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Everything posted by Snufkin

  1. In a few minutes I will add the Archon >:3
  2. Trial and error, I saw that that buffmolotov attaches a particle to an entity so I said "why not". Over time I discovered some rules, like that you can't attach 2 of the same prefab to the same bone, BUT some prefabs can be attached as a prefab and as a particle simultaneously :3. Yeah, that's a leftover line, I wanted to make the wrestler capable of stopping vehicles. So far so good it doesn't work.
  3. Yeah, HealthMax its the line you want to change. Also, take a look at the "entitygroups.xml" file, these lines control the spawn chance. <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='SnowZombies']"> <entity name="zombieWendigo" prob="0.75" /> </append>
  4. You have my permission, use them as you like, but send me a link when you are finished to see your work.
  5. Hmm, to be fair I don't know. I no longer have access to the server logs.
  6. The armored car (the one with the blue headlights) actually protects you from all damage when you are inside, but it doesn't damage the zombies. Sadly the vehicles in the game don't have an "attack" action yet, only the knockdown based on the velocity of the vehicle. I can make that the zombies that get near the vehicle get hurt, but it looks clunky :c
  7. Thank you. I had my base in the snow biome and the wendigos always kicked my ass, but it was still fun. I was thinking of adding silver bullets with extra damage to wendigos
  8. The day I saw the TFP update about the melee turrets I created this short range turret And these are the vehicles I have made using only ingame resources. I took the xmlcode of the raft and the jetpack from other modders, so I will give credit if I post them.
  9. Thank you. Yeah, its possible to do great things attaching prefabs to items and entities. I've made a few new vehicles without the need of downloading resources. I might post them here soon.
  10. Thank you. BTW, the Wrestler was meant for the admins to spawn on events, as is the most disruptive of the zombies. I may make a quest for him on the future.
  11. Fixed. Thanks for telling me :3
  12. We are on day 250, almost everyone is already pretty well stocked with weapons lvl 6. Only the Juggernaut requires a bit of planning before facing, that's why I made him quest-only.
  13. You can edit the entityclasses.xml and lower the HP if you like.
  14. HE DID IT, THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN. PLEASE CHECK HERE FOR THE UPDATED VERSION: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/17992-snukfins-server-side-zsombies/?do=findComment&comment=401563 ------------------------ Hi, first post here and I'd like to thank everyone for the amazing job on creating many wonderful mods for this game. Special thanks to Robeloto, who with his custom zombie pack inspired me to create my own. Note: Recently I became friends with the admin of the server where I play, so all the mods I have created have been exclusive to our server. Now I decided to share with the community, so what I will post from now on is actually the work of many months and have been tested by several people. Note for modders?: Take a look at the xmls, I have been exploiting many underused functions that don't require code and may circumvent the necessity of using custom resources. This mod adds 12 new zombies to the game, each one with a different skill and all but one with a dedicated spawn. Most of the new creatures have large HP and give a lot of XP on each kill. A few have a fixed 100% prob of dropping Boss Loot, so feel free to modify the files to your liking. Download (BASE MOD): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3jr3t4shj...2DlHqBR4a?dl=0 RESEARCH CAMERA ADDON (NEEDS BASE TO WORK): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6rzg5q1km...ggVjt8Wea?dl=0 Adds a craftable "Research Camera" and "Photographic film". Each picture of a new zombie gives you 1% extra damage to that kind. A successful picture is indicated by an audible "click" different from the regular shoot sound. The max extra damage is 25%. There is a fanfare when you complete a zombie research. INCLUDED IS THE NOBLOODMOON XML, just rename and replace the entitygroups.xml file. Update 16/04/2020: Edited the entitygroups.xml so it doesn't overwrites the feral horde spawns. Now it should work with other mods that add new zombies to the bloodmoon horde. Update 18/04/2020: Added the Archon. Update 21/04/2020: Tweaked hitboxes on the Geist and the Scarecrow. Update 04/04/2020: Went back in time to add the Scorcher. The Siren is alive in the forest. Update 14/04/2020: Lowered Spawnrates. Added Camera addon tags. Update 18/04/2020: Tweaked general code. Added Research Station. The Zombies: Please leave a comment if you have any questions or if anything isn't working correctly >:3
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