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Cpt Krunch

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Posts posted by Cpt Krunch

  1. On 7/11/2021 at 8:04 PM, Leaffallinglight said:

    "KrunchLand 10k" for Undead Legacy 2.3.34

    In the amusement park area next to the birth Island, there is a place with a large number of wheels. After picking them up, they get rich instantly. It's Mod architecture, so I think mod architecture is very unbalanced

    Not sure what you mean exactly.

    33 minutes ago, piroman182 said:

    i got an indexoutofrangeException error  and after that the map dont load ..


    Need to know what map, and what mod. Thats not a common error, and likely unlreated to the map itself. Without any other information, I would say a clean install and a new game will fix the issue, but i cant really tell without more information. A dirty install or extra mods added to a map could likely cause this.

  2. 35 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    alright man. at least i know there's gonna be a map shaped like Texas eventually and that's what I'm excited about. but i did want to ask u what are your thoughts on the idea on having full map generation control such as controlling where biomes towns and cities spawn? I came up with this because people would want to put large cities in say a Texas map where the Texas cities are in real life for realistic accuracy. second because states and countries have biomes in certain areas, Texas for instance is woods and plains aka forest biome in the north and east while south and west Texas are a desert, and because this is the zombie apocalypse we're talking about here i would like to see the wasteland spawn in the exact same locations as the real life cities and within the city boundaries. I know that was a huge mouthful but full control over biome town and city spawning would be interesting and would definitely bring more creative freedom.

    KingSlayer I know i already mentioned it but considering how interesting it would be. do u think full control over biome town and city spawning in custom maps could be possible?

    Its possible already. Its a few steps, but not at all hard to do. I could do everything you just asked for in 2-3 days max. Draw the biomes, prep the population areas, plan out your towns and cities, then build a mask around that. Easy easy stuff.

    The one thing I would need to get my hands on for this map is a real clear topographic map in order to plan and adjust the heights a bit more realistic. Other than that, just take into account either the need to create some area with snow, or mod the biomes in order to put the winter ores into another biome and done.

    If you really want to get fancy, maybe a few Texas specific prefabs, Alamo, maybe a few others.

  3. 2 hours ago, Life_For_Dead said:


    -_- xDDD

    I said "a little tool" but that doesn't mean "incomplete/simple" tool with less options/functionality...

    It's not complicated at this point to see a video to know how to set a city to small...

    I used Nitrogen who are not complicated too...

    Or will you said maybe I miss a second option (or whatever) to re-set again city to small??? I don't think so...


    Just see my result here & what I set: https://postimg.cc/bDJ60P2B


    Edit: But for a another thing, here maybe my fault, but there's is no road, we have to draw them ourselves? It's not automatic?

    Best thing is to use the masking functionality, which will help with city size

  4. 38 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    Not tryin to rush ya man but hows that Texas map comin along kaptcrunch

    Not even close man, months off, Ive got a lot of other stuff already in the works. I would guess mid A20.

    1 hour ago, Life_For_Dead said:

    Thanks for this little tool but there's a problem... 

    The section "Cities, Towns & Villages" is broken, KG don't want to respect setting.

    I try build a little map 4k one city set to be small but after many generate it's always large, city cover spawn nearly 25% of the map...

    This is definitely not a 'little tool'. I would recommend watching the video series on the tool to learn all the functionality.

  5. 18 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Worked fine for a few generations, now i keep getting this every time i try. Using the same settings but different name and seed.


    Generating heightmap.
    Generating biomes.
    Generating cities.
    Generating water.
    Generating roads.
    Generating villages.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
      File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
      File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
      File "world.py", line 1301, in run
      File "world.py", line 272, in generate
      File "world.py", line 349, in gen_villages
      File "world.py", line 393, in gen_villages_forest
      File "hub_factory.py", line 79, in gen_hub
      File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
      File "city.py", line 53, in generate
      File "city.py", line 125, in gen_grid
    IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

    Known issue, Im having same issue with newest CP47. Will keep testing.

