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Posts posted by playlessNamer

  1. Funtweak:

    -increase max zombies alive to the limit of your machine 250+ recommended

    -go to xml

    -increase screamer spawn

    -add screamers to several zombie groups

    -put screamer with 0,05 probalility into screamer horde group

    -competition done


    I suggest increase all ammodrops and recipes x5.

    Will be the first time you see a really uncontrollable horde of zombies.


  2. I watch Youtube. Many games have this Youtubefeature implemented meanwhile.

    I never understand why the night is made so useless. Its allready very bad to not see enemys and loot and the way and everything but additional the zombies getting fast and have glitchy animations anyways so it gets absolute horrible unfunny to deal with them. Its high risk no reward.


    Would make so much more sense to swap the cycles and buff the zombies in the sunlight while make them slow in the night. So both cycles have their reason and advantages.

    Especially in the early game, just log off to save food and do other things. Maybe i am just to ignorant to understand this gameplaydesign.

  3. To the offtopic:

    I played Minecraft since the earliest stages when there wasnt even a downloadable client version. It was a browsergame at first. Since then i play survival games. I cant count the digital trees i chopped, it may be a million or more across all the games. Meanwhile i like to skip the tedious ressource gathering, at least skip the very early stages of ineffective gathering.


    To the topic:

    Whats the banger? I hope its the stabilty!

