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  1. tatcoolx

    Nibato's A20 Mods

    hi, are those 3 mods also EAC imcompatible?
  2. JaxTeller71, is it possible to add current skill level as number in popup message when skill lvl got increased?
  3. my bad, i thought his anwer wrong. i now understand). it is bad that we cant see exact values of foood/water. is there any way to copy values from 2nd tab of character's stats information? like this: {playermodifiedcurrentfood}/{playerfoodmax} or somehow save them as new variables and show them in your mod.
  4. change TEXT parameter in code block of FOOD and WATER, which starts with <label depth="7" to this: text="{statcurrentwithmax} it wil be: p.s. i did it with mod v2.2
  5. Very great mod. Thank you very much. "Buy perk" side effect - is nothing compare to awesome feature this mod gives. But, it wil be "the best mod ever" if we(you & all community) could add some other such "mastery skills", like athletics(run) and acrobatics(jump), healing mastery(heals&meds) , armor mastery(damage reduction), or even some skills like bonus damage to animals, zombies, etc
  6. i did food/water numbers looks same diagonaly as hp/stam with cur/max parameters by copying hp bar parameters into food/water bar parameters in file windows.xml
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