  6. 4 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    Krunch I know this state is huge so it may need 16k map size but a landmass shaped like Alaska would also be interesting since it can be an all snow map just like Alaska is in real life.

    Its a little too late into A19 to mess with now, but there is a mod that will give all the ores in a single biome, I just need to tweak it a little when 20 drops.

    Problem with doing Alaska is only a few big cities, that would be a @%$#load of wilderness lol. Id have to find a way to balance it.

  7. 34 minutes ago, McKeighan said:

    So - it will work and generate a map - up until it tries to populate the map.


    That's where the POI's xml code comes into play, and then validates if it's supposed to be able to spawn where it's been placed? Or does the POI no longer care where it's been placed anymore in the map?  Just trying to figure out if I'm editing poi based XML files and re-naming them for absolutely no reason :)  I suppose I could have just made a 4X4 or 2X2 map with 3 poi's on it that were totally set to be city/downtown/wasteland only poi's and forced them to spawn in pine_forest/city/industrial and desert/town/residentialold and see if they actually populated those areas - but then that's actually doing research on my own. And the chance of me actually coming back and sharing knowledge once derived is very low sadly :(   

    The xml information in the prefab itself only comes into play when creating the list itself. Once that list is created, it uses the list for reference.

  8. 17 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    oh I got another good idea instead of all the states in the lower 48 how about just the states in the south, cause when u think about it more gun owners live in the south than all other american regions combined also theres alot more smart people in the south so out of all the American regions the south would obviously have the highest survival chance. Not to mention it would be interesting to see a large island or landmass shaped like the south.

    Doing just the south would scale a little better than trying the whole lower 48. Scaling everything is really the hardest part. The maps are all squared, so it can be hard to get enough good space without ending up with either too much empty water space or too much unusable high elevation terrain in places like the Appalachian Mountain states. I can take another look at breaking up the 48 into regions. Its also a bummer not to have custom biomes, Florida would also be pretty cool.

  9. 1 minute ago, Boidster said:


    So this would be post-generation, using the world editor to put the prefabs where I need them?

    Correct, takes literally minutes

    While we are on the subject of water. I wanted to mention something you posted on a few days ago. If you are looking to add dry river beds/craters below your maps set water level, here is a trick i use.

    Generate a map with all the water you know you want. Save that map as #1

    Add in the features where you Do Not want water to populate, save it, and make a new map with that, map#2

    Delete the 'water_info.xml' from map #2, and replace it with the 'water_info.xml' from map#1, open that up and you will find you have those new features with no water.

    Just remember to save this step until the end and make a backup of that water file, if you regen it again, its going to fill in like normal.


    43 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    I know i could do it but i have lots to learn about map designing and making mods but since some of yall made a UK shaped map as well as Europe but it would be cool if yall could try and make maps shaped like Texas or the U.S mainland.

    Dont you worry old son, Uncle Krunch got you. Long live the Republic :)

    Still needs some work, but Ive been planning to make an all desert/forrest map out of this one with some highways.



  10. 14 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    Yep, I did pretty much what you described and with similar results. I have abandoned the really steep mountain rivers, opting instead for a couple of lakes. But the long river that flows through the valley I have decided to try to chop into 3 chunks and then cut their channels into the heightmap (and adjust the water level accordingly) using local minimum terrain height as a guide.


    So for example broadly speaking the northeast section of river might have a minimum riverbed height (from the IRL heightmap) of 45. The central section might have a minimum of 38, and the southern section might have a minimum of 30. IRL the river flows smoothly down a gently sloping valley. Due to the crappy 7D2D water engine, though, I can't do "smoothly flowing" down the valley so the portions of the river will be set up like this:


    River Zone



    Water Level

    (water map)

    North 42 44
    Central 35 37
    South 27 29


    What I expect is that each section will have steeper sides where the local heightmap was higher, but at least a 1m high river bank near the minimum original terrain height. At the transitions between the zones, there will be a (likely ugly) waterfall effect, but it ought to not be as bad as the ugliness I had when I tried to do an end-to-end sloping river. This will be more like having three 2000m long flat rivers, joined at ugly but relatively small transition points. Maybe I can get cute with pixel-level heightmap editing and actually make it look like a waterfall. 🙂

    The vanilla waterfall prefab is still included in the install, you could also make your own water block to cover the transition blemishes.