    • New Places of Interest   <--I play with mods anyway, so this feature is standard implemented, but 1 of the better patchcontent
    • New Decorations   <--I play with mods anyway, so this feature is standard implemented, but 1 of the better patchcontent
      • Cars, trucks, tractors   <-- The always same car all over the world was meanwhile a running gag anyways
      • Furniture and many many new items
    • Additional Advanced World Generation Options   <-- to specific, i want a good working standard setting. No buggy cliffs, nice panoramas, just a beautyfull map. Not interested in sliders to make maps extreme.
      • Biome Percent Sliders (included in Alpha 20.6)
    • Learn By Reading System  <-- The third rework of progression and skill system? It was fine like it was before, it has just to work. A tree or skillmap would be fine too, any basic skilltech like its standard since decades in videogames. This one looks very special, lets see how it plays. It removes sadly a gamestyle to stay at home and make your progress there.
      • 23 new skills to govern crafting (photo in gallery below)
      • 23 new magazines added to loot
      • Perks no longer unlock recipes or govern crafting at all
      • The only schematics that still unlock recipes are mod attachments. 
      • Crafting skill is increased by finding and reading magazines
      • Skill increases unlock recipes at certain points as well as increase quality of crafting for items with quality
      • Each tech level has a separate range in the skill spectrum so that you have to work up through primitive tech and then iron tech and then steel tech and being able to craft a blue stone axe no long means you automatically can also craft a blue iron axe.
      •  Some skills have 100 levels but others have less depending on how many unlocks there are for recipes and quality tiers.
      • A new skill page showing your progress has been added to the player interface (photo in gallery below)
      • Skill magazines can be found, bought, and/or received as quest rewards. The topic of the magazine matches the location you would expect to find it in the world.
      • Perks slightly affect the probability of finding like-themed magazines and parts for those recipes. Perk into shotguns and you will notice more shotgun magazines and shotgun parts appearing in the world. It isn't a significant bonus but it does prevent the player from being screwed over.
      • When you max out a skill, that slight probability bonus granted by perks for finding the corresponding magazine for that skill drops off. The magazine will still show up randomly in loot but no longer have a boost. The probability boost for finding matching parts will remain.
    • Interactive Environmental Hazards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0mgZ9zB9m4 <-- nice gimmick, some trigger elements, its ok but sounds missplaced in a world where i can remove every single block. Its a new core mechanic in the basecode, maybe modable, thats cool!
      • Flaming broken gas pipes blocking the way. A valve to turn off the gas flow is located elsewhere.
    • Doors
      • Double Doors  <-- Thats cool little thing.
      • Partially damaged doors with large holes can be shot/meleed through to damage enemies on the other side  <-- very cool, feels more like a fix than a feature.
    • Water Simulation  <-- I know in every game the devs seem to have big trouble with waterbehaviour, for me it would be enough to fix the ugly holes in the water happening sometimes. Nice to have.
      • All new water coding--water is no longer a block but a water voxel
      • Water voxels flow into neighboring voxels that are marked to allow it.
      • Water can be in the same space as a block
      • Water does not flow or fall continuously like a river or a waterfall
      • Player movement in water has been enhanced
    • Armor  <--just models or any deeper mechanic behind it? Simple best in slot system or affects gameplay?
      • New Iron Armor 
      • New Commando Military Armor
      • More details to come.
    • Drinking Water Rebalance <-- I am concerned... not really a big content and couldt be annoying pretty fast.
      • Murky water is the only water found in loot and water sources.
      • Empty Glass bottles removed from game to match all the rest of the containers in the game
      • Dew collector work station added
      • Players can drink murky water directly from water sources with empty hand by pressing "e".
      • Drinking murky water causes 5 hp of damage and has a chance to give dysentery
      • Pot is now required to boil murky water into boiled water
      • Glue crafting taken into consideration
    • Spears  <-- Removed Spear! Was a cool mechanic in some runs when you find a good spear early. Had fun with it. Why remove features?
      • Spear damage increased
      • Spear power attack is a thrust instead of a throw
      • Throw attack for spears removed
    • Chunk Reset Option <-- Standard mod since around 3-4 alphas.
      • Default is disabled
      • Options for days all the way up to 70 days
      • Chunk resets to its pregenerated state if no player has entered the chunk after the number of days selected.
      • An active LCB or bedroll will prevent a chunk from resetting.
    • Trader Changes  <-- Balance changes, trader / secret stash is op, necessary point.
      • New Trader compounds
      • Trader inventories rebalanced with the new crafting progression
      • Removal of Secret Stash
      • Further specialization of traders and what they carry
    • Electricity Changes  <-- Standard mod since around 2-3 alphas.
      • Wires only visible when holding wire cutting tool
    • Player HUD changes  <-- I am again concerned. Every HUD is bad but its necessary. Keep it to the absolut minimum. I see more and more brightcolored stuff popping up on the screen like questmarkers. Fit this anyhow into the enviroment instead to the HUD. Immersionbreaking alert.
      • Danger Meter added to show danger level of biomes and POIs
      • Crafting Recipe Tracker can be toggled to show on the HUD to help players as they gather materials needed for crafting
    • Perk Rebalancing  <-- Balance changes
      • Sexual T-Rex removed. Stamina improvement now incorporated into the separate perks for each relevant weapon
      • Each attribute will get its own version of Flurry of Blows as an additional perk for the melee weapons within that attribute
      • Grease Monkey now increases the amount of health that repair kits restore to vehicles. (One repair kit no longer restores a vehicle back to max health)
    • Vehicle Changes  <-- Balance changes
      • Repair kits restore a fixed amount of health and each level of Grease Monkey adds 10% of the vehicle's total health to the amount restored.
      • Increased vehicle damage to blocks, terrain, and entities by various amounts.
      • Increased vehicle damage received from collisions by various amounts
      • Improved vehicle block collision calculations
      • Greatly increased damage given and received to and from block collision.
      • Increased bicycle, gyro, and 4x4 helath
      • Vehicle spark effects on bigger self damage hits
      • Vehicle blood splatter effects on high damage collisions with entities
    • Entity Activity Throttling System  <--backgroundwork, sounds like 1 of the best patchnotes. Stability is 1 of the most important topics in this game. I like to crank up the amount of zeds ingame to get horde feeling.
      • Zombie pathing updates less frequently (server-side) based on distance from player
      • Jiggle components disabled (client-side) based on distance from player
      • Each player can always have some fully simulated zombies
      • Helps with large numbers of zombies from Blood Moon & sleeper volumes
    • New Terrain Tool  <--creative mode feature?
      • Sphere-shaped brush with adjustable size
      • Grows terrain in all directions instead of just upwards
      • Can fill space with any block (including non-terrain)
      • Undo function
    • Graphics Improvements  <-- is daylight still enlighten caves? Small detail.
      • Shadows re-enabled on grass, based on quality settings



    I dont wanna rant here and i dont want to under value the work it needs in the background to make things happen wich look small on the surface.

