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Posts posted by Mumpfy

  1. the issue with "changing color" is that if you just go for a hue saturation change then sure, its a couple of clicks only but they end up looking weird. now if you go for a detailed re texturing of the models then you are working on each piece of clothing, skin, shoes, hair, separated. this implies a lot of work for either modders or devs.


    that said modders are just getting partial stuff needed to do this properly, like the textures are already merged into one, and there is no ID maps to help you separate the parts of each texture.


    In my case I can say I have spend way more time making an accurated selection mask for each bit of the texture to create my own ID maps in order to be able to replace those bits properly in substance painter, then in some cases depending on the changes you make you also have to alter the seconday maps, like normals, ao, etc.


    this is great because it allows you to make a more decent variation, change properly the fabric materials, patterns, colors, not just a general hue change.

    but in my case it takes several hrs just to make that ID maps selection because in some models is even quite hard to tell things appart while selecting.


    sure, changing the materials is the fun part, tho counting ripping the asssets separating all maps from the RMOE texture, selecting and masking, reassambling the model you got a ton of work even before getting to re assamble the model back in unity to export.just saying that to try to get people to understand all the process involved. for either modders or devs to make what seems sometimes like a simple color change.


    now... convince the pimps to share id maps and then that workflow for modders gets cut in time by less than half. lol. at least me.

    and ive been working with photoshop professionally for over 20 years. so i do have some practise on it.


    all that said, yeah... TFP adding more zombies variations or models would be the best outcome.

  2. there is a handfull of modders that actually create all they use from sckratch, and I mean like less than 5 maybe. the rest of us just do "parts" and usually build over vanilla assets or bought models and such, so yeah modders rule, but its not the same work. just saying.

  3. as much as i would love zeds variations... the zombie models dont have "clothes" so texture change is easier but for really a more significant change that means at least a partially new model sculpt and all that takes with it. which my bet is takes a lot of time for them.


    would be cool tho


    i guess i could turn the janitor dude into a jail looking jumpsuit with just textures... but it would still be just one model mainly

  4. to me? idk i dont really care, even less in a mainly fpv game... to the Pimps? no idea, but my guess would be that the moment they change something to satisfy a requirement that its hugly personal choice they will fall into a rabbit hole because then they will have a trillon different requests, because as you said, to each its own. and will never be customizable to the point where you can please everyone. so just please some? please nobody? idk... their game, their vision of the characters concept. (for me at least)


    can we ask them to change it? sure.... damn I made a fuzz over some stupid buttons. lol


    is it wrong to want another body type? nope. no to me at least.


    do they HAVE to change it? no.

  5. Well, I usually focus on spotting things that I dislike on models and art stuff because it's kind of a work imposed habit, but I would like to go the other way about yesterday's stream. (is not that i didn't spotted anything “wrong” I could talk about, it's that I choose to focus on the good parts)



    -One of the bandits male model as far as I could see, has different looking boots, and from the model bottom view you can notice they have even different soles.


    -The female bandit, if I saw this right, has a blind eye on the same side where you can see she has a big scratch mark on her armor mask.


    -The hoarder model… just awesome… can even go into details there because I would wear my finger tips out typing compliments on the model.



    Those 3 bullet points could be taken as small details but for me it's a clear sign of high detail and care that goes beyond probably what they asked them to do and shows how into the models they are when developing them. Hats off for those guys.


    All the poi stuff and building details were also really good. I just focused more on the models developing because it's what I like most.


    Not in love with the desert dude model, but i guess that's just a personal thing, it doesn't mean at all that there is something bad about it. And I'm not even gonna jump into the female model controversy because I don't care that much about it.


    I also appreciate that they are trying to have a more branded look on the stream.


    One thing I would point if it helps in anything for the pimps is that taking screenshots of many parts of a workflow with a lot of text and info about it it's great to see behind the curtain a bit, but one can't really appreciate it on the stream because some shots are tiny as hell. So idk really if it's worthy.


    In general I think it was a cool stream with some nice info about art stuff.

  6. that said tho, rick said other stuff, i guess just joking around and fubar took the time to be clear about it and said stuff like... thats not true, dont believe him, he is just joking, etc... on the helipad thing he just went quiet about it.


    and i just say that to keep the mistery alive until disproven. lol

  7. 26 minutes ago, Pineapple Killer said:

    Can't see there been a Teleporter. It makes no sense for the game. Where did the tech come from? I think Rick just meant to say Helipad, but had heliport in his head and said teleport instead. Fubars face was more of a " what is he talking about" to me, not a "you let that slip". Think the radio he did not click on was just that, a radio.

