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  1. Hi Ragsy, In your Classic Zombies modlet, will adding this line also affect zombies sight and noise range? <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'zombie')]/property[@value='SetNearestEntityAsTarget']/@data"> class=EntityPlayer,50,10,EntityNPC,50,10 </set><!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) --> I'm looking at the XML files and a bit confused since there are several attributes that seem to do the same thing. I don't know how to see zombies line of sight or noise range in game, so not sure how to test this too.
  2. Okay, I've found the issue. I was adding a note to ModInfo.xml that I combined Guppycur's with Xajar's. Turns out it doesn't like the "&" symbol! I erased it and the launcher works fine. Sorry for the trouble, sphereii. Just one question: the modlets don't auto-update, right? So I won't lose the change I made in the modified modlets?
  3. The errors are this one: Here is the full log: https://pastebin.com/PK41EVRL I also edited several lines of the already downloaded mod, if that makes any difference.
  4. EDIT: Sorry my connection was bad, mistakenly double posted.
  5. Hello people, I just tried using mod launcher for the first time. Any idea how do you add modlets that are not available to download from the list? I want to add Guppycur's modlets to the game, but it's not on the available list. So I've been downloading it manually and extracted it to 7 Days to Die /Mods/ folder. However when I launched the mod launcher it shows error, apparently because it can't detect mods added manually?
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