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Posts posted by CynicalGamer

  1. 1 hour ago, JaxTeller718 said:

    They cant be both loot and campfire. but they start out as loot. none are working until you upgrade them so if you don't upgrade them manually they will stay lootable

    That's awesome. Thanks for the quick answer.

  2. On 12/15/2021 at 3:42 PM, JaxTeller718 said:

    "The new stoves and grills will no longer be lootable of course since they are now working."


     Aren't those the primary source of cooking grills when looted? In all my run throughs it seems like I got them out of those 2 particular items every game. Is there another way to make up for that loss in the looting? I know you can make those but isn't that after you get a forge?

  3. 1 hour ago, JaxTeller718 said:

    Ill have working Ovens and Sinks for you today


    One of the things I love about your mods is they are all so to the point, little or no bloat, they just have function and those functions all enhance the gameplay experience.

  4. I've messed around with the berries. While they are balanced food wise for early game gathering them seems to be a bit difficult. I tried 3 times to get 5 berries or nuts to craft a handful. Twice it took me just over 50 grass and 1 time I had to gather over 100 grass. With grass not growing back I could see this wear thin pretty quickly not to mention having to get so much grass for 8 food doesn't seem to pan out.

    I know there is a fine line and this could ruin early game food struggles if not careful but it does seem to need tweaking a bit.

  5. Thanks for the mod, the vehicles are really cool and add a great aesthetic to the game. I was wondering how hard it is to put default motorcycle attributes on the custom bikes. The customs are WAY too fast and harder to control. They also cause load issues when everyone starts full speed zooming around the map. I understand it's a lot of xml editing but if someone could point me in the right direction maybe I can do it myself.

  6. 3 hours ago, LewZephyr said:


    It may be nothing as I cant tell if it is working or not, but I noticed the below warning when running up my server.


    2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='03']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS5' 	and @num='06']/@num"  (line 5 at pos 3)
    2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='04']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup' 			and @num='04']/@num"  (line 6 at pos 3)
    2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='05']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS1' 	and @num='09']/@num"  (line 7 at pos 3)


    Thanks for all your work!!!


    I just came to post the same thing. Saw this when I was exiting and got an error.


  7. 17 hours ago, cayla said:

    Any chance that the reach mod is making zombies no longer move? I don't have moving zombies on my server after putting the reach mod on.



    I've been using zombie reach for 2 days now with no issues. I know there is a button that turns off the ai, could it be you hit that on accident?

  8. Thanks so much for these. I can't play without the increased zombies. It just doesn't feel right not being threatened at every turn.


    Now if we can get your awesome Working Microwaves and Bird Nest and Trash Piles Destroy on Loot mods I'd be set.


    Those 4 mods are staples in all my games. I always found your microwave mod was a great half way point between having no food and having a good chef without breaking the game. How trash and bird piles don't destroy in vanilla I will never know. I absolutely hate going over the same nest multiple times cause no one will get rid of it.

  9. This looks good. I had a few questions, does this suffer from the jittery motion most elevator mods do and are there any plans to make versions that cover more floors (longer). Thanks for the work!

  10. Something I forgot to mention; the fishing rod icon is extremely hard to see (or my eyes are horrible) and really gets lost when stored in a box among other items.

    I did have a few instances where I had trouble getting the fishing spot to activate but setting another usually did the trick.

  11. Very intuitive and easy to figure out. I ran through and caught 2 fish just to test it and had no issues. The fish aren't worth a lot but don't really cost much in resources or time so that's a good thing otherwise it would be easy to circumvent hunger by just fishing for a while. I could see some not liking the pop ups or arcade style noises if they are going for something more immersive but the trade off being it teaches you as you are going (for instance telling you when to mash the f button) is worth it. I like the style myself, just something I am throwing out there.

    I also came here to suggest recipes before I saw you hate making recipes. :D Maybe at least make it so the fish you catch can be used to make cans of tuna or salmon which can then be used in other already existing recipes?


    As always thanks for the mods.


    P.S. If I had a small gripe it would be the "fishing spot" being so close to shore (and the white block). I think it would be nicer to have it farther out but it's not a deal breaker by any means.

  12. No worries Ragsy, I will be here to keep testing when you guys move forward. I'm about to retire my current game anyways so when you put a new version out I will start a fresh game. Until then I will go find some other modder to annoy. :D

  13. 43 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Well, they are human so they aren't as dumb as zeds are. ;)


    Most of the sleeper volumes are set to Attack for them so that they react faster. Otherwise it was too easy to one tap all of them. They have talked about having a new volume trigger called Wander which is something I suggested in the dev thread. So if it works as I hope I can use it for the raider volumes.


