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Posts posted by zztong

  1. 3 hours ago, warmer said:

    When you load 7d2d doesn't it load the mods at the same time?


    They are not loaded at world creation/loading, or am I mistaken? If it's at launch, I don't think you could have them be world specific without a lot of code alteration.


    When you load 7d2d the console will report all of the mods it finds. You get to learn if the ModInfo.xml is okay.


    When you load a game or the prefab editor you get to discover if there were any XML errors in other files, so my bet is the modlets aren't loaded then.

  2. 4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    For vehicles, I know I have seen some mods that reduced the damage but I am not sure how that is done.


    They give the vehicles more hitpoints. Something like this...


    <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='vehicleBicyclePlaceable']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationMax']" name="value">4500</setattribute>


  3. I can appreciate the desired option. It makes sense. As a person who works on a mod and generates lots of test worlds, I'd also appreciate the ability to keep a modlet in one place -- what we currently have. A compromise might be that when you start a world all of the modlets found in your mods folder get copied to the generated world.


    Another option -- something I'd hope to see with Steam Workshop Support -- is that when starting a world you selected which mods should be applied to that world via some UI and then the game could find/load those modlets in the mods folder, but would just ignore any modlets that you didn't select for that world. Copying mods around on a system is a waste of space.


    Steam Workshop Support I would hope would also allow for automatically downloading updates to mods, plus seamless installation. Those are things that can be confusing and frustrating to users today.

  4. 4 hours ago, wolfnet18 said:

    i actually demolished quite a bit of it to get it down to 100x100 so it would start appearing in towns. i still have the original which is 150x150. I havent really done much work with the actual prefab tiles but i'm not sure i even noticed there was a rwg gateway to be honest, unless of course that's what it's named when you're adding the road connections to your prefab and i just never noticed the name. i think my original issue was it was like 152x148 so it was only ever getting the dirt road connection. I'm going to try this out now!


    I think you might enjoy some background on Tiles. I'm sorry if you knew this already.


    A Tile's name describes how it connects to the road system and the interface to those roads the Tiles present. An "intersection" tile, for instance, has to have a road exit on each side. If you make a Tile, you're basically making a POI but with markers telling RWG where to put the real POIs. You put a 100x100 POI Marker next to the road you build on the tile.


    Gateway Tiles are unique in that they're the interface between settlements and the highways. But sometimes if you're lucky, they are intersections, T's, and straight tiles out in the wilderness all by themselves that can either just be a things to pass through or a junction between highways. I wish RWG would use separate the gateways (settlement/highway interface) from junctions/landmarks so that as Tile designers we could be a bit more specific, but that's not the case.


    You would take your 100x100 POI (a standard POI marker, size: L) and add to it a "driveway part" appropriate for the type of tile. There are driveway parts for gateways and you can make your own if needed. That driveway part has the blocks appropriate to provide the "curb cut", wipe out any obstacles in the way, etc.

  5. 10 hours ago, Masterdander said:

    Can you report this to the authorities or is there a mod that will solve this? I am playing the game in Turkish.


    I assume by "report this to the authorities" you mean "report this as a possible bug or feature request to the developers."


    I'm not a Dev, but I am curious how much larger is from the default with what you've done and how much larger would make it good for you?

  6. I've sometimes wondered if there was enough game features to make an adventure that played out like this:

    1. Start the game with a note that starts the mission.
    2. Gather components to craft a radio. (Chrystal, Coil, Variable Resistor, Microphone, whatever.)
    3. Gather components to craft an antenna. (Iron Pipes, Wire)
    4. Place the antenna at a height of 200 blocks or higher.
    5. Connect the radio to a power source.

    The mission is basically similar to a Fallout 4 mission where you establish a radio station to attract survivors. Steps 1, 4, 5 are things I've not tried to mess with and I've not seen anything like 4 in the game.


    The availability of the components can be somewhat controlled to make it a later-game thing. Other missions could maybe depend on the radio working?