    BUT where is the headline? The core feature of the alpha? The big thing we waiting for over and over again more than a year? I know it was bandits and they are canceld but what is left?

    Actually it feels for me like there is nothing to wait for in this patch and better skip to A22 but then i am again 2 years older than now +6month to fix it properly and wait for mods to work again.


    Everyone has different prioritys whats important for them in the game. From my point this patchlog sounds like a small fixpatch with some balancechanges and lot of backgroundwork but with some concerning changes for the gameplay.


    Do i miss something or will this patch still be big? I miss the banger. Maybe the overall feeling changes a lot with the sum of all this little changes.

    How would you describe the banger of this patch? The impact we will remember when we talk about the A20 realease after a year?


  4. tl;dr is pls divide every duke amount in the game by 1000.


    Why do i find 20.000 dukes in a chest and pay for anything 40.000 then.

    I like it generally when a game use low numbers, people can work better with them. The oppodite of Diablo3.


    Zombies have low hundred uo to 2k hp. Thats perfect. You get my point.

  5. and what are the cornerstones to make more zeds possible?


    I wanted to start a run with :


    -250% xp

    -2 skillpoints per level

    -ammodrop higher (when usual drop in xml is (6, 24) i made it (6, 240) so it can drop at the lowest and up to 10 times what is at the end maybe x5 average)

    -200% loot

    -zombies x50

    -difficulty 1 to make the hordes not to tanky by dealing 150% dmg to zeds

    -buff firedmg to make it useable (20dps but i couldt try it out if its balanced)

    -no runners (only jog)

    -trader always open

    -start with headlight and a bike


    The plan was to play without a serious base, just a storage and a hideout. Dont wanna start a serious playthrough again at this point so i wanted to change it.

    The feature of graphic quality goes down before it lags works good and makes sense but its still unplayable sadly even while i am thinking x50 isnt that much to create hordefeeling in a zombieapokalypse.


    I remember some alphas ago i was standing on my base at hordenight and couldt roughly count them and it started lagging to hard around 200-220. Maybe in hordenights its different. In my actual run 50-70 zombies on the street gives slideshow ( myPC is potato btw and the server is cheap).


    What is your max zombies possible with enjoyable fps?

  6. My solution is to always play with 2 skillpoints per level instead of one. Feels like you are premium in free2play game and just reduces the grind. For every nessesary perk you skill you can use another one on funstuff like agillty tree.

    When i played last time around a year ago i found myself just leveling, leveling, level... i never wanna come to the point again when "leveling" is my actual gamesense. This has to happen nearby automatically.

  7. 7 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @hotpoon Fall damage beeing deadly for zombies makes bloodmoon a joke.


    Not "makes" it a joke, it is a joke. There are dozens of ways to afk and ringelrosi them. Even a proper facetank base with 6-8 electric fence, 10-12 dartraps and 1-2 blades let you afk everything without any cheese.


    The only solution is: MAKE ZOMBIES STUPID AGAIN!

    Then they are dangerous when the just randomly attack everthing everywhere.

  8. I would like to change the big yellow questmarkers into anything that fits into the world like a blinking phone on the ground or anything else. I would vote for removing the treasure digging radius circle too and replace it with anything non HUD clustering.


    Every HUD, overlay, flashing color marker, HP bars, is removing immersion, is straight up removing immersive gameplay feeling. This needs to be reduced to the absolute minimum possible, so pls dont add more of this at all. Better start removing allready existing immersion breaking stuff.


    I want the naked real world and not a year 2050 soldier with full headupdisplay scanning every information. At very best move the info for gasoline into the cardashboard and away from the hud. Vehicelrepairstatus should be seen at the amount of damage the carbody has visible and not in a HP bar.


