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Posts posted by Khalagar

  1. 5 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    It was mostly from digging out the trench around my horde base.  I made what I considered a (very) small first horde base in my current playthrough, and it cost me about 10k cobble.


    I tend to queue up cobblestone in batches of 30k, so...yeah, I go through a lot of building materials. :)


    Just as an example, this is my "it's good enough until I find where I want to build my real base" base.  It's not done, I still need to add another floor for living quarters, but I didn't have time before the day 14 horde.




    Are your loot settings / exp settings way higher than normal? Your like 20 levels hgiher than me, with way better gear, like 4 days earlier lol. Not to mention your healing bandages stack a lot higher than mine >.>


    Man I wish my badnages stacked to 39 =(


    4 hours ago, warmer said:

    all of that can easily be skilled into, and if your player group is cool, they'll save those magazines for you. Having fun in MP/Co Op has as much to do with the people you play with as the game itself.


    Which doesn't address any of the issues


    • The one who finds the loot gets magazines more relevant to them, so a full on crafter would have to be out looting to get magazine drops regularly
    • The magazines would take up room in the other players pockets, and there's just way too many crafting mags for them to carry them all back. Bringing back a single stack of brawler magazines for your buddy who is doing a knuckle build is one thing, trying to bring back 10 magazines for your crafter is totally different
    • There's no reason for them to bother bringing them back to you instead of just eating them on sight, because they will unlock crafting too and be able to craft just as well as you can


    Learn by Reading is basically the exact opposite of Learn by Doing in that LBD encouraged specialists and in a group everyone would have their own strengths and you could play the game your own way.


    LBR encourages you to be looting 24/7 and makes everyone generalists fairly fast. Any time not spent looting is time not spent advancing a large part of your build. Any playstyle not focused on chain looting houses as fast as possible is directly punished



    It's not the end of the world, and I do like Learn by Reading overall, but it does have it's flaws for sure.

  2. 4 minutes ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    This is going to be entirely dependent on your difficulty settings, loot settings, the type of base you set up, blood moon frequency, etc. In some situations you can easily blow through an entire crate of ammo for a blood moon. 


    I've got everything on default besides being on the second hardest difficulty.  I think I've got something like 1,000 pistol and shotgun bullets each in my stash back home on day 18, and haven't crafted a single one

    2 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I really don't get the people saying mining isn't necessary.  In my first A21 game, I'd mined 100k clay by day 7.


    What the heck did you use so much clay for lol


    I've used some for my cobblestone and forge, but probably less than like 8k in 20 days. You get so much cobblestone from loot and breaking down the cobblestone bags + the trader rewards that I was able to build a pretty sizable base without needing to mine any more clay, and that's in the snow biome where clay is fairly rare too

  3. 2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    most important factor is... the infested quests are designed for more challenge and rewarded via a special loot container for the tier in which it is.


    Well, the most important factor is that the rewards atm for infested are awful lol. Since you're QA you are probably aware, but the quest rewards atm are bugged and you get absolute garbage for any quest over a t2, so doing a T3 infested clear and wasting 300 bullets and nearly dying will still just get you the same rewards doing a t2 fetch quest would have.


    The actual rewards from inside the boss loot in the infested clears don't seem much better to me? I've done like 3 infested clears so far and can't remember actually getting anything notable from them, not more than just running an easier quest gave. You seem FAR better off just running 2-5+ t2 quests in the time it would take to do one t3 or t4 infested quest, not even getting into the resource sink that t5 infested are


    I do like the challenge of them though, so once rewards aren't terribad I think they'll be fine

  4. The game is fairly balanced around coop too, but yeah the magazine changes pretty much shut down any den mother play style. I used to always stay at home and build the base, mine for resources, craft the gear, cook the food etc while others handled the looting and killing etc, but that just isnt' really a thing anymore


    I mentioned it like a year ago when they first revealed it, and was just told "Well tell your friends to bring all the crafting magazines back to you!"   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Clearly they must have different friends than mine, since keeping them from auto eating any magazine they see is nearly as impossible as getting them to actually pick up crafting materials. Most "loot focused players" from my experience basically just run and gun and only pick up bullets and weapons etc, and the game is way more balanced around that.


