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Posts posted by Puschpa

  1. The renaming of Bambis Bow and the Arrows/Bolts will lead to ArrayIndexException errors too if a player has a Version of the item(s) with the old name. Just happened on my server when a player tried to login with the "Bambi's Killer Compound Bow" equipped.



    2019-03-14 15:20:44 Exception IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

    ItemActionLauncher.instantiateProjectile (.ItemActionData _actionData, Vector3 _positionOffset)ItemActionLauncher.StartHolding (.ItemActionData _actionData)ItemClass.StartHolding (.ItemInventoryData _data, UnityEngine.Transform _modelTransform)Inventory.updateHoldingItem ()Inventory.SetItem (Int32 _idx, .ItemValue _itemValue, Int32 _count)Inventory.SetSlots (.ItemStack[] _slots)PlayerDataFile.ToPlayer (.EntityPlayer _player)GameManager.RequestToSpawnPlayer (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile)NetPackageRequestToSpawnPlayer.ProcessPackage (.World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback)ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection)ConnectionManager.Update ()


  2. Lootlist 126 is used twice, in Bambis and Tazas quest. Fires errors in server log and for the clients trying to connect.


     2019-03-14T13:55:51 37.928 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
    2019-03-14T13:55:51 37.928 EXC Duplicate lootlist entry with id 126
    Exception: Duplicate lootlist entry with id 126
     at LootFromXml.LoadLootContainers (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldStaticData.LoadLoot (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldStaticData+<loadSingleXml>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    (Filename:  Line: -1) 


    Fixed for me server by changing the lootlist entries to 127 in Bambis quest.

  3. I noticed an issue with Everdeen's arrows and bolts. While they show up fine as an ammo option for Bambi's Bow, they're not showing for the other bows. I get either an icon of a square or an exclamation point or I get a double entry for the flaming arrows. To ensure other mods I had installed weren't interfering I tried it in a clean game with only your mod installed and had the same issue. When I looked at the coding I noticed that for the vanilla bows you added them to the ammo type as Everdeen's Arrows and Everdeen's Bolts instead of Arrows of Everdeen and Bolts of Everdeen. When I fixed that in the coding it took care of the issue.


    If you wish to make your modlet compatible with others that add new ammo types, you might consider trying the following coding to add your arrows and bolts to the vanilla bows.


    <append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunWoodenBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

    <append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCrossbow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Bolts of Everdeen</append>

    <append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCompoundBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

    <append xpath="/items/item[@name=Bambis Killer Compound Bow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>



    And maybe add another Quest for a special Crossbow reward, like BearHunter or so, for the Bolts :)

  4. Ouch. I see what I did wrong on this. :( Sorry about the problem on this one. Boy that's a big one to miss. :( I'll publish a new release later today that will have a fix for this.


    Thanks in advance for fixing this. And just to add another one: The quest "+Writ Of Repaired Leon" requires 6 ingredients, while the crafting pane can only show 5, so players get the message they lack of some materials and do not know what it is. And the rewarded mods are chosen randomly from the item_modifiers.xml it seem, which leads to mods rewarded which are not yet officially in game, they are still commented out in loot.xml and recipes.xml. One of my players just got the "modGunMeleeBlessedMetal", which is one of them. as long they do not break anything it should be no issue, but probably they will not give the expected boni etc.

  5. I use this on my server, and the players love the "surprises" they get. I lowered the block damage of the badass dudes, because they did not only one hit my poor players, but also vaporize prefabs in minutes, what we don't want.

    But it is kinda satisfying to read in chat a player yelling, he is chased by a giant snake, or those wtf moments when players realize, the slow walking Hazmat Dudes spit electric 'nades :D

  6. I put this quests on my server and the players really enjoy them. But there seems to be an issue with the Gupta's Bandages Quest. A player informed me today, the collected resources are not removed when the quest is turned in, so it can be repeated infinitely. Since I had not yet the time to check the quest myself, here my players info in his own words:" gupta's bandages quest bugged

    doesn't use resources upon completing, making it possible to jsut start, turn in over and over. infinite skillpoints for the price of 24 aloe vera and 40 cotton, once. This is pretty op"

  7. Haven't run into issues myself and edited map.js to have icons for traders (in webserver/js/) so it's now like this:



    after that added a cart icon (cart.png) to the leaflet/images folder, dumped the prefabs.xml from my world folder in the main webserver folder and now I have little cart icons on top of all my traders :)




    Anyone not too scared of jquery is probably also able to extend it further to display more icons based on prefabs.xml (my changes are on line 77-118). Hope it's of use to others, too!

    currently it just looks through the whole prefabs and any prefab with "trader" in the name gets this icon (could also be used for i.e. skyscrapers if you wish).


