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  1. Hey Khaine, great job on the mod as usual. One thing I can't seem to figure out though is how to disable the health bar. Here's what I've tried so far: - changed "ShowTargetHealthBar" from true to false in blocks.xml (that used to work but it was a different name) - commented out lines 505 to 511 in styles.xml - deleted the HealthBar folder under UI - all of the above together I see there's a XUiC_TargetBar C# file in Harmony. Is that it? Or is it something the Pimps did? Sure would be nice to be able to turn that thing off. Cheers! Never mind. I figured it out. For anyone else that wants to turn it off go to: 7 Days To Die\Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config\XUi\windows.xml line 113 and change visibility="always" to visibility="never". And you still need to change "ShowTargetHealthBar" from true to false in 7 Days To Die\Mods\2-SCore\Config\blocks.xml line 101. The other two steps I tried aren't necessary. Might need to start a new game for it to take effect. Have fun!
  2. You can try toggling texture streaming and see if it makes a difference:
  3. Cool, thank you. Been removing them manually with Pille's Prefab Editor for several iterations now. A bit tedious to say the least. Worth it though. Cheers!
  4. FYI, If you Google the keywords "sms online free" you will discover a solution to your problem. I've done this several times in situations where I want to sign up for something but remain anonymous (there's a few other steps that need to be taken in that case). For your situation this would work well. You might have to try a few different numbers before it works but it's not nearly as painful as dealing with tech support. And do not pay or give them any personal info as some of these services are a bit shady . Cheers!
  5. Bravo, bravo. Mash some potatoes, Khaine.
  6. There's basic installation instructions for manual install on the first page. Also, Khaine made this handy video a few months back: You can also use the Mod Launcher, but it's pretty buggy. Manual install is the way to go, IMHO.
  7. Lol! Yeah, I'm the exact opposite. Can't stand or get used to a controller. Check out that Razer Tartarus though, much easier than a regular keyboard and the keys are fully programmable. Cheers!
  8. Bit of advice - use a keyboard and mouse - only way to go. You ever see a professional gamer play with a controller? Personally, I use a Razer Tartarus and a mouse to play and the keyboard for mundane things. Great combo!
  9. You're not the first one to suggest this, but I think it would be way more trouble than it's worth. Too many changes to the game to keep up with. Even the "Official" wiki is ridiculously out of date. I'd rather see Khain spend his time on the mod itself (which, I gather, is already pretty much a full-time job). And you couldn't do a proper wiki without his input. Maybe once the game actually gets out of Alpha it would be plausible, but since it's already been in Alpha for over 7 years, I wouldn't hold my breath - LOL!
  10. Hey, don't be embarrassed. I've got over 1500 hours in this game and I still do stupid @%$# like that, too. LOL!
  11. Any chance we could get an incremental patch rather than having to download the whole mod every time there's a few fixes?
  12. Hey Khaine, it looks like you lowered the initial skill books from one to two on single player. I'm playing on Survivalist - so maybe it's based on difficulty level now? That would be cool, actually. I always thought that two skill books were a little much in the beginning, at least on the higher difficulty levels. Never mind. I never noticed before that you get an additional blank class paper when you open the backpack. My suggestion still stands though, maybe limit ti to one on the higher difficulty levels.
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