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  1. I love how people talked about how bad the gamepad controls were. As if the mouse and keyboard controls were any better. Between 2-3 years after these complaints were made, the situation has no improved. I love this game, don't get me wrong, I genuinely adore it, but it has it's problems. A couple of which are the vehicle operations. M&K steering with the camera angle is relatively ok, and I enjoy the ability to switch to steering with the keyboard so I can do something else with my mouse hand for a few seconds, but if you use any level of boost, turning becomes practically impossible. Friction turns off it turns, and the ease with which you can completely lose control and spin out is beyond annoying. Yes, I know it is somewhat accurate, you can't go into a turn at 70 mph and expect to make a clean turn, you have to slow down. But when I have already slowed down, made the turn, and begin accelerating back into a straightaway, the THEN spin out?? Please TFP, please. Do everyone a favor. Stop making new content. Put all that on hold, and fix what is not working. Fix your graphics optimizations, fix vehicles, fix zombie glitches. Get your baseline straight, then you have all the time in the world to make new stuff. Please.
  2. Because of the drone glitch, my 4x4 began randomly moving around inside the terrain, damaging itself as it moved. I tried to pick it up or get into it, but it would move out of range before I could. Finally, it blew up. I thought at first that the 4x4 was causing the glitch, but when it didn't fix after the truck was gone, I looked it up and found that it was the drone that caused it.
  3. Just had this happen. Lost a 4x4, and "jd clear" did not work. Tried a suggested method of deleting "drones.dat" & "drones.dat.bak" from my world save file, and that seems to have worked. I guess I will be parking my drone outside my base from now on.
  4. Yeah, I know all the normal electrical systems, and I will likely end up using them. But why would they bother making them available in the creative menu if you can't actually use them the way that they use them? It really wouldn't be hard. But down a button switch, put down a light, use a tool that connects their code. If-then statements. "If button switch is pressed, then light turns on/off." The game TimeSplitters: Future Perfect from almost 20 years ago had a function like that in their map maker. I know they aren't craftable items, so therefore not vanilla, but especially since I play solo, wouldn't it be ok to embellish my base a little?
  5. I am wondering if there is a way, in-game, to use the creative menu lights and triggering switches and such. You know, like the buttons or hanging keys that open doors at the end of a POI, or some of the areas where you approach a point and the lights turn themselves on. Good example, the "roadside_strip" POI has a small garage with a button that will repeatedly open and close a garage door concealing loot a few feet away. I want to be able to to that at will. I can find all the items in the Creative menu, but is there a way to tell the game how to connect them? Or do you have to be able to program? I mean, an in-game tool that allows you to connect items in such a way that, if you connect a light to a switch, it turns it on and off. That kind of thing. There are a bunch of cool new objects in A21, and I would love to use them in my base, for aesthetic purposes.
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