    Nice work! Now all I would like to have is a checkbox to enable/disable them on the map view.

  8. I tried this on my test server, but got an error on loading

    2019-01-11T13:56:07 12.013 ERR Failed loading and parsing XML (recipes.xml):
    2019-01-11T13:56:07 12.013 EXC Unexpected token. Name is required here.  Line 32, position 73.
    XmlException: Unexpected token. Name is required here.  Line 32, position 73.


    Checked the recipes.xml of the modlet, and there was a missing space before the word tags in two lines (===>tags="learnable")


    Fixed it and now it loads without errors.

  9. Hi there will ya be adding a return command? Like when out in a town far away type /home then when want to go back /return would be awesome


    The modified combination of Allocs, Coppis and Server Tools here contains return commands.

  10. I fired up the new Allocs Fixes rev. 277 (8_11_14_1) to my server, and it seems there is an issue reading from the existing saves (AllocsPeristentData.bin ?). I get error messages when the server is starting, and offline players from before the update are no longer shown on the map. Claims are visible, the owner names are shown as unknown, but with their Steam ID. The names of the claim owners come back, when the respective player logs in. Everything else seems to work fine, dunno what I was doing wrong, or why this happens.


    I uploaded the server log here: http://pastebin.com/mdKw23bf

  11. me 2 mate. i always had the FRT panel open so i have decided to try to make my own chat monitor to run alongside the FRT panel. it was going well up to the point of actually talking to the server. i connect to the server and it asks for the password but no matter how i try to send the password i just cant seem to make the server accept it. it is prob my fault i havent done any programming in about 12 years but i will get there.


    If you manage to get it to work, I would be glad if you'd share it with me, or everyone maybe :) Sadly I'm more into xml modding, and a bit Java, but have not much clue about networking :/

  12. FRT is now dead. The chat methods were changed and FRT is no longer being updated.


    If you only need teleport and gimme commands, I would HIGHLY recommend dmustanger's Server Tools. It is a dll mod that runs on the server.


    Yeah, sadly FRT is really dead now. Even if we are using CBSM for our server now, I still continued using FRT as chat tool, because the chat was real time without any delay, which is not so with most other server managers, and we had then opportunity to use a fixed chat color for each of us (my and my admin team). Chat from FRT to server still works, but the other way it doesn't show now *sniff*.

  13. apparently allowing us server operators to manage our servers with these fixes are of no priority. see link below find posts #852, 853:





    Been over a week since that post..


    Coppi's does not work on my servers.


    Coppi's is working fine on my server, but I used only his CommandExtensions and CommonFunc folders, NOT the WebAndMapRendering one, because this broke my map.

  14. Does this mod change the way clay generates, because I can't find a single spot of it for the life of me! It is a random generation world, I checked an insane amount of forest land, looking at the ground and for flower patches, but I can tell that clay does not spawn on the surface anymore, and I don't know where else it would spawn.


    I've had to cheat in clay because it's nowhere to be found


    Regarding the biomes.xml file, clay is generated the same way as in vanilla.

  15. While always being on the hunt for nice mods or at least tidbits to add to my server I found this mod...and it is NICE!


    Tried it in SP, to get a bit familiar to it, and later tried out on the server you mentioned. Me poor thing of course spawned in the middle of some zeds and died, but found back to a nice start very fast. Maybe I would like to play this on your server, but there is one thing that stops me - it is PvP.


    Some people may like it, some people may say yeah...it's the Zombie Apocalypse, you WILL fight about every ressource without mercy. And tbh, in a real Apocalypse me - of course - would kill my best neighbour, and probably cook and eat him, to save MY (and my dogs) life. But when it comes to gaming, I prefer a slightly more friendly environment, a counterpart to the real life, which is hard enough :D



    But your mod is one of the best I've seen so far beside the Valmod, and I will take the freedom to grab some parts for my server - if I'm allowed to do so :)

  16. This looks like the old UMAfemaleZombie. What version of 7D2D you are running, and did you spawn this zombie manually? Because it is not active in the game normally.

  17. Would be nice if you'd find time to work on the tool.


    It is a really nifty thing, but after switching our Server Manager to CBSM, it interferes with this regarding the home command. Even if your tools home is disabled, it will break the home command of CBSM.


    And we would like to use at least the Ping Kicker function of your tool and the invalid stack message.


    Thanks for listening :)

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