make a block indestructible.


    For vehicles, I know I have seen some mods that reduced the damage but I am not sure how that is done.

  21. 3 hours ago, Subquake said:

    no, but that's an interesting suggestion, I'll have to think about that


    Just a FYI, but something like this will likely add to the computing power required for the game.  With the high CPU requirement in vanilla already and your overhaul mod.....


    Single player games might be okay, but start adding more people in the world via multiplayer......


    Not trying to persuade you not to look into this / try it, but I recalled another game (I think it was Factorio) where this was requested and the developer explained that the game was already using a lot of processing power and this would overtax it and affect the gameplay.


    This is one of those things that would be nice to have, but once you start deep diving into it, you might realize you just opened a whole can of worms.  Of course, I would be glad if you were to prove my worries wrong and successfully implement it  😏

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