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Posts posted by Zagan

  1. I don't like having to buy literally thousands of books just to craft stuff. They tried this in A17 but people hated it so they dropped it. Way too much hassle.

    I also don't like the game's Map Generator. I generated a 10k map; there was only 1 trader on the map with almost no buildings and you can't get a flat map no matter what you do.



  2. The title pretty much says it all. I'm trying out a mod that uses Num1 (keypad 1) to fire the weapon, but I may have remapped that button so I'm trying to figure out what I mapped it to.

    If I knew what the default action for the num1 button then I might be able to figure it out.

  3. I'm having problems with an error trying to use this mod. The best thing I think of is to just post a picture of the error. It just keeps counting up with the file name number.


  4. What? I've had 16k maps before (A 19) and they play the same as an 8k, just bigger. That was on my old computer. I've since upgraded so I have no problems playing any game now, including VR. In fact, I have a 16k map and if I could get the biomes.png right I'd be playing it. The game does not load the entire map all at once, just a selected area that is in your view. So it does not matter the map size, the amount of information being processed is the same. So a larger map does not use any more resources than a small map.


    I've been playing this game since A 16 and until the A 19.5 update, you could make 16k maps with NitroGen. I played them all the time in SP and multiplayer. 8-12k maps are just too small.

  5. I need a simple map. I'd like it to be 16k, completely flat, as many towns and cities as possible, no water or freeway on the edges.

    Just split it into thirds with snow in the north, pine forest in the middle, and desert in the south. I tried using King Gen but it messed everything up and I still got hills and craters. The biomes.png is messed up too. Pine Forest is always dark and foggy 24/7. I wish NitroGen still worked. That was the best map generator ever.


    Anyways, can you make a map like this pleasse?

  6. On 3/27/2022 at 4:00 AM, Oros said:

    I have a question/request. I see you have many working device modlets, and I would like to propose/request one more though I don't know if it is possible. The Yucca Juice Smoothie Recipe is currently only craftable in-inventory, which given my preference for crafting mass batches of food/drinks, would clog my personal queue for quite a while. I play on a server with several others, hence the need for mass batches of stuff. If models are an issue, perhaps the fridge could be made into a working device? It makes a certain amount of sense. If it is possible to use a different model, maybe a blender, with the cooking pot and grill slots replaced with more beakers that speed up crafting?

    Edit: I did not read all posts, and I apologize if this comes across as foolish/insensitive.

    Well a really simple solution is to just make the craft time faster. I use this in my recipes mod, you can alter the ingredients easy enough. All you really need is the

     craft_time="0"> at the end. You can also adjust that if you want it slower. At 0 it will pump out 100 Yucca Juice Smoothies in a few seconds...like 3-4 seconds or something.

    <append xpath="/recipes">
        <recipe name="drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie" count="1" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable" craft_time="0">
        <ingredient name="foodCropYuccaFruit" count="1"/>
        <ingredient name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1"/>
  7. Well I thought it could shoot because I had some mods for like A16-A17 that did shoot.

    OK, off to see if I can find one that shoots bullets instead of just dropping me on top of zeds...lol

    Would be nice if someone made a vehicle mod that adds working guns and maybe rocket launchers.

  8. I can't get this thing to shoot. Like I tried using my primary and secondary action buttons but it won't shoot.

    If I use the interact button (default E button) I exit the helicopter and fall to my death...lol

    So what button do I use? Like what is it listed as in the options? 

  9. Sure, I'll try it out.



    I'd love to see the coding for that, might clear up some misgivings I have.
    BTW, I think the reason JaxTeller718 made it fill up jars from the left click button is the right click is used to repair the sinks to make them work with his repair kits.

  10. @arramus Yeah, not what I'm looking for. Thanks anyways.

    I probably need 2 separate mods to do the trick. JaxTeller718 made them all the dispense the same thing so he combined them all into 1 mod.

    Really all I want is just the sink and the water cooler to dispense like this.