    Not to mention that if they found the magazines themselves there's zero reason to give them to you instead of them eating them, because they can just learn to craft everything on their own and don't need you to. If you aren't the one opening the loot pile then it will be more likely to be their skills as well, so even if you really want to be an armorer . . . you'll still just be run and gun looting like everyone else if you want to find any magazines


    Mining is basically pointless because you just get everything from loot and traders like the huge cobblestone bundle rewards and enough bullets to build a fortress out of them etc. Even as a mining focused character, there's not really been a reason to actually mine for lead or shale or iron etc  in like 2 alpha. My friend literally uses his pistol as a "ranged hammer" to break open doors and blocks and still never runs out of ammo because you get so much from loot and rewards


    Over all the magazine change is neat, but it does pretty much delete "den mother" play style from existence in coop, and makes every build a lot more similar. It's mostly the devs allergic reaction to Learn by Doing which rewarded specialized builds, where Learn by Reading just rewards mass looting as quickly as possible

  5. Yeah my friend is a literal raid boss atm with brawler build. Insane health regen + healing on every hit + beer and skull crushers and health bar candy etc make the knuckles absolutely ludicrous


    I literally just run to him when there's more than like 2 or 3 zombies because he can just face tank them on the second hardest difficulty. I hide behind him with my stun baton and just play support while he hulk smashes as the main character haha

  6. 4 hours ago, theFlu said:

    Had to mine thru a night for ammo by day 21 so ye, the ammo cost is pretty harsh.


    This is the main problem with the junk turrets, their ammo burn rate is absolutely insane. I haven't tested it in A21 yet, but in A20 I did several runs through the T5 Shotgun Messiah with various weapons to compare ammo usage.


    Something like the Auto shotgun would clear it far easier, faster, and cheaper and most of the time you would use like 60-100 shotgun shells and *come out with more shells than you went in with*.  Where as with the robotic turret I'd burn over 12,000 to 15,000+ ammo on a single run. With the turrets taking lead now, it's even worse, because that lead could be used directly for other bullets.


    Rather than the turrets being a cheaper option to use than guns, they are actually more expensive than the M60 to run and will drain you of resources way faster lol

  7. 1 hour ago, Vaeliorin said:

    hen I played a baton build, which felt really awkward.  The insane crafting costs of the robotic turrets (10 duct tape per tier) caused me to drop that playthrough, as I felt like I needed the turret support and it just wasn't particularly fun for me (though it was amusing having the stun repulsor mod and sending a zombies body flying while their head dropped straight down when you decapitated them.)


    Yep doing a baton build atm, and junk turrets are so nerfed that I haven't even really used them. They cost so much to use, and the ranged ones need lead for some reason.


    Really hoping int gets some more love. Baton itself is okayish, but then it doesn't have a late game variant which sucks. Int is missing it's early ranged weapon, it's late ranged weapon, and it's late melee weapon which feels pretty bad

  8. Devs have done a really good job on A21, it feels significantly harder (well on the second hardest difficulty) as well. I've actually died like 8 times within 14 days on my current character, which is crazy compared to most past alpha where I'd have like 0 to 1 deaths by this time. Loving the challenge


    Is there anything written on what the devs decide players are allowed to build? There's a really cool rope that is climbable in Poi but the player can't build it which is weird to me, and there's so many sick new doors that I don't think I can build? Or am I missing something where the player can build sliding doors and the climbing rope etc?


    Curious if it's a balance thing, or just a "more work that could be spent elsewhere" thing

  9. I am playing with DA lol, it was literally the first thing I rushed on my current character actually along side the baton perk line to test out the changes to it with the speed +10% instant kill.  So far my rewards match what others are complaining about, where I pretty much just get 3 trash options + 25 steel and sometimes a crafting mag option


    So far in A21 on my new character after the latest experimental update I've done around 40-50 quests I think?  and don't think I've had a single good item from a quest reward. The trader level up rewards are a bit better but even those mostly are meh. I've leveled several traders up to 2 and 3 and my current one up to level 4 quests while trying to find a good town, and mostly just ended up taking the farm plot bundle since they kept spamming things like cloth armor bundles or pipe pistol bundles.


