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Posts posted by Evil_Geoff

  1. I'm no expert, by any stretch of the imagination.  But after checking some custom items and blocks that were based on vanilla ones, but used a different color, I found a property line that would be similar to this:

    <property name="CustomTint" value="ffb0b0"/>

    But nothing on custom entities.  Soooo, I'm thinking that because entities have tags and other properties that point to their Unity assets, and have their meshes, textures, skins etc, if you want to custom color things, you might have to learn how to crack open Unity. 

    Check in the Game Modification > Mods forum with creators that add custom animals, NPCs, and zombies (like bdubyah, arramus, Xyth, Rizzo and more), to their mods to see if they can share how they recolored entities/Unity assets.

  2. I can tell, from the crickets chirping, that there was a resounding lack of interest.  Guppycur's Discord is the closest thing to a "central repository" of modding, prefab building, and map making there is currently, a lot of the tools, tool creators, and community have their own channels there, and hang out there, at least often enough to get directions to their specific Discords instead of having to Google-fu your way through the internet jungle.  Personally, I have found the community there to be very helpful and generous with their time and knowledge.  But for a map making specific place that has someone dedicated to curating it to keep it current?  I've not found one.

    I can only tell you want I was told a while back:

    "If you want something, you can guarantee someone else wants it too.  If you can't find it, but you want it bad enough, you'll learn how to do it yourself."

    I wanted things I could not find.  So, I started teaching myself .xml modding, prefab building, custom map making, how to run 7DtD servers... 🤣 I'm not good at any of it, but I'm happy to answer questions if I can, and share what I know how to do.  I'm 62 years old and started this journey a bit over 2 years ago now.  Old dogs can learn new tricks if they want to.

    Best of luck in finding what you want!

  3. I have created a Washington Monument prefab, it will be released in the next CompoPack edition.  I am looking for other DC landmarks as POIs, specifically for a Capitol Wasteland (Fallout 3) themed map.  Are there any already out there?  My Google-Fu did not find any. 

    Any ambitious prefabbers want to tackle something?



  4. I know it has been a while!  I've seen the Aircraft Carrier Challenge mod with their A21 take on the Super Carrier, and it's pretty cool.  I'm curious if you have done an update on that rascal, or if the dry-docked version has been finished.  With all the updates to bdubyah's The Wasteland, I'm ready to push out a new Capital Wasteland map and want Rivet City again.

    This is coming in the next CompoPack release:  image.thumb.png.1f4e2f65a6830b7099af8cc156569568.png

    Yes, that's the Washington Monument.

    And I'm working on a Brotherhood of Steel/GNR radio tower version to include in a future release of The Wasteland.


  5. Why am I having this urge to pull a Bart Simpson???

    "I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing.  I will not fill up the blackboard with writing...."

  6. A true apology would have included a line along the lines of:  "I have updated the mod to remove your code and posted the new version."  If there is no correction of the offense, or not even an offer to correct the issue?  That wasn't an apology, it was an excuse. 

    Modding 7 Days to Die is a pastime.  A hobby.  A passion project.  It is NOT a "job".  And the Terms of Use for the game prohibit charging money for mod content. ANY "pay for play" content violates the ToS.  Example: using the old Mischief Maker mod as a way to get extra income for streamers was a violation of that ToS.  And the mod got taken down and streamers who were using it got demonitized.  That's easy to understand. 