  11. 17 minutes ago, AmethystLainey said:

    Krunch Im sure you can see what Im trying to do 

    :( im not having good luck doing it tho.

    Im wanting total flat with the water in the center with the area around the water as a no spawn (IE gonna be my build spot) 

    the flat seems pretty ok but when it comes to the water its kinda smooth but not still flat and the spawn level is like 71 not 30 or 40 not sure how to fix that either

    Watching brads vids is helping me with the colors and such but I still not sure about flat

    That should not be too tough. You will use the red color in the city zone mask to block stuff spawing. For the water, use the color rgb 35,35,35 if your water starts at 43, then open the height map in photoshop or krita and use a blur brush around the waters edge, which should give you a nice smooth water line

  12. 29 minutes ago, AmethystLainey said:

    the one thing I noticed is I have a huge drop to the water not sure y


    You need to blur out the coastline edges with whatever paint program you use. I use Krita which is free, blur the hell out of them and youll have smoother coast line, sharp lines give you cliffs

  13. 2020-03-10_18h55_23.thumb.jpg.2a3d9aff0a338165835b0c44872569d4.jpg2020-03-07_13h35_21.jpg.38cc321d867a133bffe8aacc920b5919.jpg

    11 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

    Ok. . . .   but what is a "stamp"? What does it look like? How would I use it? Where would I get one from? Is it a picture, like an overhead view of a volcano, for e.g? I know very little of graphics, and, while I do know what 'code-generated terrain' is and looks like - for me a 'stamp' is a piece of paper that's stuck on an envelope - or maybe a metal casting with a pattern on its underside that's covered with ink, then pressed against a surface of some sort - to copy an image of some sort to it. There must be hundreds of others out there who have never heard of this too. Exploring and learning the new world that KingSlayer, you, Brad and Stallion have opened up is daunting enough, but expecting that we all understand phrases like "I use terrain stamps to make ... etc., " makes me feel totally inadequate.

    Dont be daunted by any of this. When I started doing maps in late a16 /early a17, there was literally nothing explaining anything at all documented on height maps that was tied directly to 7 Days to Die, only anecdotes from a few of the Senior modders who dabbled a bit in the editing process. There have been 2 or 3 instances where I would bang my head on my desk and have to put a piece to the puzzle down for a while because I had just gone as far as i possibly could.

    Roads, water, prefabs, biomes, especially prefabs, these are all pieces that make the maps what they are, and their importance in the overall process should not be under stated.  If you are really committed to making these maps, dont ever despair, just switch gears for a bit and come back to your roadblocks, you will eventually succeed.

    Try and think of a height map as a giant block of clay. Create a png file, and fill it with the color rgb 40,40,40 and save it. Youve now got a block of clay that starts at rgb 0,0,0 and ends (the top) is at 40,40,40. Depending on where you set your water level, going below that water threshold 'replaces' the clay with water.

    The tallest you can make the block of clay is rgb 255,255,255, thats your ceiling. So generally, your terrain features, your 'map' is gonna live in that space between 40 and 255, and your water will live below that threshold.

    You can think of a stamp as a casting mold. The color you choose is how tall the mold will be, then however large you make it will determine the overall width. The attacked screens are from Gaia for Unity, which comes with a ton of stock stamps, which you can see ive used to create Mordor from the Lord of the Rings.

    The big difference here when we say mold, is that its a casting mold tied to a paint brush, and can therefore be dragged across the top of your clay block to give you things like mountain chains. Also it can be inverted, usually with the right mouse button, to give you craters and valleys.