    I've had better loot from air drops and t1 PoI boss loot than from my T3 and T4 quest rewards



    15 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    At the moment DA gives you access to the new secret stash.


    What secret stash? Am I missing something? Secret stash was removed AFAIK so all I'm getting from DA is some extra dukes and getting to pick 2 of the trader level up rewards since those are the only decent ones. Dukes themselves aren't all that great imo as my traders at least don't sell much that's that impressive, I've just been buying food and crafting mags from them and basic stuff like cobblestone and not much else

  10. On 6/18/2023 at 12:10 AM, NekoPawtato said:

    It's in the original A21 release notes


    Oh good catch, I didn't notice that when I read through I guess! The Stun Baton instant death is interesting. Weird since  it's hidden in a seemingly unrelated perk and the last 2/5 parts of the physician perk don't buff healing at all, but interesting.


    The turret ammo change though is really weird and another direct nerf to Int which is kind of odd, since lead is better used for real bullets instead of burning through 9K worth of lead on a t4 PoI


    On 6/17/2023 at 6:17 AM, meganoth said:

    Again there are other posters here on the forum already claiming INT to be the new meta


    I don't know what forum you are seeing that on, but I'm seeing the exact opposite on every forum and the subreddit lol. Most are saying Int is outright the weakest by far, especially in A21 where quest rewards are hilariously trash to the point of daring adventurer being a waste


    Here's a t6 reward from the frontpage of the subreddit atm




    and a t5 one





    You can get better rewards by just chain doing T1 or T2 quests rather than wasting time and resources on a t4 or higher, and there's usually not 2 quest rewards worth picking. Since you don't get crafting mags as an option nearly as much, you usually only have forged steel as an actually good reward


  11. Am I crazy, or are there not several changes that weren't in the patch notes? So far I've noticed Junk turret ammo now uses lead for some reason, and the physician perk now allows a 10% chance instant death per hit with batons which is neat but I don't remember ever being on that perk. I don't remember either of those being in the patch notes lol


    Not complaining, but I feel like I'm being gas lit when I read something and then fry my brain trying to remember if that was a thing before

  12. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    But when that weapon has subpar damage what is the difference to an unperked rifle or shotgun then?


    A couple of things actually


    1. It feels better when your perk points are actually affecting your gameplay. Currently if you walk into 7 days all bright eyed and busy tailed and spend your first 5 points in the intellect attribute, that gets you a whopping . . . nothing the first week besides some pipe baton damage, with the pipe baton still being one of the weakest melee weapons. The other attributes will all increase the damage of your primary weapons and  give you some gain for your investment. Int doesn't do that, it is a weird delayed pay off where you get basically nothing early game and not a ton for late game when it gets out shined by other options
    2. It would give you something that actually increases your loot draw chances. The robotics line doesn't say anything about making it more likely to find robotics parts and magazines in loot, and in my current A21 I can't tell that I'm finding anything int related in loot more often at all besides pipe batons. The other ranged weapons don't mention it either, so it could just be a text saving thing, but the issue is still that because there's no T0 robotics stuff it means you just outright *can't* find stuff relating to it until your game stage is high enough to start dropping t1 items
    3. It wouldn't have to be as subpar as a completely unperked weapon, it just wouldn't have to be as strong as a fully perked T3 weapon on it's own.
    4. The suggested Pipe Baton change is so that the steel variant pipe baton actually benefits from it's own perk. The pipe baton can't stun, so all those perks to increase stun chance are completely useless on it and it's late game damage is nowhere near enough to use it over a real late game melee weapon. If there was a steel variant that had better damage than the laughably low stun baton damage + the ability to stun then it would make it so your perk investments aren't wasted on affects that the weapon can't use. It's very, very weird that a weapon doesn't even benefit from the main feature of it's own perk line


    I still like the blow pipe idea for a ranged weapon, they could even take that all the way to t3 with a primitive wooden one, an iron one, and a steel one. Rather than outright direct damage on par with an M60, it could just have some utility like a poison damage DoT similar to bleed, or ability to craft various ammo types similar to the bow and let it do fire damage, or a chance to sleep on hit similar to a stun etc.


