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Everything posted by Snufkin

  1. Mmm the only thing I can think right now is the Mod messing with the starting quest chain. Try deleting the "loot.xml" and the "quests.xml" file.
  2. Removed the debug lines and tinkered a little with the sounds, see if the problems are fixed.
  3. Crap, I left in that debug line. Obviously is a problem on a dedicated server. I will try to fix the bug with the Kronos. Stay tuned
  4. Thanks c: Sneaky Hotfix: Now the weapons shouldn't interfere with the vanilla ones.
  5. This mod adds new weapons to the game, only using XML, no new resources. Only a few have recipes, as they are prizes for a lootbox system we have on our server. I will add the missing recipes in the future. DONWLOAD BASE MOD: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/50ggm2wvv...MpjKtWLAa?dl=0 DOWNLOAD THE LOOTBOX ADDON HERE (BASE REQUIRED): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2p79xc9j2...CxnJQEB4a?dl=0 Thanks to Slawa for fixing the quality template. The base version includes the weapons, just a few of them with recipes and obtainable in normal gameplay. With the lootbox addon you get the machine and the lootbox system. You may find tickets on the enemy drops and hardened chests. There are 4 color levels, from green to purple. Each 10 tickets may be changed for 1 ticket of the next level. Each ticket is worth a lootbox in the machine. The prizes are listed next to the chest list. The emblem indicates the machine in which it may appear. The quality level is random, and the weapons are fixed to a certain color, so it is easier to get a certain weapon but harder to get one of high quality. Click the weapon in the machine to see a brief description. The necessary ammo for the new weapons is craftable from the start. Some weapons gave me trouble with the attachments, so I made them incompatible until I find a solution. Know bug: The red dot of the reflex on the blaster is invisible, you still get the handling boost. The Weapons: 1. Crimson Hunter: A Magnum with a flask attached that fills with blood when you accumulate 5 kills. You can launch the flask with the secondary button, it behaves as a contact grenade. 2. CrossbowMag: A semi-auto crossbow with 10-bolt capacity, shoots farther and deals more damage than a compound crossbow. Fixed LVL6 Quality. 3. Kronos XII: Auto Shotgun with a special effect. Accumulate 20 kills and press the activate button (Default F). Reduces recoil and spread and doubles the maxrange. Last 20 seconds. 4. Polearm: Long range melee weapon. 5. PP-19 Bizon: SMG with faster firerate and higher capacity but a 15% damage penalty. 6. QuadShotgun: Primary fire shoots slowly, hold secondary and fires 4 shells almost instantly 7. Railgun: Charge the shot by holding the primary button. The longer you charge the further the proyectiles will fly and they will deal more damage (BTW, is the charge mechanism of the bows completely useless? Because I had to make my own system). The 4 beeps indicate max charge. 8. Savery: A rifle that shoots magnum ammo. Has high firerate and reload speed. 9. Thor Hammer: An sledgehammer that shock enemies on hit. Power attack shocks enemies in an area. 10. Vulcan: First bullet is semi-auto. Charge holding the primary button and it will shoot fully auto very fast. Holding secondary charges without shooting, besides zooming-in. Has a movement penalty. 11. Turret Auger: A short range turret that also works as a normal auger. 12. Vampire Gauntlets: A set of knuckles that fills a rage meter on each hit. When you reach 20 you can activate a frenzy mode with "F", gaining 50% lifesteal and 50% faster movement.
  6. [video=youtube_share;ZAAx5In5Ox0]
  7. [video=youtube_share;1dM5NlX4_xI]
  8. Soon will be april . Could you please past the log after you try to load the mod?
  9. OMG, I am making a SirenHead. smh, maybe I should leave it to robeloto xD. @Robeloto The Vulture entity is hardcoded to get out of water, so it isn't useful for swiming entities :c
  10. I made a bunch of new weapons using the same system :3. I will post them soon.
  11. In "entitygroups.xml" leave only the lines that start with "<append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='feralHorde" and the "<configs>" "</configs>" lines (the first and last lines) Delete the spawning.xml file
  12. Sorry, the Geist is working ok for me. Try sending me the log after you get those errors.
  13. Yeah, but the fun is in making it without resorting to external resources. I was able to add collision meshes to the behemoth like I did with my vehicles, but sadly it doesn't register raycasts, only collisions with blocks and entities :c
  14. I will look into the Behemoth when I have some time. I had a hacky idea for a working shark, will upload a video if it works >:3
  15. Does the behemoth have animations?
  16. For the shark what you could do is attach the prefab to another animal and using "TransformSetActive" to make the original mesh invisible.
  17. OMG, you're a genius. Yeah, other user had a problem with the vehicles mod. I'll let him know.
  18. Sorry, i looked at the log and i cant find the problem :c
  19. Hi, please post your server log. Also, make sure that the path of the mod looks like this (no nested folders).
  20. <item_modifier name="modVehicleMega" installable_tags="vehicle" modifier_tags="test" type="attachment"> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Test"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modVehicleMegaSchematic"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="armorSantaHat"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Mods"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="VehicleFuelUsePer" operation="perc_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="LightIntensity" operation="perc_set" value="3"/> <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxTurboPer" operation="perc_set" value="0"/> </effect_group> </item_modifier> Put this in a mod, install it on the vehicle and it should stop. I guess it should work as a buff for the zombies to apply on the vehicle. (It would be neat if your electric zombie had it as an EMP-like attack) Btw, the "modVehicleMega" already exists in the game files.
  21. Update: tried to fix the mantis problem. Also, added version with no bloodmoon changes for those who were getting NREs
  22. For the banshee look into the "buffs.xml" file and edit the "duration" value, that's the delay between screams. <buff name="buffBanshee" hidden="true"> <stack_type value="replace"/> <duration value="6"/> <effect_group> The NRE probably has to do with the UMA zombies (all of them except the Banshee and the Archon), I'm sorry, that's not something I can fix. Try deleting the lines that begin with "feralhorde" in "entitygroups.xml" so there are no new zombies on the bloodmoon. For the quests, you also have to create a related item in "items.xml" and add that item to the "loot.xml" <item name="qc_killjuggernaut"> <property name="name" value="Kill a Juggernaut" /> <property name="Extends" value="challengeQuestMaster"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="UseAnimation" value="false"/> <property name="QuestGiven" value="killjuggernaut"/></property> </item> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupQuestChallenge']"> <item name="qc_killjuggernaut"/> </append>
  23. MIrror: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lttjzqo634hfkzy/AAC4opRIwC9K2_Fr8pZsr_v9a?dl=0
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