    Do I use code from modlets I like in my own modding?  Of course I do.  The XML code to make changes to the properties of items, blocks, entities is going to be the same if you want the same changes.  But I absolutely acknowledge the creators of the code I use in both the mod readme file, and in the XML files with lines like:

    <!-- I freely acknowledge that this is all derivative, based on mods and overhauls by PhD Gaming, DrConfused1, JaxTeller718, KhaineGB and others. Thank you all so much for teaching me the basics of xml modding through your fabulous mods! -->
    <!-- Mostly based on Drs A20 PickItUp mod, and other mods to pick up items.  Updated with some of my own and for A21. -->
    <!-- This is all from Khaine's 60BBM :) -->
    <!-- update the overall backpack size -->
    <!-- upgrade to 90 slots done by Geoff Wingard -->

    It is not hard to do the right thing, even when you are just doing it for your own personal use.  Credit where credit is due.  And if I ever make my own mods generally available for public use, you can be certain that I will ask the permission of the original code creators, or I will delete their code before it goes public.  And you can be certain that I will not be charging anyone to download and use them.

  7. How has this stayed up on the TFP forums?  Isn't charging for mods (or anything else that makes money) without express permission from TFP a violation of the 7DtD ToS/EULA?  Isn't this the kind of stuff that ended up getting ZombieDayz canned?

    Need to get a mod in here to make sure it's legit.


  8. That depends.  9k is a valid, usable, map size.  But issues like the specs of a player's computer, how dense the POI count is, how much terrain is having to be loaded and what their graphics setting are, etc, will determine if they can actually PLAY on the map.

    If you are trying to play a 9k map on a hosted server?  Check with their tech support.  It may depend on the tier of your hosting plan.  I know the Blue Fang Solutions tier for 14 players will NOT support a 9k map, I've tried it and they said "Nope, got to up the subscription tier for maps bigger than 8k."


    What tool(s) are you using to make a 9k map?  Teragon?  Or something else?


  9. 11 hours ago, Ryan said:

    Hello again!
    Back with some questions, hopefully i do not overwhelm ya'll.

    I am trying to do multiple things, and i'll start off with loot.
    I know there's "Lootcontainerregular' i'd assume that'd be the yellow loot bags, what are the exact names for blue, and red loot bags for NPC's?

    Vanilla containers should be LootContainerStrong and LootContainerBoss.


  10. I will pretty much echo what BFT said.  If you want other gun mods to work, you have to patch it yourself.

    Trying to add in other mods on top of The Wasteland means they will have to be matched to the progression set up that bdubyah has created.  I've built my own rather extensive set of tweaks and add-ons specifically to use with The Wasteland because bdubyah has done so much to create that Fallout vibe and I love it.   My own Xtended Wasteland has changed the attributes and perks around even more than The Wasteland so they are closer to how I see them matching up with the SPECIAL set up specifically for Fallout 4.

    I'm 62 years old now, and started teaching myself how to do XML modding a couple of years ago, specifically to work with what bdubyah is doing with The Wasteland.  If this old goat can learn how to do this stuff, I'm sure younger, more tech savvy folks can too.  👍

  11. Echoing what @stallionsden posted.  My most sincere condolences to all of his family, friends and colleagues for their loss.  May his memory ever be a blessing.

    The improvements to RWG over the last few alphas was amazing, and I really appreciate all the effort that went into that.  As long as people are playing 7 Days to Die, and doing the Dishong Tower challenge, people will remember him.

  12. 3 hours ago, Fisher said:

    Hey.  I'm enjoying this mod so far, but have 1 nagging question.  Is it even possible to get an air drop with this mod?


    I think I'm on wave 8 right now for respawning zombies as I approach it.  Each wave is obviously harder.  Started with normal, now they're all glowing. including mutants and such..


    Hit and git!  I run (or ride) in as fast as possible, E > R and keep on going to get out of the circle.  A hireling or two are great helps.  So is a bicycle or other vehicle.  Looking at inventory and sorting can happen once I'm away from the zekes.


  13. But there is no deviation from true north, because the world is an alien experiment on human behavior and they didn't do that much research on Earth's geophysics...  They just made a bad copy of the world overrun with zombies based on movies and TV shows that had reached their observation platform in the Oort cloud...