    Sleep darts making use of aloe + turret ammo or something could give it a pretty neat niche to stall zombies until they are damaged, and let it help support the whole "set up a mobile bunker" play style


    Stuff like that perfectly fits the Int play style while also making the attribute less of a noob trap for the early game and less meh for late game. Especially now that Robotic Turrets take lead for ammo. I have no clue what the goal of that change was, and didn't even see that listed in the patch notes, but it's a weird one imo. Late game when the junk turrets are very very casually chewing through 2,000+ ammo on a single small PoI that's a freaking LOT of lead


    It's not even fully about making Int better, although IMO it is pretty weak over all for the amount of investment needed compared to just using a shotgun or pipe bomb to clear a room of zombies faster, easier, and cheaper. A lot of my issues with it is that the perk line is just not cohesive and is confusing to new players who will invest in it not realizing that it's not really a full self contained attribute like the others are, and that it's not very good at all for the first week or so because you won't get anything for your investment


  13. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    So can the shotgun, obviously. And where does the shotgun "interact" with mining and cooking in the strength tree?


    It interacts with the Strength attribute and every single point in Strength makes the shotgun better. The drone does not interact with the intellect attribute nor the Robotics perk line despite it being the "robotic drone"


    Hence, the drone gets literally nothing from the Int tree, where as the Shotgun does get damage directly from the strength tree, as well as having a dedicated perk in the strength line


    2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Plus, a pure intellect player is the only build that can have two deployed, working turrets and a weapon being used by the player at the same time.  None of the other builds can do that.


    I mean yeah I covered that in my post in like the third sentence. The point is you should still just have an on attribute weapon for consistency and there's no reason why it shouldn't besides just that it doesn't have one. It obviously wouldn't have to have damage on par with the other tier 3's, but it should still have something you can hold in your hands for ranged combat to round out the attribute


    Y'all also ignored the fact that int is also missing it's tier 0 pipe ranged weapon that the others get. There's no reason why it *should* be janky just for the sake of it. ATM it's honestly a noob trap where new players start the game and invest it not realizing you don't even have an early game weapon for the entire first week besides a single melee weapon

  14. Just wanted to chime in and say update is fantastic so far! Learn by reading is a system I wasn't super thrilled for at first, but it's been fun and I think is healthier for the game, same with all the water changes etc.


    Only issue I still have that's made it across the last few alphas is that the int weapons are still in a weird spot compared to everything else. There's not Steel equivalent int melee weapon, like a Steel Baton, and there's no tier 0 and tier 3 int ranged weapon.  Like yeah, you can mix other attribute weapons with the robotic turrets, but the attribute  should still have it's own cohesive item set like every other attribute has


    IMO the change would be fairly simple, just a steel baton that has the moveset of the pipe baton (because that moveset is freaking beautiful) and damage in the same realm as the other melee weapons but lower for balance reasons, and let it take stun baton and have the chance to stun. Late game is really weird on int where your melee options are either to chase them around like a benny hill skit with the stun baton, whacking them 50 times until they die because the stun baton does *less damage than the pipe baton* and FAR less than a steel club etc, or to just use a steel club which isn't even your on perk weapon


    Likewise, ranged is missing both tier 0 and tier 3. Tier 0 could just be a blow pipe that shoots junk ammo, and tier 3 could just be something like a handheld junk turret that aimed for you or something, like a Soldier 76 ult from Overwatch. Int not having a late game weapon that you actually hold in your hands is a weird situation that in my last like 500 hours, has always ended up with me just using a shotgun in 99% of situations even though I really want to "be an int character"


