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Everything posted by 12pack

  1. Howdy! I've been working on a "no crafting" mod, and this thread has been gold! for information. I've learned a lot about xpath, etc. I have unfortunately run into something.. Ive been able to get everything working the way i want it, but one part is giving me some issue. The short story is this: <config> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='modArmorPlatingBasicSchematic']" /> <append xpath="/items"> <item name="modArmorPlatingBasicSchematic"> <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityMaster"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="modArmorPlatingBasic"/> <property name="Unlocks" value="modArmorPlatingBasic"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="modArmorPlatingBasic" operation="set" value="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/> </effect_group> </item> </append> </config> this works, but everything i have tried to try to write it shorter.. to take up less space, and not have to include everything... how am i trying to say this... For some reason, just the way the game is, and does what it does right now, i can remove all recipes from "recipes.xml", BUT, when i do, the trader sells all the item mods at 0 cost.. while all other items they sell DO have cost.. my workaround was to leave the recipes in there (that works fine), then to change this line from value=1 --> value=0 <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="modArmorPlatingBasic" operation="set" value="0"/> that allows the trader to sell the item mods for #cost, but when you read the schematic, you get the xp, but not the ability to craft it. This is the intended goal, but i am looking for a shorter way to write this, rather than write it the way i did above for every mod*schematic... btw.. if i have to, i will. but i am sure there is a better way.. also, before i try with xpath, i DO try the changes in the actual xml file, to make sure what i am trying is even valid.. i have tried starts-with, ends-with, set, etc... each time it looks me right in the eye, and says F you, for example: <set xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'mod')]/triggered_effect[@operation='set']/@value">0</set> this fails, for some reason.. Thanks!
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