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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Lmao you must have missed this, easy mistake to not see it





    I posted it for a reason, since your mindset is **exactly** what that's talking about. I assure you, just about everything you think is "really easy" in 7 days is not that easy to a new player, or even an average gamer since average would include everyone ages 4 to 80



    Bruh I started Soul Mask last night and even with an in game tutorial that's very in depth and even with literally like 4,000+ hours in survival games, I'm still having to google mechanics constantly that are "sort of explained but still not clear"


    Average gamers are not going to even go that far. My friend (the same one I mentioned dying in 7 days) literally just said "the game has walls of text explaining everything and I ain't reading alla that" and that was it. He's just been brute forcing the game trying to figure it out as he goes, and that's exactly how the 80% of gamers play games. They aren't going to look anything extra up, they aren't going to watch guides, they probably won't even read the in game stuff, they are just going to attempt to play the game and it needs to make sense



    This is basic software design as a whole. It's literally what I do for a living, and making sure your software is ten times more idiot proof than even the greatest idiot you know of is the *bare minimum* and still not enough


    It honestly wouldn't surprise me if these numbers were somewhat accurate across most titles:


    1) 60% of people never launch the game in the first place.


    2) 35% of people put in 10 minutes to a few hours, get bored or lost, and quit.


    3) 5% of people dedicate their time to one full playthrough (per version or once period). TFP would logically try to bring as many people over from the 35% to this group. These 5% are also some of the individuals who look up guides, tutorials, and communities.


    4) 5% of that 5% play the game regularly, mod their experience, and are regular faces in the community.

  2. 16 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Tihihi... how meta shall we go? I'm a gamer, being wrong about (you, a gamer posting on a forum (posting that you assume that a lot of people do this simple mistake (of assuming that people do this simple mistake))) ;) Two wrongs don't make a right, but how about 4 nested ones..?


    Anyhoo, your point about "most are average joes" is mostly valid, but

    - TFP is well aware, they're doing the game their way anyway; at best you can convince them of something 'logical' here (I may have had some effect on "improving" tooltips for players via a discussion about trader talents being wonkily written, in the times of the previous forums)

    - as well as TFP is aware, posters often are too; nothing stopping an actual game dev offering feedback here, either.


    Elite whiners will whine, some nabs actually show up asking questions on their first days in game, it's all quite a diverse group of people here.


    Optimally, the game can cater to both audiences.. for the goal of "one playthrough and done" for absolute casuals, it just needs to be not jarringly bad. For the goal of "you don't really get bored or annoyed for your first 20 playthroughs" it needs to be really well polished in several areas; one jarring problem will rip out repeat longevity. And of course it needs to provide some variance etc.


    Chess vs checkers vs tictactoe .. none is jarringly bad, but chess basically reaches a level of complexity where you can sink your life into it and not "complete" it. Each is easy to pick up; tictactoe is a fun way to learn that games can be Solved and thus becomes Pointless if two players know the solution; checkers is a decent intermediary, but also plays mostly like a solved game once you put any thought into it.


    If I was devving a game, I'd aim for a near-chess experience, as an "aim high, land 'far enough'". If some things need to be dumbed down, then so be it; but aim for the longevity-bracket, it's just good for the game.


    TFP sadly aims for a 50h experience, so a one-and-done - or so I've come to believe on these forums at least.


    I would nonetheless 100% suspect that's what the average player does. Play for 50-60 hours at the most at the beginning of an alpha/version cycle, and put the game down for a few months, or even until the next big update. There are no DLC (yet), no microtransactions (yet?), no battlepass (yet???), so there is little incentive from my perspective to really care about people who have hundreds or thousands of hours in the game. The only positive outcome for them at that point is you might leave a positive, helpful review and recommend the game to others after you've sunken your teeth into it.


    Well, at the very least, the game is replayable for many, and if not the base game, the modding community is pretty strong, as well. :)

  3. 8 minutes ago, toores said:

    Feature request.

    Short press for regular jump and long press for higher jump.


    Once you have parkour, it is impossible to enter some of the outside windows because a half-block ledge above a player pushes the player off a building when the jump is higher than regular.

    I know you can crouch to "hack" that, but it feels like a design flaw that I have to "hack" a perk in order to play the POI as it was intended.


    Honestly, it's for this reason alone I never max out Parkour. If I do invest in the perk, I'll put 2, maybe 3 points into it.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I watched some of the dev stream tonight.  It was looking really good.  The new POI looked especially nice.  And the zombies looked good, though they were pretty gray as if lighting on them wasn't working properly.  I love that the third (and presumably fourth) rider in the 4x4 sit in the back.  The only thing that I saw that really looked bad was the animation for the 4x4 wheels.  That was really awful.  Hopefully that is fixed before release.


