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Posts posted by Catalysm

  1. Is there better documentation somewhere? I've set up the economy on my server but none of the commands seem to work Balance, Shop Ect.


    Yep, we have a confluence site with guides on all sorts of things.



    For your specific issue, I'd suggest checking if you have commands enabled and are using the correct prefix (CSMM default is $). Check if ANY command works, $help is always enabled.


    If you can't solve the issue, join our discord server and we'll get you sorted ;).

  2. Got an error trying to render map.


    2018-12-12T15:33:24 205.705 INF Error in RenderMap.Run: System.ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,ThreadManager+ThreadInfo].Add (System.String key, .ThreadInfo value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    at ThreadManager.startThread (System.String _name, .ThreadFunctionDelegate _threadDelegate, .ThreadFunctionDelegate _threadInit, .ThreadFunctionLoopDelegate _threadLoop, .ThreadFunctionEndDelegate _threadEnd, ThreadPriority _threadPriority, System.Object _parameter, .ExitCallbackThread _exitCallback, Boolean _runInMainThread) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    at ThreadManager.StartThread (System.String _name, .ThreadFunctionDelegate _threadInit, .ThreadFunctionLoopDelegate _threadLoop, .ThreadFunctionEndDelegate _threadEnd, ThreadPriority _threadPriority, System.Object _parameter, .ExitCallbackThread _exitCallback, Boolean _runInMainThread) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    at RegionFileManager..ctor (System.String _loadDirectory, System.String _saveDirectory, Int32 _maxChunksInCache, Boolean _bSaveOnChunkDrop) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    at AllocsFixes.MapRendering.MapRendering.RenderFullMap () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    at AllocsFixes.CustomCommands.RenderMap.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    We've got the same error! We didnt find any fix yet :( Anyone?


    From earlier on this thread:


    Yeah, rendermap is currently not working. Wondering though what your reasons for using it even are. This was basically only meant for the very first round as people back then added the mod way after starting a save game. This command does not give you any advantage if you run the mod from the start of a new savegame.


    You might be looking for visitmap instead! ;)

  3. Small addition to roles:


    If no default role is selected => role with highest level is used (old system)

    If a role is set as default => this one is selected


    Players are not assigned to the default role, so if you change it later on players will automatically move too.

    Only one role can be set as default, if you select another one as default the first one will be set to non-default



    - Fixed an issue where double chat replies were shown when using BCM

    - Add option to unlink discord guild

  4. Update


    - Error message when $claim is unsuccessful (and using CPM)

    - Support for giveplus in give item button on player profile page


    - **gimme command**




    A well known command, now also in CSMM! $gimme gives players a random item, spawns a random entity or executes an arbitrary command.


    Admins can add entries to gimme via the menu. When the command is executed, a random entry is chosen and applied to the player.


    In the case of item, it will be added to the players inventory (cpm giveplus) or dropped on the ground.

    In the case of entity, the specified entity will be spawned somewhere close to the player. To configure this, you have to give the entity **number**. You can see the possible entities by executing `spawnentity` in telnet

    In the case of command, that's up to you! The commands in gimme use the same system as custom commands/cron jobs. Available vars: ${steamId} and ${entityId}.


    The friendlyName field is the message that will be shown to the player when that entry is triggered. You can add multiple items/entities/commands to an entry by separating them with ";".


    Gimme supports a cooldown and a price. You can set the price via settings -> economy -> set prices.

  5. Small addition


    Custom commands and cron jobs now support a wait(seconds) function that lets you wait between commands.


    For example: say "first one"; wait(5); say "second one". The first message will appear, csmm will wait 5 seconds and then the next command is executed.


    Minimum 1 (second).


    EDIT: Also added better error reporting for the $claim command and support for giveplus in the give item button from a players profile page

  6. Update / bug fixes


    - Fix settings page erroring and not loading when server is offline/cannot be connected to

    - Add an extra check to log module to see if CSMM is still handling a request from the previous interval

    - Fix issue where server was incorrectly detected in countryban hook

    - Add better error handling for CPM settings page (Please update to CPM 6.6 if you haven't yet!)

    - Better frontend error handling. When you see an error message, extra info will be shown in the browser console which you can copy paste to the support team

  7. Seeing something weird with the webserver since A17, maybe you can shed some light on what's happening.


    For high pop servers, I get ESOCKETTIMEDOUT / ETIMEDOUT out errors when doing a request. So far, I've only seen it happen on servers with more than 24 people online. I followed up with the affected server owners to try and track it down to see if the server has any network issues or has maxed out on resources but they report it's all fine. Server runs okay for players.


    CSMM also doesn't have any network issues, it only happens for those select servers. I've tried doing a manual request to a server when this happens and see the same errors then.


    I can't really test this on a dev server because I can't convince 24+ people to join ;p.



  8. Small update this time


    - Update $claim command to use CPMs giveplus command so that items appear directly in a players inventory instead of on the ground. To enable this you'll need to use CPM v6.4 or higher

    The regular give command is broken atm, it will most likely be fixed in the next version of allocs fixes.

  9. CSMM updated


    - Fixed custom command adding and importing. Something was wrong with whitespace

    - CommandHandler is faster!

    - When adding an item in the shop or when giving items to a player, CSMM will display possible items after you start typing. Clicking one of these items will autofill the name into the box


    - (Hopefully :p) fixed the crashes/lag that plagued CSMM after the A17 update



    Btw, did you know CSMM is open source?

  10. Bug fixes


    - Disconnect messages in chat bridge work again

    - No more double messages in chat bridge when using coloured names (or other chat API hooks)

    - Servers should show up in the dropdown "Your servers" correctly for owners & admins now. (note that the Server overview page is still broken :()

    - Fixed a faulty internal async return statement that would make function calls time out

  11. This looks promising i been watching for the last while time to give you a try.


    quick question where is your host server located? Canada, USA, Over seas?

    just worried about latency not any good if your on the moon from me lmao.

    CSMM is hosted in London right now. We have users from around the world (USA to Japan, even some South African people). I've yet to hear complaints about latency ^^. You can always give it a try, see if you have a good connection and then decide to keep using CSMM or not.

  12. But also not logged on now? Or is that about people who haven't been playing for weeks but now came back and they did not show up?


    Not logged on currently and have not been for a long time. Basically talking about inactive players but they have been online since last server wipe so there should be data about them. The weird thing to me is that at some point CSMM could get data for these players but not anymore. Hence why I thought about some time based deletion or corrupted data.


    I've asked the server owner if he gets any errors on start up - no. He'd keep an eye out for any errors during runtime that might be related to this issue.

  13. Sorry for the late reply. Is the player logging in at some times and still not showing up or is it about one that hasn't recently logged in at all?


    Of course it could be some kind of corrupted data in the bin, but without actually looking at it it's hard to find out. The error though is at least not directly related, it's only about executing another command. If the player entry was corrupted and does not load because of that there should be another error, most likely at the start of the server itself. Also depending on the kind of corruption I'd expect it to break all of the data.


    Really hard to tell with these files, still want to get rid of that at some point (ideally by moving the game's own data to something that's more usable for this kind of stuff instead of duplicating the data). But this is probably a bit ahead, at least A18 I suppose.


    I asked and it is indeed only happening to players who have not logged in for a long time (talking weeks here). Does the API only keep data for x amount of time? Or only show data that is more recent than some timestamp? If that's the case, there's probably no corrupted/bugged profile at all.


    The affected server owner decided it's not worth the trouble trying to fix this edge case for inactive players with A17 around the corner now, so #wontfix :D


    Thanks for the info!

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