  7. 22 hours ago, Nmenth said:

    I find that once I have acquired a gyrocopter, I have already gotten the best or close to it of everything else and lack any incentive to actually use my shiny new vehicle to fly around as there is no longer anything for me to strive for.


    In the Vanilla game, I kind of reach that point with Solar Power. I want to do things with it, but by the time I get I'm out of other things to do so I never really get to enjoy it.

  8. 3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Starting to see guesses on what dates the experimental will drop, but for me, it doesn't get real until we start seeing the posts complaining about how unfair it is for Streamers to get Alpha22 / 1.0 prior to them.  That is when I know it is just around the corner


    I've been joking with friends that because of Murphy's Law I suspect the experimental release drops while I'm traveling.

  9. 6 hours ago, Eduho said:

    No sé si es el lugar adecuado, tenemos la posición agachada, estaría bien tener un cuerpo en el suelo, con más sigilo


    Translated: I don't know if it's the right place, we have a crouching position, it would be nice to have a body on the ground, with more stealth.


    Do you mean a prone position to fire from or do you mean crawling?


    Traducido: ¿Te refieres a una posición boca abajo para disparar o te refieres a gatear?

  10. 6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Tbh I like traders in the deeper woods 


    I think they make more sense along a road distant from a settlement. Why would survivors build next to a big pile of zombies?


    I can't deny the Trader being beside, or in, a settlement is convenient for the player and doing missions.

  11. 1 hour ago, faatal said:

    We have dirt/gravel roads.


    Right. What I mean is if you sprinkle in an occasional dirt and gravel block into an otherwise asphalt road then you should see some alternative decorations, like grass, poking up through the road. Maybe you're saying that's already the case, but it reads like you're thinking of other kinds of roads.


    5 hours ago, spud42 said:

    lf you have biome voxels in the middle of roads , dont you run the risk of a tree growing there?


    Good point. Maybe skip the dirt. I don't think trees decorate gravel. Huh, maybe grass does too. heh

  12. 7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I think it is possible to create a script that will scan vanilla .xml files of configurations. So you can quickly convert them into an "xpath" function. I was thinking about doing this so I could torture ChatGPT about it. I absolutely suck at coding though, so hopefully my request will be of interest to someone.


    Isn't this "Mod Gen" by Pseudo Posse? I recall watching a video about it, but I haven't used it.





  13. 7 hours ago, WonOnOne said:

    LameStop or GameGo


    GameStart is zztong_store_xs_07.


    I'll bet there's a Walmart knockoff in the CompoPack.


    I've got a Rite Aid parody "Bite Aid" ... zztong_pharmacy_01


    7 hours ago, WonOnOne said:

    We need parodies of stores everyone in the US is familiar with.


    Sometimes the real thing is too good not to use...


    Waffle House ... zztong_restaurant_02

    White Castle ... zztong_restaurant_03

    Avalanche Pizza ... zztong_store_xs_01 ... The best pizza in Athens OH.



  14. 12 hours ago, faatal said:

    RWG road pathing changes is a different system than decorations, so no plans for deco changes like that.


    I'm probably mistaken, but if sometimes (1/100, 1/250?) RWG would place dirt or gravel, instead of asphalt, for a road, then the decorations for those alternatives would open up.

  15. 7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I think it is possible to create a script that will scan vanilla .xml files of configurations. So you can quickly convert them into an "xpath" function. I was thinking about doing this so I could torture ChatGPT about it. I absolutely suck at coding though, so hopefully my request will be of interest to someone.


    Isn't this "Mod Gen" by Pseudo Posse? I recall watching a video about it, but I haven't used it.




  16. 6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    And funny part about that, i did everything right. Last update on this mod was in A20. And when i tried to launch it. It just crashes, like i have exact version that mod is needed. Im trying to do RWG world. And game just gives up. I guess old mods are unplayable?


    Correct, you cannot use an A20 mod with A21. The ModInfo.xml format changed and that has to be updated. After that, the detailed changes within the Mod may, or may not, work depending on what they were trying to do.