    In 1.0 the 4x4 will be able to hold 4 people by default, and up to 6 people with the extended seating mod. :) The flap at the back of the truck falls down and the other two players sit on that.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    As far as RPG goes, this game isn't going to shy away from that genre regardless what some people prefer. RPG has been past of this game for quite a while and they are going to continue to have it be part of the game.  This isn't only a survival game.


    This. People have different tastes, so not one game has to cater to everybody, which is an impossible task within itself anyway. Sometimes regretful purchases happen, and that sucks, and if you can't get a refund, you move on and treat it as lesson learned. (For example, I couldn't get into BG3 because I don't like turned based combat.) However, this doesn't mean the game is inherently flawed. If you can't mod out what you don't like about an experience, it's healthier to chalk it up as a loss and move onto something you do genuinely enjoy. I don't understand people who stick with a game while hating it with every fibre of their being. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy for resentment and dissatisfaction.


    Edit reason: spelling errors (hooray to insomnia)

  6. 42 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Someone proposed a chance at a cooking pot mine chance but that is troll move that would likely frustrate most players.


    Edit:  Would be an easy mod to add if someone wanted the extra challenge.


    Despite my previous comment, I do understand why land mines have largely been removed from the game. Instantly dying isn't a fun struggle for many players - it would be no different than a dog horde on day 1.

  7. 54 minutes ago, zztong said:


    My guess is it is either a cooking pot or air, but if they want to spice it up there could be a chance of a cooking pot bomb. There aren't placable grill or broken cooking pot blocks unless TFP had added them to the game.


    Outside of the perimeter of some military bases and maybe one house, I don't think any POI's have landmines in them anymore, so that would be a nice breath of fresh air. :)

  8. 5 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    That's really the issue here, I think.  They call it legendary yet it is just another level of quality.  Most other games with legendary items have something special about them - they're very powerful, they have additional properties not found in normal items, they look unique, etc.  If they aren't going to do anything special with them, they shouldn't call them legendary, imo.  If they completely remove quality 6 from loot/rewards so that they can only be crafted, then I suppose that's enough to call them legendary... barely.  But if they do that, I'll definitely be modding them back in.  I don't want them forcing me to craft just to have the best equipment.


    Thank you. Thank you. I had to remove my post from the subreddit because, 1) People were whining about glass jars again, 2) Some people think that 0.1% damage increase is deserving of legendary status, and 3) Quite a few people reminded me that children are starving in Africa and this is just a first world problem. Sorry I seem... plain and direct, I'm just mentally exhausted right now. Some people are just genuinely insufferable. lol

  9. 2 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    As it is, low level stuff isn't worth using. Lowering those will just make people skip them all the more.  I think they are fine as they are.  If they aren't going to be real legendary items and are just another tier, then they didn't deserve any special treatment, imo.


    In that case, the point of a legendary crafting component is useless. :) If there's not going to be a noticeable jump, and the amount of mod slots is the same, it's just another quality level. A legendary item isn't legendary purely in name alone.

  10. Just now, Riamus said:

    It sounds like finding Q6 items will be very rare compared to today, though we will see if that is actually true. 


    I don't think they can really make Q6 significantly better than Q5 because the game isn't balanced for such an increase and is already extremely easy when you have Q6 unless you are at very high difficulty.  They would just be too OP if raised much over what they are at now unless they add another tier of enemies.


    They could always scale everything else down to make more room for purple items.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    It should be like 3.5% or something 


    Well, currently, the scaling between tiers is completely uniform. (The difference between 33.4 and 33.6 damage is negligible, so I question the point of random stats. Hopefully this too is addressed for the new version.) So let's say an orange baseball bat has 5% better stats than a brown, and the yellow has 5% better stats than the orange, and it keeps on going into level 6.


    Here's me hoping we get more meaningful differences both in hard stats and variable stats in 1.0. For example, the difference in damage and durability in a brown vs an orange baseball bat (and speaking for all quality levels here, just giving an example) could be more like ~10%, with purple providing ~20-25% greater stats than blue. To compensate, the average stats of lower quality level items could be lowered.

  12. spacer.png


    Have the variable stats between item quality levels been adjusted for 1.0? Currently, a purple item (example shown above) is always marginally better than a blue version, but the difference is entirely negligible, and I wouldn't imagine anyone caring about being able to craft a purple item if the increase in stats is only 2-5%. :)

  13. 2 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I actually remember a time (somewhere between A17-A20) where Madmole was talking about designing special effects for legendary weapons and that they should be randomly assigned to the weapons. Sometime later he even proclaimed that work on the design was finished and some programmer was already at work implementing them. Have I been dreaming this?



    If you did, it was a good dream.

    Anyway, just because something is proposed, designed, balanced, etc. doesn't mean it's going to make it into the game. We're still waiting on that fabled plasma baton, after all. 😛

  14. 4 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Correct me if I am wrong, but currently the only thing with a "legendary" moniker is the part to craft the tier 6 weapons ! ??