    Observations confirm the No Deviation.  Multiple flights in the gyrocopter, MD-500, UH-60 and AH-64 mods (along with the unflyable @%$# of a contraption Duster biplane) all line up on N/S runways at 00 and 90.   Onward!  For SCIENCE! 🤓

  14. This is AMAZING!  Love, love, LOVE it!

    One very minor detail.  Runways are numbered via their compass headings.  In 7DtD, this gives the south end of a runway number 00 because you are heading north.  North end of the same runway will be 18 because the south heading is 180 degrees.  West end of a runway would be 09 (90 degrees), and the East end would be 27 (270 degrees).

    With the pre-generated world map, those would be fixed numbers and not change.  In the mod form of the airport the rotation can change so is pretty much irrelevant.  I'll go in and manually fix the runway numbers myself.   Again, great job!  👍

    On 7/18/2023 at 3:47 PM, AH64_Jimbo said:

    ...My main issue with Random Gen at the moment is trying to get Random Gen to align RWG tiles and the airport prefabs in a certain, predictable way. Right now Random Gen is just that; Random. I require a certain degree of order to make it work.

    The bugs with RWG tile placements are the main reason why the CompoPack hasn't released for A21 yet.  If the tiles won't place properly, the prefabs won't go in right either.

  15. On 11/13/2023 at 8:13 PM, khzmusik said:


    @Evil_Geoff doesn't quite have it right.


    I appreciate the corrections, it's been a while since I messed with the NPCs.  Now I know where to go if I want to make adjustments in my game!


  16. I don't know how the individual mods are set up, but I imagine that the weapons, range and damage they use are all based on the vanilla ones.

    So you would either need to create your own modlet to make those adjustments, or modify the values in the vanilla game files.  If you modify the vanilla files, MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!

    Default location for the vanilla files is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml

    Keep in mind, if you alter the values of vanilla NPC weapons, ALL NPCs that use them will have the adjusted values.

  17. 5 hours ago, ghostsniper said:

    Hi there. I know this is a late response, but I would like to change NPC Raiders Gurlz Pack gun range and damage too. Do you think you could send me a step by step instruction on where to change it please? Items.xml, you said, but where in? I don't have the updated version; still running old version pack on Alpha 20. Hopefully it's possible to explain even though my outdated pack version.

    If I understand the mechanics correctly, (and I'm sure xyth, khzmuzik, or others will correct this if I am wrong), to change the range, for each weapon you want to change there will be a line entry like this one:
                     <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="15" tags="perkBoomstick"/> 
    In the above line, the perkBoomstick is there because the weapon I pulled that example for is a shotgun.  The tags="perkThatGovernsThatWeapon"  So pistols would have tags="perkGunslinger", etc.
    Change the value="xx" where xx is the maximum range you want that weapon to have.

    To change the damage for a weapon, look for these lines:
                    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.02,.02" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".05,.25" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                    <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.1,.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                    <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

    changing those values will increase or decrease the percentage adjustment applied by the weapon.

    More important though, is changing the damage by ammunition type.  Since I'm using the shotgun as an example, in the ammoShotgunShell item there are lines for:
            <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
            <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="5.4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
            <passive_effect name="RoundRayCount" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
            <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
            <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

    Your changes in these values greatly effect what the rounds do.

    Keep that DamageFalloffRange in mind if you increase the max range of the weapon or ammo.  In the above example, every 4 blocks the round travels, the damage drops.  So if you change the MaxRange to 20, for example, you might want to increase the DamageFalloffRange value to 6 or even 8.


  18. For Fallout New Vegas fans, this looks like a *must see*!  Your casino would totally fit in with a New Vegas themed game.

    I run a Fallout themed, highly modified, server for a friend that is built around The Wasteland overhaul by bdubyah, and my own custom tweaks.  You can see videos of some of the stuff I've done with it on my friend's YT - TomGirlGamer.  Look for the "Fallout in 7 Days to Die" videos.   

    I've been working on making a Washington Monument for a new Capitol Wasteland map.  And if we do a New Vegas map, I may ask to use your casino for the game.



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