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Everything posted by Varzii

  1. Yes, my max wellness is 60, it was 50 because of point i put in healthy guts it went to 60 but that is supposed to be the minimum it can be not the maximum. It just seems odd that as i level my max stamina and health goes down. I understand if i wear armor that has a penalty but you would think as you level you would get stronger not weaker. So that is why i thought it might be a bug.
  2. I recently installed the mod and am enjoying it. I am relatively new to the game in general but i have a problem in the mod. I am level 18 going the mechanic/security route and my stamina/health seems to be capped at 60. I put one point into healthy gut but this makes things difficult. I am not wearing armor that lowers stamina. I took it all off to double check and no status effects like diseased. Is this a bug? The way it's supposed to be? Having such low health/stamina makes things even harder.
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