    That they have been naming it that way keeps my hope up that eventually they will transform tier6 weapons into actual legendary weapons



    They've been calling quality level 6 items "legendary" quality for years. 😛

    And have also specified they have no interest in adding in "actual" legendary items for about as long. *shrug*

  15. 6 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Regarding legendary weapons, I think they have made a mistake in calling them that.  People have very definite ideas of what legendary weapons are... Weapons with some special bonus compared to normal weapons.  Calling quality 6 legendary is just going to lead to people complaining that legendary weapons aren't any good.  Most games with "legendary" weapons have them either have unique stats, much better stats, or at least one special stat that can't be found on other weapons.  Basically, something that warrants calling them legendary. 


    Better to just call them quality 6 if they aren't anything different than the next tier of quality.


    I just genuinely hope that the stats between items has been balanced for 1.0. In A21 current, the difference between a blue shotgun and a purple is completely negligent. Something needs to change (if it hasn't already) to where if you encounter a very rare purple, you should exclaim with surprise, instead of noticing that the stats are 5% better than the blue and just shrug it off.


    Loot tables also need to be adjusted. Purples should be more rare in loot (aside from primitive items?), and end-game loot tables shouldn't exclusively contain T3 quality level 6 items, in my opinion. :)


    But yeah, TFP need to wean themself off the "legendary" term. It's like how they still, to this day, call the gyrocopter a "helicopter".

  16. 9 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Well, that's why I was asking, I heard nothing about an official category or I forgot it again.


    When TFP has been talking about medium armor, could that have been the middle tier of 3 quality tiers? I.e. scrap armor is tier 1, iron armor the middle tier 2, and steel armor tier 3 ?




    Well, according to the first page of the 1.0 dev diary, there are several outfits within this tier, and it's been officially mentioned on the dev streams more than once. We're just unsure what TFP's intended form of progression will be. Will we be encouraged to specialize within one tier of armor (light, medium, or heavy), or will they expect the player to start at the primitive grass fiber set and work their way up to heavy armor? We'll have to wait and see. If it's the former, and they don't include a medium armor perk, I'll be (lightheartedly) calling them out on that. lol


    Edit: I'm not seeing the official list of armors on the 1.0 dev diary anymore, so either they removed it, or it's located elsewhere. As an example, however, they referenced The Enforcer set as Light Armor, the Farmer set as Medium Armor, and the Mining outfit as Heavy Armor.

  17. 9 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Is there a new category medium armor now? Was that mentioned/shown in a dev stream?


    Unless they have been really really careful it doesn't seem that legendary items are anything more than just quality 6 items. Just to refresh memories, Madmole had designed real legendary weapons with special bonuses and there was work done for that feature. But it was put on the backburner a long time ago. I still hope real legendaries are added to the game, if not now then in one of the after release patches/dlcs.




    No, this is just honest speculation from my end. However, assuming that the Light Armor and Heavy Armor perks are being retained, it wouldn't make logical sense why there wouldn't be a perk attributed towards medium armor, nor would it make sense why the Light or the Heavy Armor perk should affect it. :) If there is no Medium Armor perk coming, now that there will be an official category of medium armor outfits, it would be an oversight. :)

    31 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    2x would be impossibly OP. And if you scale the zombies or bandits to need 2x damage you could not cope with normal weapons anymore. Besides, more damage is as boring as more HPs on the zombies.


    I would except more from legendary weapons, something that makes people use them **even** when they do less damage. For example vampiric weapons or weapons with a small AOE push, something like that




    Agreed. Perhaps legendary weapons could also use exclusive ammo, such as explosive shells or super penetrator slugs for shotguns. It would be unfortunate if all we get, assuming legendary items will make it into the game at all, is "Crazy Jake's Chainsaw" which has near to identical stats as a normal chainsaw, it just has a custom name and font/color attached to it.

    Note: "Crazy Jake's Chainsaw" is meant to represent one potential example of an underwhelming legendary.

  18. 14 minutes ago, Javabean867 said:

    all of the armor has different bonuses, its not that there is armor without special bonuses.

    each crafting tier within a category gets you better stats, so tier 6(or legendary) will have slightly better stats than tier 5.

    Also i wouldn't be surprised if different armor categories are split up a bit for crafting purposes, like it was before where you could make cloth then leather then military.  I bet the different armor categories will be broken up like that.


    Makes me curious where the "Medium Armor" perk will be going. Likely under Fortitude?

  19. One feature mentioned in the latest dev stream is that tougher zombies later in the game have had their HP scaled to provide more of a challenge. Has their health been rebalanced outright, for both singleplayer and multiplayer, or does this mean that zombie health will scale for multiplayer? Can anyone comment on this? :)

    4 minutes ago, HeLLKnight said:

    So if stream weekend is targeting june 21, any dev stream planned for this week?


    If not, I wonder if TFP are trying to not show too much of 1.0 to keep us pleasant surprises... 😎


    I believe the next dev stream is going to feature gameplay from The Fun Pimps directly. :)

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