  11. On 4/10/2022 at 8:09 AM, arramus said:

    1. Go to the items.xml file.

    2. Search for drinkJarRiverWater (It appears twice)

    3. Change it to drinkJarBoiledWater (sink and water cooler) or drinkJarPureMineralWater (water cooler).

    BUT, there is one more thing if you are using the all working devices.


    Make sure the list all has different numbers. At the moment a lot say 3 and will not work. Make it look like this from 1 ~ 5. If you are using just the drinks mod then this is probably not an issue.


                    <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingGraniteSinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingCabinetOldSinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="workingWaterCoolerFullJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="workingUtilitySinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="workingPedestalSinkJT" />


    There is a missing icon here and there for recipes. I think I saw one for the working grill, but it's not critical and something for the future.


    @oakraven kindly taught me about changing drink type and setting it for different drink locations and now you can know as well. ^^

    Yes, that was the first thing I tried with the drinkJarRiverWater and drinkJarBoiledwater..but see I need only the Water Cooler to dispense boiledWater, and the other sinks and whatnot to give riverWater. (I've said this so many times in this thread...whatever). Like how it was with Home Depot mod. But nobody seems to know how to do that. If you change any of the lines in action0 from drinkJarRiverWater to drinkJarBoiledWater then they all dispense BoiledWater.

  12. On 3/21/2022 at 3:58 PM, shadowguardian91 said:

    So i made an account just to ask this lol. Is it possible to  make the wood stove useable and cook off of it.

    That is what this modlet does. It gives you a stove that works just like a campfire.

  13. On 3/22/2022 at 11:43 AM, seven said:


    I heard he recently had another heart attack and was in hospital so your question is a little insensitive or at least poorly worded. Anyway, he posted in the Ravenhearst topic on Friday so he is still with us, but maybe not quite so focused on 7DtD.

    Wow, sorry I had no idea. Hope he's OK. I just had not seen him around for a while so the question was not meant to be insensitive.
    I know what it's like, I've had 2 myself. No fun at all.
    Well I hope he feels better soon. 

  14. Is JaxTeller718 still alive? He hasn't posted here for like forever and I'm still waiting for him to fix Working Sinks and Water Coolers mod so that the water coolers dispense clean water, and the rest dispense dirty water. He said he would when I last talked to him.
    I tried fixing it myself but I don't know how and neither do any of the other mod makers.

  15. 1 hour ago, silvergoon said:

    my fav mod but we need updates dude. I want a specific video played on loop for a specific Tvplayer. I need to seperate the vids somehow, you know? all 12 in loop doesnt cut it. I need some vids just for my adult cinema, i need some hollywood movies for my car cinema, and some vids for my anime cinema. We need a way to categrize or seperate them, PLEASE!!!!

    Maybe if you got a video editor and joined all the videos you want into one file. I use Camtasia, but there is a windows video editor I think.

    See each time you turn them on/off they play the next video. So you can make up to 12 videos and by turning the screens on/off you can get the one you want to show up.

  16. I found this on google. It's a .xml loop command for making animations. I think a little tweaking could make it work for you.



  17. Yeah it would be nice if there was a setting or something to just play all 12 (or however many) videos one after another, then start over and keep playing them all. You probably need a loop command to do it. I used to make those for mIRC. They look like this, (I know it's a different language, but maybe it might help).|


    alias nestedLoopExample {
      var %x = 1
      ;outer loop
      while (%x <= 3) {
        var %y = 1
        ;inner loop
        while (%y <= 3) {
          echo -a %x - %y
          inc %y
        inc %x

    This code will generate the following output:

    1 - 1
    1 - 2
    1 - 3
    2 - 1
    2 - 2
    2 - 3
    3 - 1
    3 - 2
    3 - 3


    Also, I can't seem to connect power to the Theater screen. The other ones seem to work though. If you made one the size of the vanilla Large TV, that would be cool.


    OH, and here is an idea...make the billboards have room to put a solar panel and battery bank. That would make getting power to them easier.

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