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Record Comments posted by zztong

  1. A point of clarification: while it is rare that a POI suffers from this problem, when a POI is suffering it always suffers. Based on @Melange's testing it happened every time he had a quest to a specific POI.


    As the creator of that POI, I was unable to recreate the problem. I can confirm the Quest Marker is placed on the surface in the POI's files.


    Genosis had a video where the same issue happened on the same POI. In Genosis' case, the Quest Marker also appeared behind the POI in a location I suspect was based on rotating the POI twice for placement by RWG.

  2. 16 minutes ago, paulj_3 said:

    I'm very much completely naive and un-knowledgeable in any stamp-making, ZZ, but in looking at my own "Stamps" folder - all mountains, craters, lakes, etc., - appear as "raw" formatted files...  Maybe a possible reason?



    Is near as I can tell, TFP used RAW files, but made a comment on the boards that PNGs would work using Greyscale, 16 Bit PC Byte Order. So far, PNGs are working for canyons, craters, and lakes (I've not yet tried rivers) ... all of the things that lower terrain ... but my attempt to use a PNG for a mountain (raising terrain) threw the Null Reference Exception.

  3. Attached is a test file you can use to recreate the issue. Put this file in a modlet's Stamps folder. Your modlet files would look like this:







    I did learn that I was not exporting my PNGs correctly, however the problem persists with correctly exported PNGs too, like the one that is attached.


    In case it isn't clear, this exception happens when using RWG to generate a new world.

  4. The exception happens when "Writing Stamps to Map" if that helps.


    Make a PNG:

    1. Make the image Grayscale in Gimp
    2. Make part of the image 255,255,255 (white)
    3. Make the rest of the image 32,32,32 (ground level gray)
    4. Export as PNG, 16 bit PC byte order.
    5. Put file into modlet's "Stamps" folder.


    Expected result would be whatever you made to be white in step 2 would be a very noticable mountain. Instead, exception.


    Other possibility is I'm not making a valid image. However, that same approach, but with step 2 being done in Black, makes for a working crater.

  5. There's a companion bug that I'm going to report. The RWG code cannot find a part with upper case letters in the file name.


    So, once a person arranges for the Prefab Editor to see parts that you have created, if you named your custom part with using an uppercase letter, the RWG code won't place it regardless of whatever percentage chance you gave it. I suspect the RWG code is ignoring files it cannot find and for some reason cannot find files with upper-case letters.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Oof sorry about that, was a time I was in the middle of a move and what free time I had was pounding on other internal testing and this slipped me. It's in the queue, thanks for the video


    Leaving this here since another post was made which is in confirmed


    No worries. I understand. I hope you don't mind me making a duplicate report. On my end it looked like it was a dead issue and I was trying to figure out how to start using custom Parts in a manner that wouldn't lead to a mess on my dev machine.

  7. 10 hours ago, TSBX said:

    Hey zz,

    I've got some higher priority stuff to work on right now, but I'll take a look at it as soon as possible, thank you!


    Awesome, thanks. I can't ask for anything more than that.


    I just found a work-around. It involves making a symbolic link to my modlet's Parts folder from the Game's Parts folder.


    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs\Parts>
    mklink ZZParts /d "C:\Users\zzton\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\ZZTong Prefabs\Prefabs\Parts"


    THIS WORKED. The POI Marker Editor can now see the Parts in my modlet.


    While this enables my development, I'd still call it a work-around.


    I'm so happy Windows now does symbolic links. Yay! Yay! Yay! /happydance.

  8. On 12/30/2021 at 6:01 PM, Jugginator said:

    Hi can you post an example of a POI modlet/with custom Parts to see what you're doing?


    Err, yeh...




    ... I'd make you a ZIP with a ready to go example, but my Dev machine is dead. The replacement won't be up until probably around Jan 14th.


    That link is to a copy of an unreleased version of my modlet. Inside the Prefabs are subdirectories that match the game's Prefab folder. You'll find a Parts folder in my modlet. While I can edit those parts, the Prefab Editor won't let me place them. I can only place Parts from the vanilla game.


    I think I tried copying my parts to the vanilla game Parts folder and that didn't work either. Maybe I'm missing a tag, or some other flag?

  9. 2 hours ago, Hated said:

    I'd like the outputlog for this.


    Here's two...




    I could probably reproduce this, if needed. I just need to keep a copy of my custom POIs from the previous build where that XML element isn't included. Then put that folder in Prefabs and generate a 8192 world with the seed "Wilderness" with many Towns and many Wilderness POIs, rest default. It was throwing the error every time until I edited the POIs with the new version and saving updated the XML.

    In the same google drive shared folder you'll find a folder with custom POIs in it. Put that folder in your prefabs folder, then generate a world using B231.


    Seed: Wilderness

    Size: 8192

    Towns: Many

    Wilderness POIs: Many


    ... and you should see the same exception.

  10. Crap. forgot the stack trace...


    DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder.spawnWildernessPrefab (PrefabData _prefab, Vector2i _prefabPos, System.Boolean _isTrader, System.Boolean _checkTownshipSafeBounds) [0x002df] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder+<generateWilderness>d__77.MoveNext () [0x00386] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0

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