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Everything posted by RBN

  1. Hi KhaineGB. In the last version the lockers and containers in the bunker doesn't give titanium when was harvested. The lockers only gives iron and the containers gives nothing at all. Also the explosives explodes in the character hand but this is a vanilla bug I think
  2. The Laser Battery Mod can't be installed in Crossbows.
  3. I can't put the Burning Shaft Mod in any titanium tool or melee weapon. on purpose?
  4. A few little bugs: When you wear a hazard jacket when you already had another jacket makes the jacket disappear, at least with college jacket. When you place the animal trap over a flagstone block the trap disappear. not sure about other kind of blocks. The iron and steel sledge hammer recipes doesn't unlock the perk and you need to spend two point to make a titanium sledge.
  5. Hi KhaineGB Last horde I set myself on fire with a molotov and when I tried to drink water to extinguish it didn't work. Is a bug or there is a new way to do it?
  6. In my saves was a bit tricky to find the position to place the new block in the "invisible" place but flying around from beneath the map gives good results. I don't know how to explain it but you have to stay in a position outside your hole floating in the map. Somethibg like this Give it another try, you can always start a new game later
  7. Press f1 to bring up the console. Type dm and press enter. Close console and press esc. In the right menu select fly and no colission. Back to game you can fly with space to get up and c to get down. Fly beneath the block and put the dirt block. when you're done uncheck the fly and no collision open the console and type dm again and you will be in normal mode again.
  8. Using the debug mode and flying beneath the "invisible" block you can put a dirt block. When you destroy the dirt everything comes back to normal.
  9. I forgot to say that is the DF large map. 4946 S 420 W r.-1.-10.7rg But they are everywhere in wasteland in my map. Sorry but i don't remember the console error
  10. Hi KhaineGB. Mining in the wasteland I found a great hole underground full of titanium boulders, like the one in the surface. Curious I enter in dm and flying under the surface i noticed that there are a lot of formations like this. The first time I saw them the console gives a lot of red lines of errors. This time I was replaced the blocks file with the last you upload to your discord and the error was gone in the console but the strange formations are still there, (I delete the chunk file to test it, the mine was right there)
  11. Yes, is the windows version. About ubuntu vs mint...in theory you don't must have problems using the ubuntu repositories in mint. At the end mint is ubuntu based distro, only thing is you must used the repositories of the version of ubuntu that your mint is based. In fact in the wine page you can see that the instruction for mint 19.x are the same for ubuntu 18.04 [TABLE="class: wikitable, width: 100%"] [TR] [TD]Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Mint 19.x[/TD] [TD]sudo apt-add-repository 'deb [url]https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/[/url] bionic main'[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] . The mesa ppa allways gives support for mint and talk about specific ways to mint in the instructions to Mint users (info provided by Tomasz Molin) If you're on Linux Mint and you want to ppa-purge, you need to specify the corresponding Ubuntu version of your version of Mint. For example, Linux Mint 18 is xenial xerus. So, the command would be: sudo ppa-purge -d xenial ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/mesa The dxvk is independent of linux versions, is *only* a replace for some wine dlls About the ram notes that is with the large DF map, with the medium or small the memory is not that high and your 16 GB should be enough. I use the large because there was a problem in medium with distant terrain when I started my game but this is solved now according the change log.
  12. I'm running it in ubuntu 19.10 by wine-staging with dvxk. It consumes an insane amount of memory (around 16 GB) in the large map. The ppa for mesa is https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa, wine-staging from here https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu and dvxk from here https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases The options I use to launch the game are It runs a little bit slower than vanilla (more slower in wasteland) but playable I'm now with the last experimental of DF but I was in the stable too and also works. PD. mesa_glthread=true only works in the Mesa drivers (RadeonSI, R600, Nouveau, Intel). If you're using nvidia closed drivers the options is __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATION. You can set it to 1 to force it on, or 0 to turn it off and had no effect with vulkan
  13. Thanks man. My condolences for your loss
  14. Anybody knows a video or tutorial about how to use the irrigation system? I place the console near a lake and place the seeds near to the pipeline but they didn't grow
  15. Hi KhaineGB. I made the laser battery mod which say in description "melee and archery" but I can't install it in any bow or crossbow. Is a bug or an error in description?
  16. Ahhhh "from static". I know now why they disappeared Very thanks. And remember: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
  17. You can put a lot of them in the turrts. I use this combination. Full auto mod, Extended magazine, Extended barrel, Rad remover, Crip'em alll and blessed metal. To fulfill the 7 max slot a grip, I don't shoot the turret from hip but increase damage and that is always good ;-) If you don't go to wasteland can change the blessed metal with one that is make with batteries that electrocute zeds or another that freezes then. The one that electrocute is pretty good, is like the zed touches a electric fence.
  18. Is logic, they must be so OP but there is any way to respawn them if they despawn without game reason?
  19. Hi KhaineGB. I have some chests and workstations in a distant trader and last time I visited him I noticed that the guards and the captain aren't there. I reload the game and the captain respawn but the guards not. I know they can die but I only be there 3 or 4 nights in 50 days and no zombie break in. Is this a bug or intentional to prevent living in the trader? PD: Last time I was there I put a land claim to move the workbench and forgot to remove it before. Don't know if may be related or no...
  20. Was a 71 quality M60+blessed metal but with normal mag extender. That must be the reason why he regenerated again, not enough bullet in a row. So the trick is laser weapons to kill his regeneration skill. For that I need a laser workbench and this one is in the large bunker. I hope that no Demonic Behemoth spawn in there. It would be diabolic ;-P
  21. No, i don't have any of this but...make more damage than a fragment rocket? The Demonic Behemoth of Hell takes 1600 7.52 bullets and around one stack of fragments rocket plus the shots he can take when the other zombies are in business. I take more bullets for the wasteland travel than the bullets I take for a horde and he ate all of them in minutes. when I run away from him i have to return to base because i run out of ammo. and all of this in the 50 firsts meters of wasteland.
  22. Hi people. I made my first travel to Wasteland trying to find some titanium. first thing I saw was a kind of Gate of Hell. Curiosity made me pull over the 4x4. Not the best decision I made in this game. A lot of demonic zombies and a demonic behemoth. the zombies was tough but the behemoth.... I managed to kill the zombies, destroy the gate and looted it but I couldn't kill the behemoth. The beast ate more bullet than a horde. I saw the life going down when I emptied my M60 but in a instant he regenerated at 60000? o something crazy like that. Even the fragmentation rocket could take him down. At the end, no ammo or titanium, I must run away. There is a special weapon or mod to managed these beast? Other than the blessed metal that was already in my M60 and rocket launcher. It was not enough How can I kill him? I need revenge.
  23. After a lot of books ;-) my character is (schematic more or less) like it was before the update. Many thanks for your help. And of course congratulations for your mod. Very funny and full of content. The Demons battle begins
  24. The last save I have is already 18.3 7dtd with the b2 version of your mod if this make any difference and the stuff in my inventory, chests, vehicles and constructions are all the same as before. Only the level is now 1 and all the books and class are reset. I assume that the book part is easy to solve, take the book from creative and read it again, but the player level and classes.....I don't know how to restore them. Can you please explain me the console commands to do it?
  25. Is always good to be positive but I want to continue the journey. I was close to combat demons If the situation is not reversible I can restore the previous version but I want to know first if there is a solution to stay in the last version and preserve my profile.
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