    Learn by Reading and the new systems help the other attributes, but Int still feels like this weird red headed step child attribute that has several different things going on at once that kind of ignore each other. Pipe Baton is super cool but gets out scaled hard and fast, and doesn't actually interact with the Junk sledge or stun baton so it's like . . .wut? And then Int doesn't even have a ranged option at all besides the junk turret which is neat but not competitive with the actual end game weapons. When I tested it in a20, two junk turrets would literally drain about 10,000  to 15,000 iron doing a tier 5 PoI, compared to an Autoshotgun using like 80 shotgun shells but then you find like 60+ while doing it. And the shotgun was far easier, faster, and safer lol


    The drone can be used by all attributes and doesn't even interact with anything from the int line, so again it's like the pipe baton where it's neat but ???



    My yearly rant about the Int tree needing a solid pass over by a dev who makes it a point to "play an int character" for a full run to see how janky it is aside, update is great lol

  15. 11 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Thanks for the video link.  There was nothing new in his video that others haven't already expressed concerns over and have been responded to already.


    I've not really seen anything that addresses the "The zombies were training" issue, where this change makes any non-looting task a now sub-optimal time usage. Base building and mining etc were always purely optional but were there for people who enjoyed them, except now you are directly punished by doing it instead of spending your time doing literally nothing besides chain quest building clearing as fast as you can to find magazines.


    I agree heavily with the hybrid system (since learn by doing was objectively the best system imo lol) as it gives you a reward for everything you want to engage in. Currently if you spend some time leveling out an area around your base and mining and building etc, you've just wasted a day and raised your gamestage and fell behind anyone else in your group who was looting. IMO some kind of hybrid system should at least let you keep up.


    It's not even about making non-looting the optimal playstyle or more rewarding, it's just about not being actively punished for doing anything else *but* looting. This change just seems like yet another one where it's forcing the devs mandatory play style on the player and limits the game in really weird ways. That's why I brought up the attribute system too, because it also locks the player into the only playstyle the devs wanted, like machine guns being paired with brass knuckles instead of being able to make your own build and use a machine gun and a machete or a spear or whatever you thought sounded fun.


    The LBL change makes it so chain questing went from already SSSSSSSS tier, to "If you do literally anything else you are actually actively gimping yourself" by powering up enemies while you stagnate, and putting you behind everyone else, which is a vicious cycle in every game that has it because then you reach a stage where you aren't geared for your own quest stage and have to be carried by your friends to even do your own quests



    3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:


    1. Khalagar said he/she wanted to change A, B, C, D, E and F of the current 7D2D version.


    Nah I posted it as basically an "aside" where the main point was the Learn by Looting issues, then with a few page breaks to make it clear it was a separate issue, just talked about the attribute system being janky AF because it also does need updating while they are reworking the perk trees



    3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:


    I just can't understand why some people ask for so many changes that would make the game unrecognizable: they basically want a different game!



    Yeah man that's crazy, like imagine if the devs were overhauling stuff drastically by doing something major like completely revamping the crafting system to use magazines. That's probably too much work though and would change 7 Days to Die to a completely different game entirely from A20! </s>



  16. 21 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Well, why are you playing 7D2D at all, then?


    Because I like the game and am allowed to without needing to justify it to you


    21 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Judging by all the "modifications" you want to the game, you should play a completely different game in the first place.


    Not really, since a lot of the issues are things that have are being actively changed by the devs from past versions that already worked. Also, this game is in alpha and now is precisely when I'm allowed to, and encouraged to, give feedback and opinions on the direction of the game and offer my thoughts on it. I'm sorry you don't think I should do this on the game forum for feedback, perhaps you should add me to the ignore list if this forum has such a feature so you can browse in peace without seeing feedback you don't approve of


    21 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    from my perspective


    I mean I didn't ask your perspective tho. I really am happy that you don't see these things as an issue, hopefully you can continue to enjoy the game in your own way, but clearly others do have their own issues and are very much so allowed to talk about them without need to ask for your permission to give it to the game developers during the "not even released yet and still in development" stage of the pre-release alpha.


