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Posts posted by Vampirenostra

  1. this thing looks nothing like advisory. it is an MP version of the game. I guess FP just sold some rights to use the game as a source for something else, we can clearly see the zds and other features as is in 7d2d. so it is the same engine, same zds, mostly same weapons. just another genre. It is the same 7d2d but in a different package. Does it worry me? Nay, non of my business. Through these years I own a copy of 7d2d ive spent in it more hours than I did in any other game, well maybe with exception to UltimaOnline in the 90s.

  2. On 1/29/2024 at 2:48 PM, Maharin said:


    How much do you know impractically?

    who knows) who would be a person to compare to? which field? there are so many things we would never know and never learn. Spending all your life learning would still put your knowledge fairly good in one-two fields of expertise, but the rest would be negligible.

  3. Hi Sephiroth, im Vampirenostra, and im quite an average self taught java dev, most probably not the brightest mind in the universe and I would tell you from personal experience that - more I study and get to know, more I realise I know practically nothing.

  4. On 1/6/2024 at 5:53 PM, BFT2020 said:


    Give me a few days as I have to finish the localization updates and verify that I didn't miss anything.  Then I will post it in my mods thread and link you to it.

    Thanks to @Vaeliorin I do have the tier 6 craft, I also modded the tier 6 to have more modslots and my favorite update leveraction to also use .44 ammo 😁. Now thinking of adding a recipe for filter for water thingie and removing all tools/wepons from the loot.

  5. Just want to know if anybody tried making em glow. Do not think this can be solved without messing with models, unless maybe someone can come up with adding an effect as we have while using "burning shaft mod" on an arrow/spear, thing is guess it arrows/bolts use a different model for when they are in midair, but if so that would probably be possible with XML editing.

  6. Almost same for myself, I rarely visit the trader just to sell junk or unwanted armour parts/weapons, the only 2 things I let myself buy are filters and magazines. Would be really OP to have an option to disable traders, but enable craftable tier 6 and  filters. And yes I know I can mod recipes for filters, but guess you still can't really enable tier 6 crafting.

  7. On 12/17/2023 at 12:08 AM, captainslack said:

    I’m looking to buy my first real gaming laptop, primarily to play 7 Days, and I don’t quite know where to start. Any suggestions on models or particular hardware I should look for? 

    And to head off the inevitable comments, yes, I would prefer to have a desktop over a laptop, but I simply have no where to set one up, so a laptop it is.


    Edit: Guess it would help if I set a budget, huh? I’m looking to spend up to a $1000US, possibly a little over for the right deal. I’m not a power gamer by any means, so I’m not looking anything top of the line.

    You forgot to mention your actual location, as your local prices may vary dependant on your location 😁

    As of hardware: definitely go for AMD 5xxx 7xxx series, anything over 6 cores would do the trick, the higher the max GHz, the better, guess last Ryzen 5 (6/7 gen) go up to 5Ghz and can firmly keep em turboing. and would strongly suggest going at least 3060 for gpu, 3070/4070 would be preferable. A decent SSD is a must and yeah, at least 16 GB  RAM, no 8GBs would save you today, but 32 would.

    Something like Lenovo LOQ 15APH8 would probably do the trick technical wise, but have no idea what would be the price for one at your local traders. BTW im not a fan of Lenovo, no rocks please, just an example of config.

    And yes, you can definitely add more RAM later on, but you can't swap a GPU out.

  8. guys if you get bit by a rattlesnake it is your trouble, not the armour... if it bites your leg, you'll start feeling it in 15 minutes.... in one day necrosis would start, peak poisoning in 4 days. Most probably if not treated your leg would die off in 2-3 days, like beyond reparable...

  9. On 10/21/2023 at 6:18 AM, Crater Creator said:


    A frame rate cap may not matter much. Last I knew, no Mac has a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz anyway. They focus on other factors like resolution.

    that probably can be the case, but why would it start suffering using its native `Metal` with same settings and resolution?

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