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Posts posted by dmustanger

  1. Thanks for your work on this the MOTD and ticker is what i have been looking for. works great with my dedicated host.

    /day 7 is also nice


    any chance we can get some sort of /rules command? that just spits out the server ruleS?

    can use the customchatcommands for that

  2. i can make it so that it will output it to a log, which will allow you to catch it with a phraser. is this what you are looking for? or would you rather it go to console?

  3. set infoticker to true in "ServerToolsConfig.xml"


    <Tool Name="InfoTicker" Enable="true" DelayBetweenMessages="5" />


    it will create a config called "InfoTicker.xml" add your messages here

  4. I have some problems with some custom commands in 7dtd rat server manager.


    There is a conflict between some server tools commands and rat server commands.


    A custom commands in rat server name /chat should give an answer in chat not "ClanManager is not enabled".


    The same is with a custom commands /color where players should get info about colors in chat but still get "ClanManager is not enabled".


    If you just type in chat /c you get that message "ClanManager is not enabled".


    Have a nice day.




    will be fixed in the next release https://github.com/dmustanger/7dtd-ServerTools/commit/d6e66bb5ae452cf9ad8c83eca923fdc6c617a6ec

  5. updated to v3.7




    Added Reserved Slot console command Usage: reservedslot add/remove/list <steamID> <playerName> <days to expire>

    Fixed /sethome no longer spawns player at the highest point

    Fixed /home still not saving players positions after server reboots

    Changed Reserved slots will now observe expired date/time in reservedslots.xml

    Changed Removed chat command /delhome, players can now just set a new home

    Changed Moved Gimme, Killme, Clan and Sethome data to a binary file

    Changed Added a usage response for /clan commands if no params were given

  6. since you have a notifier to broadcast messages, can you please add an shutdown XX hours? I assume you can issue console commands since you are doing that for teleport and /gimme. so if you add support for the console shutdown command every NNN seconds I could drop CBSM.


    We can talk about having a means of charging for teleports later :)


    if you use the console command i made stopserver <mins>

    would this not be the same?

  7. i have removed most of the trader items, i guess i missed the gaspump, i still have to go through the recipes list and remove the new items added since a15. For the time being just remove the said lines from your xml. i will try to get an updated list out soon.

  8. updated to v3.6


    Added console command stopserver. Will stop the game server with a chat warning countdown every minute. Usage: stopserver <minutes>

    Added console command entityremove. Will remove a entity from the game. Usage: entityremove <entityId>

    Added console command resetplayer. Will reset a players profile. If player is connected it will auto kick the player first. Usage: rp <steamId> or resetplayer <steamId>

    Fixed if a player uses /sethome and then the server gets rebooted before the player uses their /home, that home data is ignored since it doesn't have a last used time stamp

  9. updated to v3.5

    Added admin prefixes and name coloring

    Changed /day7 If the day is the 7th day it will respond that today is the 7th day instead of 7 days from that day

    Fixed /clancommands not working still

    Fixed default gimme item goldenrod not dropping goldenrodPlant

    Fixed Motd adding player name when {PlayerName} was not used

    Fixed reserved slots not working proper

    Updated invalid items list

  10. Where we can set up the reserved slot ? there is no config or command i think ? mhhhh


    in the ServerToolsConfig.xml, if you dont see it delete that file while the server is running

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