    Laz was testing settings for the raider sleepers and I plan to try them out and see if I can get them to react better when the volume is set to Active instead. But they just weren't reacting well enough to leave them all on Active. I might revisit them and separate them into a few volumes so I can have some as Active and some as Attack. Might make it a bit better.

    Thanks for the explanation. It's always interesting to me to see a bit of the background on some of these decisions. As someone who wants to mod but is lazy I kinda forget you guys are dealing with engine/game limitations.

    Yeah with all of them coming out at once and with how tough they are I just don't see beating them without using trickery. Which is fine but it all happens so fast and they are so alert there is no way to get setup before the gang bang is ON! Still, like I said earlier it's been a hell of a lot of fun and made the game harder which is always good.

  14. I was clearing a poi with the wasteland bandits as a quest. When I got there I popped open a piece of wall and saw a guy so I stealth shot him with a bow and every single enemy from the entire poi came out running in a group and killed me...brutally. That is the second time it happened. Do they not respect my stealth or is there something going on where they are alerted instantly?

  15. I've been sticking with my play through, I am somewhere around lvl 60 and near 100 game stage (have to verify but it's up there). I think Guppy was right on the gas situation. I really struggled in the beginning and if I had more than one person someone would have been walking but the beginning is supposed to be tough. Part of it was dependent on rwg as I couldn't find a desert anywhere and could only buy so much from the traders. I have enough gas now I can stay somewhere around 1/2 tank but I was always having to stop and wrench everything whereas now I can produce my own and it's been no problem. So I was off on that one. I like the struggle.


    I have to date only found 3 compressors but a TON of ratchet sets. The idea of making them craft items is a good one and would help remove some of the dependency on rng.


    In one of my poi's (using compopack and nitro) I found 3 cargo vans. I have also found 3 taxi cabs, a box truck, and a cop car. Pretty crazy, but there should be working cars and I have put in hour and hours but it would be nice to have some variety. I don't even use any of them since guppy's buggy is so freaking amazing. They also ALL had full gas tanks. Not sure if you can randomize that but empty would be the next best thing.


    The speed is not as much an issue once you get used to it so I guess I was off on that one as well. Admittedly I haven't tried all the vehicles but the ones I have could use some tweaking. For instance the buggy. The buggy is slow, it has @%$# for storage so it needs something to make it stand out. I don't know how configurable the cars are but it seems the buggy should have insane climbing abilities (it does not). These are the types of vehicles made for climbing dunes, large hills, off road tracks, etc. It should climb like a monkey and that would give it a "stand out" quality. I've had to stop on steep hills a few times to unpack it and pick it up. I could see that in other vehicles. Hehe, I got my cargo van stuck in a rut and ended up just abandoning it to the zeds. It wasn't going anywhere and I had it full so I couldn't move it. I also don't like picking up vehicles so I tend to rp that part.


    The only real weird issue I've come across so far is when tearing down one of the custom cars. Sorry I don't have a pic or know the exact one but I can get that info if you need. But as you are tearing down the car there is something inside that flickers up and down really fast. It doesn't change anything it's just weird. I assumed you guys probably know about it but figured I'd throw it out there.


    I'll keep going and keep looking for issues (need to try some new cars) but as I've said before this mod is pretty damn sweet and adds a nice level of depth to the game.

    I hope this info helps.


  16. Hey Xyth (how do you pronounce your tag), I noticed on the tv sets the "press e" message is right in the middle of the screen blocking any video being watched. You have to get pretty far back from it before it goes away and since the screen is small and I am old it makes it hard to watch my "no dear I swear it isn't porn" while ingame. Is there any way to move the text like maybe to the base of the tv?

    As always, really appreciate your work brother. Thanks for all of it.

  17. 37 minutes ago, Subquake said:

    firing a shotgun causes lag even in vanilla, not my problem to solve, I can't fix every TFP bug, that they might fix themselves eventually, pointless work for me, remember, the game is still in early access and TFP are working very hard to make it better with every alpha!

    I had the same issue 7467bla had with the delay (was using blunderbuss). I didn't have this issue with any other gun and I don't get the same result in vanilla. Maybe he and I are just running potatoes cause I got the menu lag also but I just figured it was because of your amazing but very intricate system.

  18. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    I've been putting all of it into some Wasteland stuff atm.

    Speaking of, i've been playing that lately and it's pretty bad ass. It adds a huge challenge level (bandits with guns v my wooden starter club) but i've learned to run. Just wanted to say thanks. Can't wait to see what you have prepared for us.

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