    You're more than free to give your perspective on my own perspective, but saying I need to just find a different game to play because you don't play the game in coop while I do is a pretty terrible take when I'm talking about changes that are particularly damaging to the many people playing in multiplayer or on servers etc



  17. Vedui just put out a video on the A21 learn by looting and actually brought up the exact same issues I did a few weeks ago




    IMO it's worth a watch for those who don't understand why I think the learn by looting system is going to gimp a lot of playstyles and players, since it is basically the same exact issue Skyrim has with the "The Draugr Were Training " meme. Building your base? The zombies were training. Digging in your mine? The Zombies were training. Crafting some gunpowder and cooking some food? The zombies were training


    Anytime not spent looting 24/7 is now "sub-optimal time usage" which doesn't directly translate to the player improving. You'll get exp while building your base, but all that exp will do is make the gamestage go up without directly translating to you getting better equipment to fight the stronger zombies. Vedui also brought up the exact same issue I made with coop too, where you will get left far behind your friends, and you can't expect them to bring back magazines for you because they will take up an absurd amount of inventory space which is already a major issue


    I don't want to be gloom and doom since TFP are usually fairly rational about some of their changes, but this is one I think they need to elaborate a lot more on, because even just reading about it on paper and thinking about it for more than a few seconds has you go "Wait, but what about X?".




    That aside, I do hope TFP uses this time to rework the attribute system to actually make sense as well. I've played most survival games out, and never seen such a weird attribute system that is confusing to new players / anti-common sense.


    Raised your strength to max level? I bet you can carry a ton of weight and hit like a truck with melee weapons! Well actually no, you just do more damage with shotguns for some reason. Raised your agility to max? I bet you are fast AF boi and can jump over the moon! Well actually no, you just do more damage with SMGs. But wait, your endurance is max level, I bet you are REALLY tanky and durable and have the stamina of a god! Well actually no, you just do more damage with machine guns


    Even my friend who has like 700+ hours still doesn't really know how the perks and attributes work at all, and always says stuff like "Oh I can just run over there real fast, I put several points in agility so I move really fast"



    IMO we need the perks to just make more sense so there aren't wasted points, like if you are wanting the mining perks but are planning to use a sniper, every single point you wasted on strength is . . . wasted, because for some reason weapon types are tied to attributes and the base attribute itself provides absolutely nothing for "off attribute" weapons.


    Would be way better if the attributes gave flat stats like +health / stamina / block damage etc, and then if the trees had it so like Strength was all the melee and tool perks, Perception was all the ranged weapon perks, Agility was all the move speed perks etc. That way you could put a few points into agility to make sure you did enough damage with the gun you wanted to use, while also putting points into intelligence so you can cook food that won't kill you


    If they did it like that, they could do a lot of neat things like make it so you could do a "strength build" and potentially add a shield or something for people to be able to go full melee and endurance and wade into zombies like a juggernaut, or go a dex type build with ranged + agility to be agile and kite enemies etc. The current system just makes it really weird to do basically any kind of build besides using the arbitrary weapon the devs thought made sense to couple together, like a heavy machine gun and . . . . . . .  brass knuckles??? So if you are like "but I want to use a heavy machine gun and a knife =(" you are SOL

  18. 48 minutes ago, Quantum Blue said:

    is there any chance we could see a return of some building/poi's that are taller than 3 stories? 


    I don't think there's much they can do to make those not lag like mofo. Even with a high end rig with a 6900xt and 5600x I still lag down to single digit fps in the big sky scrappers when stuff starts happening. They still spawn in A20 tho, the bigger cities usually have 1 or 2 of them

  19. 11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    So you're saying that if I invest a lot of time into looting, I should have the best loot?