    7 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    7.5k hours here in about 6 years, that's over 1k hours per alpha cycle, 99% of that is in singleplayer. I don't claim to be the be-all-end-all measuring stick, but I also think the game is doing quite well catering towards the singleplayer crowd.


    I agree with this. I'm over 4k hours now having started largely with A19. Mostly-vanilla is my preferred way to play, but purely Vanilla is fine too. I think it does well in the small-team arena too. That is, if I watch something on Twitch, it is often a few friends playing Vanilla with, or without Twitch integration. Part of that is my self-selection as I don't know the Overhauls very well so I don't tend to watch people play them.


    9 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Because again - looting POI's without quest is kind of pointless.


    I can agree with this, to a point. Traders definitely have a measurable and significant impact on game play. They're also a bottleneck on a couple of technologies (water filter). They're also (as of A21) a relief valve when it comes to acquiring a cooking pot and grill. Quests let you earn more faster because the trader gives you both Dukes and a reward. If you're on a server, you may face a situation where all of the POIs have been looted and you might need the Quest to be able to reset the POI.


    But raiding a POI isn't pointless because you will still get POI loot and still have the option for salvage. If you take away traders, it is the game.


    6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    If there a plenty of people typing about bad vanila - maybe its a real problem then.


    You can see how this statement isn't really actionable or influential, right? It contains opinion, not data. "Plenty of people" is your impression based on what you read, possibly influenced by confirmation bias. Everyone will assume "the silent majority" is on their side. That is, your opposition will say "Plenty of people are happily playing Vanilla." The only folks who have a chance to really know is the Devs as they can see the stats.


    But I'm not saying "shutup and sit down." The forums exist for discussion. Sometimes the words of individuals, like you, like me, find their way through all the voices and resonate with a Dev. Shouting louder isn't the key to being heard.

  17. 8 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    If after 80 hours I only find out that finding up magazines to the maximum level is completely worthless. Because random items have a higher level than crafted ones. Then why find these magazines if there is no point in it. If this was an additional reward for luck, then this is complete idiocy.


    I guessing this would be for weapons and armor -- at least that's where I observe this issue. I'm typically taking those Perks to get the advantages related to stamina or mobility, not the magazines. As you and @meganoth both have said, you can get the equipment in other ways. I look upon those magazines as a "floor." I will eventually be able to craft a Tier 5 if I don't get one through another means. I take the magazines as they come and I'm happy. In other areas of crafting, such as farming or cooking, the magazines work really well. This is far from "complete idiocy." Rather, I'd say A21 is the first exposure and it is likely to be tweaked and adjusted.


    I've been playing a "traderless" game, where I remove the traders from the map before play. That really slows the game down and the crafting/magazines have been kind of cool. It's a slow progression. My sense is you're after a very fast progression, so you're probably not into that variant.

  18. You can make this happen if you get a little bit into editing the world's prefabs.xml file once you generate a world. I could talk you through it. It isn't very difficult.


    The White House in AZ? :eek2:

  19. 2 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Raft ... This is the best example to show how the developers made a WORKABLE survival game that hasn't required development since 2013.


    Yeesh, I have no love for Raft. I'd say that's a horrible example of a survival system. I did not enjoy that game at all. But that's just my opinion. I had several friends play and like Raft. They were really into the puzzles, not the survival. I'd keep the raft floating, harvest the food and water, fight the shark, and they'd flitter about the islands progressing the story.


    I'd rate The Forest and Minecraft as equal to 7D2D for survival. They're very similar.


    Project Zomboid looks like fun. I've watched @NotOnly25 play it and so far that has satisfied me.


    The Long Dark has potential. It certainly took survival seriously, but has other issues. I want very much to like it, but it hasn't captured my interest. I don't think I've launched it in years.


    Palworld, Don't Starve, and Unturned don't look appealing, so I don't have any interest in trying them.


    I guess what I'm getting here is there's no accounting for tastes. I do admire the passion you bring to your arguments. I kind of cringe at phrases like "total disaster" as I wonder if folks just skip reading them thinking "that will just be another rant." I kind of translate the current topic into "I don't care for Learning by Reading."

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