  9. In my last runs and in every run in the future i play with 2 skillpoints per level instead of 1. Feels like you bought premium membership instead of beeing a free2play player to avoid the very unfunny gap when you just farm xp only for xp. This way the game feels perfectly right for me. You can spend your coreskillpoints and some quality of life ones for free. You dont throw around with skillponts, doesnt feel rich but always when you need anything you can at least spend 1-3 levels in it.

    The other way is to play 200% xp. Its the same time and grind reduce but your gamestage climbs faster. But i increase my difficulty by zombiespawnx12 modlet.


    Its about time you have to spare to play videogames. I dont wanna cheat the game but i absolute dont want to spend time in the game just repeating tedious stuff just to increase numbers. For me the doubleskillpoints per level perfectly balance it out and it feels just right at any point of the game.


  10. Check Valheim. The block is red and then breaks down after some seconds. You even have time to place additional stabillity after placing a red block. Best solution. I dont know why breaking half bases to randomly one missplaced block be part of the gameplay anyway.

    Thats the moment i turn of the game, maybe quit until next alpha at all. Not nice, can happen anytime. Especially when you play since alpha10 and your builds getting more and more crazy.

  11. Yeah this is a very player unfriendly bad gameplay design. I quitted a alpha once when this happend because the half base broke down.

    Dont let me place it, show it red, make the single to much block itself drop. There are many better solutions for it. The way 7days handle this is kinda the worse i can imagine.

    Its really a joke in the middle of fun gameplay and building crazy stuff to the max the game decides to randomly break your base, wow! Really?

  12. A drone with the lightmod is perfect for day 1. Its as a light source is so bad its perfect as starterlight before you get your helmlight. Also the drone is just additional carrycapacity so you dont need mod your inventory anymore.

    In my last playtrough everyone started with a bicycle, a drone and a lightmod for it. Feels perfect. Usually i get rid of that drone as soon as possible because in my first 2 days it blocked 4-5 of my arrows. Its more annoying than helpfull.

  13. ...looks still ugly. I think madmole talked some alphas ago about it and said it has no high priority. Its just a cosmetic thing, far away from gamebreaking but it freaks me out. It gamebreaks me personally because i always need to workaround it anyhow. I can not leave this gap there, cant watch it. Also it bugs around with bikes and motorcycle, annoying when you get stuck there all the time.


    When its not a big deal it wouldbe awesome when someone can look over this finally.

  14. We modded our server to around 12x spawn and 32x hordenight spawn. Also the traders are always open so you can do the hordenight there if you want.


    Here comes the point:



    They start pile up on all sides and can get over the walls with this. You are constantly shooting into the mass to make the tower of zombies fall down. While defending 2 walls with pistol and pipebombs i turned around to the third side and just see they come over the wall. Clearing inside, 1 mate still on the catwalk trying to kill everything that puts his head over the fence ready to jump in.

    This feels like World War Z. Defending piling up zombies, throw grenades to crash zombietowers.


    I didnt really want to abuse the trader, wasnt my intention. Its just annoying to not be able to use him at night. Then i was just to lazy to care about the cheese hordebase so i just wanted to easy do the hordenight there.


    But this way i have seen the most epic and best hordenight ever in this game. Try it!

  15. I dont like like microtransactions. All this 1-2€ stuff wich has never a end.

    Add a new faction with 6 complete new outfits, 2 new vehicles, additional questline, a bossfight, some building decors, some new materials, anything... and make it 22€.


    That was my first thought how a nice worthy addon couldt look like. Important is to call it ADDON and not a micro, hat, cosmetic, ingameshop, p2w, lootchest, playercardpack, anything. I loved addons always. This has some quality in its name.


  16. I duped my sledgeturret. Its was 4 blocks high at the door of a simple hordebase. It always was on the ground when i come there, i always put it back up until i was sick of it and keep it in inventory. Then suddenly there was later another one on the ground. -->insert x-files music here<--

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