    Yeah definitely, for the best general loot. Get tons of ammo and generic stuff, and have a higher chance to get good stuff like solar panels and perk relevant stuff like Q6 weapons you have the perks for or engines if you have the salvage perks etc


    11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    So now you want to NERF other people's enjoyment of one part of the game, only so that you can better enjoy YOUR preferred part of the game?


    No? Where did any part of my post say that? The part you quoted was about them changing it from *the current* system which screws over one play style for no real reason


    11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    That's how it works now and will work even better in A21. If you invest your points in shotguns, you'll get better at shooting with shotguns.

    If you invest your efforts into learning how to CRAFT shotguns, you'll be better at CRAFTING shotguns.


    I like how you changed your wording to make it misleading, Invest Points changed into invest efforts to muddy the waters.  9/10 job you'd make a good greasy politician.


    In A21 investing your perks into shotguns won't give you a better chance at finding a Q6 shotgun than the dude who invested into snipers. Investing in the perk makes you more likely to find magazines, but even that is still RNG and we've had no confirmation that you can ever craft Q6 at any point, which means the entire magazine line is basically pointless compared to just investing in loot / quest rewards and getting a Q6 instead of dicking around trying to craft a Q5


    8 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Punish them how? I assume you are playing co-op. Then tell me what is your plight being 5 levels behind ADHD dude?


    You get left behind and can't keep up with them in games. They will out gear you and be doing T5 quests while you are running around with a mix of cloth and leather armor and a taped together shotgun


    Too many other quotes to reply to, ain't nobody got time for that even when I'm typing on company time lol

  20. My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works. Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


    If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have. Spent a day mining for iron and coal or a day building onto your house? Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


    It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


    I'm not saying the devs have to balance around it entirely, but it would be nice for them to least have it so your perk investment means you will actually be the best at something, since it increases build diversity.

  21. 16 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    It's only a paradox for people who play in an "unbalanced" (or should I say "unnatural") way.


    "It's unnatural because I don't play that way"


    Dunno if you've watched any streamers play, but every group I've seen where there's more than 1 or 2 people, has one person who basically always stays home as the den mother role and just cooks / crafts / builds etc and only rare goes out looting and instead just gathers iron and wood and stone etc.


    Dunno, the change to me is a weird one. I'm liking 98.7% of the changes for a21, the learn by looting one just instantly strikes me as one that seems wonky. On the surface it seems like it would help build diversity but it seems like it will just clutter the loot table. Like if you are strength build, you are just going to see a bajillion books for swords and spears and things you don't care about. I'm glad they are making it increase the weight to find books you are perked into, but I guess we'll have to see how it feels first hand.



    What I really want to know is if A21 finally buffed the Robotic Shotgun ammo to not be arguably the worst thing in the game lol. That change alone would make A21 a blazing success in my eyes haha

  22. Yeah talking about A20. Hopefully it is rebalanced for it, and I know the devs aren't dumb or anything and are aware it'd be an issue, it's more just if there is enough time for it to be rebalanced for the A21 release. I'm mostly just confused on the why aspect, since it's a weird area to rework yet again, but it sort of kind of covers an issue I've had since the last rework. With the old system there was no point in crafting any lower tier weapons, because raising the perk level so that you could craft a Q4 shotgun meant you could craft a Q4 of *any* shotgun you knew how to make, so why waste parts on a double barrel when you could make a pump or autoshotgun instead. New system kind of addresses that which is nice at least


    10 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    The problem is not in the game, the problem is in how "power-levelers" play


    It's an old adage from game devs for decades now, that players will play the most boring possible way they can and then give the game a bad review, because one method is 5% more efficient and 90% less fun. It's true in literally every game, and something game devs have to keep in mind. The ones who will RP and take their time doing something they know is more inefficient is a tiny drop in the bucket.


    That's precisely why they removed learn by doing (pls bring back) and a bunch of grindy mechanics already, because players will sit there in a dark mineshaft whacking rocks for 12 hours to power level a stat, rather than actually play the rest of the game. They have to nerf things like build exp, because players will just place blocks and upgrade them in the middle of nowhere to power level exp, if that is more efficient than actually building a house etc


    7 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Rust? Rust is a PvP game full of toxic players, I will never set a foot in there. Other survival games are often too much into survival to be a competition (at least for me). 7D2D is still providing a combination of features/genres that no other game can provide.