    It's fun to speculate though I guess. A cooler feature would be to pay the trader X amount and you get to call a heli to take you to somewhere you have designated on the map. 


    as i said... that could totally be the case and i could be way off.

  8. also... and way more important than my teleport theory... I liked the background and the windows with the names below, looks nice, its the first time i see that on the streams (tho i must confess i dont watch them all) but the windows are not aligned properly and that kind of triggers me. i think thats the reason i was paying quite some attention to the video to be honest  😅

  9. I mean.... worst case scenario... if im wrong at least we had something interesting to conspire about. if im right then we have some sort of fast travel i guess. it a win either way, at least for me. lol

    what would be REALLY funny is that im correct but they actually talked about it on the stream later on. LOL, now that i think about it i should have watched the entire thing.

  10. well as i said.... its just my little conspiracy theory for now. maybe some pimp wants to confirm or deny that. we'll see.


    Also i had the advantage that i didnt watched that live, i saw the video this morning, so i checked that a couple of times after i noticed it.


    I also think... and i may be pushing my imagination here... that prime intentionally avoided that radio station near the helipad. my though is that maybe if you aim at it you could read something like when you aim to a storage thing or bench.




  11. well.... he first called the helipad a "teleport" and thats when prime made that face that to me realy translated to "damn he @%$#ed up" then he corrected himself and called an helipad but again he said that it had some feature involving alpha 22 and they werent going to talk about that quite yet.


    Also i noticed the helipad has a nice little "station" near it which would make sense if that is some sort of teleport thing.


    I could be wrong tho, but i guess that helipad is a teleport station somehow. maybe even thats why i saw some trader POIs having a T flag on them and some others dont and just had a white flag.


    again.... just my thoughts from what i saw.... i could be wrong. lol


    6 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I want Rick to have a few drinks and leak more info about the upcoming game(s) again. His leak from a year or so ago needs more to understand 


    oh i think he did in fact. One chance is that, the other chance is that im just way wrong and into conspiracy theories.




    but judging prime's face i may be right. lol

    cant believe nobody else noticed it.

  13. Well… a couple of weeks ago I played with an AI image generator just for fun, testing how that goes, and ended up making images related to some of the admins at Guppy’s discord server, which eventually turned into making this sort of collectable cards for all of us. As usual started as just some fun stuff on discord but I ended up making it a bit more seriously and with better quality. 



    Guppy got caught on the hype and he is working on a mod for them, to be released soon, so we ended up making the cards as game assets and he is covering that part. Just some fun mod that probably will give some sort of reward if you collect all cards or something, totally up to him so i don't want to spoil much about it. (tho I saw a pre release of the mod and it's quite cool) 


    All images were generated using text prompts into midjourney mostly, maybe a couple of reference images also for some of them, and then all the card part designed on photoshop.












    Also if anyone is bored and wants to see other stuff i put together a bit of a portfolio with more designs here….



  14. 16 hours ago, Code6 said:


    I think it should appear empty or nearly empty.  I've never seen an in-game vending machine with that many available items.

    The current vending machines hide the contents and I have to access it to see what happens to be inside.  This makes sense given the changing inventory.

    The static picture of so many goodies makes me want to smash through the glass with my stone axe and take everything.



    since i kind of started this i just want to be clear, yes i said what i said about the buttons because thats kind of how my brain works and as soon as i saw it i couldnt help to say what didnt made sense to me. now I have it clear that its imposible for technical and practical reasons to have it working as a real thing would.

    Sure we all would love the machine actually displaying the items it currently has in stock, yes would be a great feature to drop a coin in and see the product move and all those pretty details, but we all know that takes a tremendous amount of time for just a detail that as awesome as it would be its not really necesary.


    for me, the difference is that fixing the buttons numbers to make sense its an easy fix without need of major fixing or redoing.

    the model is good and it looks great, and its a decent common ground between what would be "perfect" and what we can get. i was not trying to annoy either the artist who made it or the pimps, i thought of it as constructive criticism. because thats how i work, im actually thankful when someone points out something like this to me when its my work and i go fix it as soon as possible, when i can.


    about the ocd thing i think its a personal thing and people react differently to it so, to each its own. nodoby is ocd, people suffers from an ocd disorder and affects each at a different level. guppy and people who know me know where i stand about it and we talk and play around about it in different ways because we know each other and there is trust. so that maybe translated in the wrong way for someone else having this condition. but there was never a bad intention about it.


    also have in mind my texts are sometimes hard to get for people in the way i intent or may be seen as too frontal. on one side because english is not my first language and on the other side because im kind of a d ck.



    and thats all i had to say, now go fix my tits.... and the buttons if possible.


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