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Posts posted by Evil_Geoff

  1. Well the above didn't crash the game, but because it was a mod for each individual piece of the PA set it added 5 mods to the list.

    Simplifying it to model the armor plating format:

    <item_modifier name="modPowerArmorLeadLining" installable_tags="armor" modifier_tags="resistance" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
            <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningSchematic"/>
            <property name="DisplayType" value="modArmor"/>
            <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
            <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
            <property name="DescriptionKey" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningDesc"/>
            <effect_group tiered="false">
                  <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffPAsetLead"/>
                  <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffPAsetLead"/>

    reduced the 5 in the list to one Lead Lining Mod.

    I'm still trying to figure out getting the buff check to each piece and then requiring the entire set to get the radiation protection buff.  As an alternative, would there be a way to make each piece provide a 20% reduction, so the whole set adds up to 100% radiation resistance?


  2. Might be a bit of a long question...  I am trying my hand at creating a more Fallout-ish experience, and have added radiation zones to some areas of the map (generated with Nitrogen using The Wasteland prefabs and manually added radiation areas).  I want to add a Lead Lining mod to the Power Armor sets to remove the low level radiation damage. 

    In the item_modifiers.xml, using your existing mods as a format, I think the mods should look like this:

    <!-- Adding Lead Liner to Power Armor -->
            <item_modifier name="modPowerArmorHelmetLeadLining" installable_tags="powerarmorHead" modifier_tags="PAhelmet" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
                <property name="UnlockedBy" value=""/>
                <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
                <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
                <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
                <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
                <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
                <property name="Material" value="Mlead_scrap"/>
                <effect_group tiered="false">
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>

    And I think, maybe, kinda, sorta that in the buffs.xml making the whole set of Power Armor required should look like this:

    <!-- Add low level radiation buff to player's update buff status check -->
        <append xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffStatusCheck01']/effect_group">
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffRadiation01">
                <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="god"/>
                <!-- Radiation level must be 1.0 for buff to be given to player. -->
                <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_biomeradiation" operation="Equals" value="1"/>

            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffPAset">
                <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>
                <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAarmsLead"/>
                <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAchestLead"/>
                <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAlegsLead"/>
                <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAbootsLead"/>
    and then

            <buff name="buffPAhelmetLead" hidden="true"></buff>
            <buff name="buffPAarmsLead" hidden="true"></buff>
            <buff name="buffPAchestLead" hidden="true"></buff>
            <buff name="buffPAlegsLead" hidden="true"></buff>
            <buff name="buffPAbootsLead" hidden="true"></buff>

            <buff name="buffPAset" name_key="buffPAsetName" description_key="buffPAsetDesc" tooltip_key="buffPAsetTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" icon_color="255,255,0">
                <stack_type value="ignore"/>
                    <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiation01"/>

    The rad zones work.  The buffs.xml code is based on a radiation suit that works.  Am I on the right track for the power armor?  Or am I off base with what I've got going on?  Do you see anything there that would totally bork a game?


  3. 8 hours ago, arramus said:

    ...  You are very welcome to add that as an append line in the mod buffs file to see the result and share feedback. Should it bring relief it is a potential update for the mod. If it doesn't bring relief for what looks like a VERY annoying experience, it may require a total change of particle for the Geist and Flyers.

    I did further testing - I added the <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="StopSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/> to the entityclasses.xml for the triggered effects on the Geist, started a game and spawned in a dozen Geists.  I @%$#ed them off for some reason (imagine that!)  and got electrocuted to death.  When I respawned, the sound stopped.  I went back to the area where I had spawned them, and the noise was gone. 

    "YAY!"  I thought.

    But wanting to be thorough, I tried it again, this time in God mode.  Here's what I found out:

    #1 - The shock sound persists in the location you are shocked.  I got shocked in one area several times, ran off far enough to not hear the noise, and ran back and as I got closer, I could hear the sound again. 
    #2 - The sound can persist in multiple locations.  I ran away, far enough to not hear the shocking sound in the first area.  @%$#ed of the Geists (I let them heal up in the meantime, you know, for SCIENCE!) and let them shock me some more.
      Ran off, did it again.  Ran back to the first location, and the sound was still there.  Back to the second, ditto.  Back to the third.  Yup, you guessed it, the sound was still there.
    #3 - The <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="StopSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/> appears to work as long as _I_ die.  Killing all the Geists did not stop the sound.

    I do not want to survive the horde, just to have to eat glass to stop the sizzle.  *LOL*

  4. I think I might have found the issue in the buffs.xml of the vanilla game.  There is a line for:
    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/>

    And for
    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLeaveGame" action="StopSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/>

    But no line for <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="StopSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/>

    Would adding that line in the base game cause the sound to stop on Geist death?  Or adding it as an append line in the mod buffs file?


  5. I am really enjoying the Custom Server Side Zombies - PLUS (originally included as part of the ZombieDayz overhaul by DeftChimp and sechsterversuch and I liked it so much I put it back in). But I'm experiencing an issue that is REALLY annoying.  When a Geist (or possibly another electric attacking zombie) dies during horde night, the electric crackling sound goes into an infinite loop.  After killing 4 or 5 of them, the volume is almost unbearable and makes it extremely difficult to hear incoming z's.  A similar issue is occurring with the Hell Flyer (gyrocopter based Z) - when they are killed the crash and burn sound goes into an infinite loop.

    This issue is occurring on a dedicated server, and in my personal game.  Leaving the chunk and coming back does not fix the problem.  The only way I have found to fix it on my personal game is to log out and log back in.  On the server game, we have everyone to log out and log in to get the noise to stop.

    I'm not much of a modder/coder, but I'm pretty sure that I can either <!-- sound file here --> to turn it off entirely, or set the "loop=true" to "loop = false" if I know which file the sounds are getting called by and/or from.

    Thanks in advance for any insights you might have!
    - Geoff

  6. If this has been answered elsewhere I have not found it through the search function.


    I have been using Vortex for mods in Skyrim SE, Fallout 4 and 7 Days to Die. Several friends want to play Darkness Falls, and are telling me that it needs to be installed with 7D2D Mod Launcher.


    I can't find any information on compatibility or conflicts. While I don't mind uninstalling 7Days mods (I only use 6 - 7) I am NOT willing to loose my modded Skyrim and FO4 games by completely uninstalling Vortex.


    Can someone offer any guidance on switching from Vortex to Mod Launcher? Thanks!


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