    Rust has PvE mode like 7 Days and every other survival game, and has zombie mods etc. You can load up a solo world in it just like 7 Days. For the survival stuff, I actually think 7 Days goes WAY harder into the survival bars than any other survival game I can think of. In basically all of the other ones, food and water are barely relevant past the first day or two, and temperature is irrelevant pretty fast.


    7 Days has your stomach being a literal blackhole where food is a massive problem for the first several weeks, and they are cracking down on water in a21 to make it similar. I'm fine with the survival aspect obviously, but just saying, I would say 7 Days is probably the "hardest" survival game on the actual survival aspect, and probably just in general really


    10 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    I think you meant Q6? ... Well, the devs said they'll be considering this, but in any case, as I already argued before with someone else on this, it's absolutely NOT a waste of time. The reason is that the game has progression, and when you're still in that phase of the game where you need <Q6 stuff, then you definitively need q1->q5 stuff!


    Yeah meant Q6. And the issue is there is no progression because you will find a Q6 almost as fast / faster than you will be able to craft one. I've tested it many times actually by going either full crafting focus or going full quest focus, or going craft focused while my friend is loot and shoot. Because it takes parts to craft something, and you can't craft the parts, and the higher quality versions take more parts, it stalls crafting tiers out while you have to go loot anyway. Just chain running quests will power level you into the higher loot tiers quickly and the quest reward perks and vendor perks will have them selling Q6 t1 weapons and armor extremely quickly.


    It definitely does feel like a waste of resources to waste all your duct tape and springs etc to craft a quality 5 only to have a Q6 as a reward or from the loot box an hour later.





  24. 3 hours ago, Laz Man said:


     it does make crafting more significant again. 




    Were loot drops changed, I'm not finding info that? Since like he even brought up in the video you linked, using the A20 loot drops at least, there's literally no situation where I would *ever* bother crafting a gun in A21, I would just run quests to get it from the boss loot chest or the quest reward literally a thousand times faster than trying to find hundreds of magazines to unlock a high quality, high tier craftable.


    Not to mention  it still being completely pointless to waste resources crafting if you still can't craft T6



    38 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    OMG!! That's atrocious! ... Are you saying the friends in your group will have to think about you when going out looting? :faint2:


    Tell me you've never played multiplayer without telling you've never played multiplayer lol


    Just getting people not to instantly eat every skill book is often hard, and begging them to pick up the loot and materials that aren't just bullets / guns is nigh impossible with the types who just want to raid PoI nonstop. But more than that, asking them to bring back an entire inventory full of books (the video shows it taking 60+ books to unlock TIER ONE versions of weapons) isn't addressing my entire point, that it just ends a whole role in the game for people who like to build and mine and stuff.



    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    You don't have to build a base to survive, you don't have to have a farm, and mining isn't something you have to do to survive


    This. Mining was basically deleted from the game with A19 and A20, and now building and stuff will be very sub-optimal because you aren't spending that time looting for skill books instead. I used to always be a miner who lived at bedrock up until the changes to stamina and food drain made it so mining without an auger was a total farce, so I haven't had a bedrock base or bothered mining much at all in the last few alpha.


    It's so weird what areas the devs focus on. If someone says "Why should I play 7 Days to Die over Rust with a zombie mod or any other survival game" you start talking about the voxel based terrain allowing you to mine and do all kinds of really cool stuff, except that has basically been completely ditched / ignored and there's literally no reason to ever dig in 7 Days anymore. Each alpha seems to turn the game more into just a looter shooter, where it has fierce competition from other survival games that already have that niche well covered, and to me, it makes me scratch my head on why the devs don't instead focus on the unique aspect of 7 Days by adding underground cave systems with infected nests and tunneling zombies and other voxel only ideas


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