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  1. hey

    can u help me with my problem with EVERY day respawn all pios/terrain? or every time someone joines the server its gets all new ..my server is on gportal...(normal i have Chunk reset OFF..now i tried 14days...) but nothing..every day is all new, what i made wrong? (the error occours since 2 days realtime) thx a lot

  2. mysterious problem on server > EVERY TIME someone joines the server all POIs are FULL.... its since today..gportal the server rental has tryied to put my steam id in the configs, to make me admin for cm+dm) first try was not successfull, they tried a second time, AFTER THIS the errors occurred..... can someone explain? yesterday we played all normal..today it started (yes iv restarted server lot of times, all POIs are like noone touched) thx a lot
  3. ok..now iv played 20hours and i must say its good (i have mods on server, weather, car alarms, lootbags more) its a good version... the alien zombies and the green zombies are soooo hart..but its nice (i play on 2/5) make brightness to 30% in menu...>not 50%... then its very cool (and instally my weather mod in MODS) after this u are happy
  4. GERMAN SERVER v1.0 - 180min difficult 2, cool mod, extra houses..PLÄTZE FREI schreib mir... server: ZOMBIENATOR5000 discord pflicht
  5. A cool mix of crazy weather...no more boring weather wind+storm+rain+fog+snow all good mixed, EVERY biome i changed its the biomes.xml changed need no modification in nothing, copy on your server (rename your old biomes.xml to biomes2.xml so u can change back when u dont want it) and play https://fileport.io/9kqUqewFG6rz enjoy (the downloadhoster i choosed with google "for the admins")
  6. i made A WEATHER MOD (now the game looks more cooler) > DL link in MODS (fotot downside...looks more deeply) and when u change the BRIGHTNESS from 50 to 30% its cool (perhaps its my monitor, CHG90 samsung OLED) today i played, looks nice now, i have installed a lot of mods i like the new sound when u put something in boxes and back...
  7. +grafix looks better +the player characters are VERY VERY COOL, the woman look SUPER (the woman player sound is bad lol, like its 15%faster) +the burned area +the bad weather in burned area / wasted land +the mini Bear +the car and all motorized things YEAHHHH NICE +/-0 the zombies all other clothes? nobody has needed this - all the terrains look boring annoing when u drive in it... all look the same - green biome 2 much sun - the distance of the grafix loading is RIDICULOUS small....for what? for iphone users? (yes i made on 2000 max distance) - sounds are boring (from dog) and creatures other...no natural feeling - the adversing BEFORE start game + and the "u want to spawn sign" WHAT the XXXX of drugs u have eaten to make this 2 annoying things? lol - using the fire torch animation is 2 slow - the hands from players are....so badly..no reflektion/shades/dirt details - in Burned area is NOT the only place for COAL (why? in a18 only in burned u can find coal) (nitrate as idea u shoud find only in snow area) - the feeling isnt coming..it looks boring, u run around, all look the same ( its like a SMARTPHONE game) 10min played...it try tomorrow again
  8. settime dont work -> iv made settime 3 and now its day 1 :((((
  9. iv restarted 7days...restarted computer NO creative menu, no debug MENU on but this signs over the helikopter/cars/zombies cant go gone (with f7 pressing all menu disappear or appear) how i solve it? thx SERVER RESTART was the solution..this post can be deleted..thx
  10. thats a very very good answer..thx for this..i tried a mod, now i have storm in various speeds, rain und clouds..thats all perfect now the 2 mods from upside are boring, i want more changes all the day long i see in the biomes that i can change to colour of the biomes? i want the colour from the a18 burned area, this brown i want in the green area this green sky in the destroyed area i want the red sky from the horde night can u help me with this? HERE IST THE MOD (biomes file, u must COPY in 7days> data> (server and athome game friendly) can u say what do u think from my mod? thx a lot https://uploadnow.io/f/DxBz05N
  11. i have this in the biomes.xml for every biome i want change weather to extreme like 90% rain 90% snow + 90% wind + 90% foggy but i must changes all times how i do this? like spectrum SNOW > temperature i want ICE COLD 90% colder (shoud i write max 90????) cloud thiness like to 90% the same ? , what means "prob=1? what is "precipitation? what means that? thx for help heres the text for the original biomes copied for explaining <!-- *** Snow: Main Biome --> <biome name="snow" topsoil_block="terrSnow" biomemapcolor="#FFFFFF" lootstage_modifier = "1" lootstage_bonus="20" gamestage_modifier="1" gamestage_bonus="20" difficulty="4"> <spectrum name="snow"/> <weather name="default" prob="44"> <Temperature min="26" max="32" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="30" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="0" max="2" prob="1"/> <Wind min="10" max="25" prob="1"/> <ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="7"/> <!-- only one weather can have ParticleEffects --> </weather> <weather name="fog" prob="8"> <Temperature min="20" max="30" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="35" max="60" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="7" max="18" prob="1"/> <Wind min="5" max="6" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Snowy"/> </weather> <weather name="snow" prob="40"> <Temperature min="18" max="28" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="55" max="75" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="30" max="60" prob="1"/> <Fog min="1" max="5" prob="1"/> <Wind min="18" max="25" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Snowy"/> </weather> <weather name="storm" prob="8"> <Temperature min="12" max="18" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="90" max="100" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="70" max="100" prob="1"/> <Fog min="5" max="15" prob="1"/> <Wind min="45" max="50" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Snowy"/> </weather> <weather name="bloodMoon" prob="0"> <Temperature min="15" max="15" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="50" max="50" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="7" max="7" prob="1"/> <Wind min="15" max="20" prob="1"/> </weather> <weather name="twitch_fog" buff="twitch_fog" prob="0"> <Temperature min="20" max="30" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="35" max="60" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/> <Fog min="18" max="30" prob="1"/> <Wind min="5" max="6" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Snowy"/> </weather> <weather name="twitch_rain" buff="twitch_rain" prob="0"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="70" max="90" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="30" max="80" prob="1"/> <Fog min="1" max="3" prob="1"/> <Wind min="10" max="25" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Rainy"/> </weather> <weather name="twitch_snow" buff="twitch_snow" prob="0"> <Temperature min="18" max="28" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="55" max="75" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="30" max="60" prob="1"/> <Fog min="1" max="5" prob="1"/> <Wind min="18" max="25" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Snowy"/> </weather> <weather name="twitch_storm" buff="twitch_storm" prob="0"> <Temperature min="65" max="70" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="90" max="100" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="90" max="100" prob="1"/> <Fog min="2" max="8" prob="1"/> <Wind min="35" max="40" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Stormy"/> </weather>
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