    Once you have 'stamped' these features on to your block of clay, you save it and export it. You can either export to a png, which will give you a simplified height map, which you can use in a map gen like KG or Nitro, or in some cases, directly to a .RAW file.

    A little long winded, but it is Sunday. I hope this clarifies things somewhat for you. Just stick with it, you and I and a few other guys are going to collaborate soon on a giant 16k map for CP, and its going to be epic, so dont worry.


  14. 2 hours ago, K14M said:

    In the generation settings, I indicated that the snow biome should be generated at an altitude of 100. I did not like the automatic location of the biomes, so I drew my biome map and fed it to the generator. At the same time, I did not give the generator a height map in the hope that he would generate it himself based on the biome map and the height settings of the snow biome. But the generator ignored the altitude and generated a snow biome at the same altitude as everyone else. The height differences are quite insignificant. This is upsetting. Can I fix this somehow?

    Agree with Paul and Brad. Ive been making my own for years, and once you get the hang of it, you wont make them any other way. My suggestion to start is to make a few dozen maps in KG just in forest biome. Pick a few that work for your plans, and then hand paint them. I still use stamps to make most of my maps because i always end up painting them anyway.


  15. 50 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    For my first-ever attempt at creating a custom map, I'm doing an area around Pocatello, Idaho, USA. My co-op playing partner is from around there and I hope to surprise him as we uncover the map. "Hey Bob, doesn't that lake look familiar?"


    Luckily, it's a fairly rural area mostly, so really just a city/town/village overlay will probably be good enough. But maybe for his hometown I actually will scout out the neighborhoods a bit and try to zone accordingly. The interstates and state highways will be there using a custom splat, so if the intersection of highway X and interstate Y is an industrial zone IRL, would be nice to make sure it's industrial in game.

    Sounds interesting. Def stop by my discord when you start prefab hunting.

  16. 5 hours ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    This looks so good btw, it reminds me of the Ark Survival Evolved map The Center. Are there any good resources where I can learn to make stuff like this?

    Thanks, this is my adaptation of a KG stock map by a guy named Ashraio. Feel free to stop by my Discord, there are a handful of us who discuss projects and trade techniques for different stuff.


    Ive also got a handful of videos Ive done on some different techniques. The videos were made for use with Nitro, but everything shown in the vids can be adapted for use with KG tools. I will definitely be doing some new videos for use with KG at some point during A20.



  17. 3 hours ago, Boidster said:

    Is there a fix for the situation shown below? Pretty high variation in elevation on the heightmap and some towns near the mountains have this sort of 'platforming' going on, where the terrain appears to be forced upwards to support a POI. I do plan on creating a custom cities/towns map to overlay, but I'm wondering just how careful I'll need to be to avoid elevation changes within city/town/village areas. IOW, will I need to ensure that every designated town area is only in a flat-ish part of the heightmap? It wouldn't be a big deal; just want to be prepared.


    I'm using "little" heightmap smoothing at the moment and city level is at 60.



    Learn to use the masking tools, they are a LOT more advanced and precise than the ones included with Nitrogen. Create maps first without any prefabs, plan and prep them, then use the masking functionality to populate them, that will avoid problems like the one above in all cases except for maybe wilderness, though i find cliff like this still pretty rare.


  18. 17 hours ago, custom_hero said:

    Generated 10 worlds with different settings. The generator is poor. much worse than nitrogen. sorry for the bad feedback

    Need to be a little more specific. I know both tools very well, and there are some differences, but not many. What specifically is the problem?

  19. 9 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    I improved the poi selection in cities. Now it is impossible for the same poi to be placed more than once in the same city. However, this comes at a cost. If KG cannot find a poi that satisfies the required zone, it will start looking for pois of other zones.... if KG still cannot find a suitable one, it will start looking for pois in other townships (towns, villages...). This needs to be done otherwise large lots would remain empty. I think this is an improvement, but I'll listen to the community feedback .

    Well done! Very nice

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