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Posts posted by Catalysm

  1. Small update for CSMM:


    - $status discord command does not execute 'mem' anymore as it crashes high pop servers

    - Fix an error when setting server status to inactive causing rogue loggingObjects to exist (sometimes doubling events)

    - Fix some issues when controlling economy settings, there were all kinds of shenanigans going on there

  2. CSMM Updated


    - Added vote rewarding

    Allow your players to vote for your server on https://7daystodie-servers.com. Rewards are done by a CSMM custom command. The default gives a player 50 currency but you can change this to whatever you want of course. Spawn a lootbox, give some specific item(s), ...


    - Server roles are now displayed on the user profile page


    - Fixed a error when accessing server settings page & server is offline

    - Better handling of command errors

  3. CSMM Updated


    You can customize command replies now. Check your server settings -> ingame command options -> Custom command replies. A lot of the replies support some sort of variable(s). You can see those in the default values. You can also use ${player} (as in the player that executed the command) and ${server} variables like in custom commands everywhere.


    Have fun translating CSMM for your server and/or writing snarky replies :smile-new:

  4. CSMM Updated


    Some QoL changes mostly


    - Custom hooks now have a dropdown to select the event type

    - Map on dashboard has been moved down so it can take up more space on the page - this is to accommodate servers with large maps

    - Made the player overview page load data smarter. This will prevent servers with large playerbases essentially DDOSing the API server :smile-new:

  5. Hm, yeah, basically it's not much of an issue, just has to be configurable ... And configuration is something I wanted to wait on til I can provide some generic storage for mods in 7dtd so it's not like it is now with everyone using his own stuff :D

    I'll see about some simpler solution for now and get that added, but *most likely* not within the next two weeks.


    That's cool! No hurry or anything. For now, I've got a little hack in place that proxies the commands through an API I control so I bypass CORS :p


    Since I'm a bit further in my app now, I think that browser requests to the API will fail anyway because of mixed content (app is served through https but 99% of server maps aren't available over SSL).


    Thanks for replying ^^

  6. please can you tell me more about "Country ban module can now also ban players instead of just kicking them" ?


    The country ban module can keep players from certain countries out of your server. Let's say for example you add China to the ban list, anyone connecting to your server with a Chinese IP will be blocked. By default, country ban will simply kick the player meaning they can potentially keep trying. With the ban option, they are added to your servers ban list.


    If you need more info, you can read all about CSMM in our documentation

  7. CSMM Updated


    - A new function that can add/substract currency addCurrency(${player.id}, <amount>). Amount can be negative if you want to subtract instead of add.


    An example of a playerLevel hook that rewards a player with currency depending on their new level:

    say "${player.name} has reached level ${newLvl} and has earned ${newLvl} zcoins"; addCurrency(${player.id}, ${newLvl})

    If a player reaches level 8, they will receive 8 zcoins.


    - Ability to create custom variables in hooks via regex. Useful if you need to extract a certain value from a logLine to use in your commands. These variables are available in commands via ${custom.<name>}


    - New table with results of the last hook execution added. You can use this to debug your hooks and check what commands were executed.

  8. CSMM Updated!



    - Custom hooks support a new event: logLine. You must configure a string to search for (or a regex for advanced users), every log line that matches your configured search will set off this hook. While the string search is required for the logLine event, it is optional for the other events.

    - Custom hooks now have a 'cooldown' parameter.

    - There is now an on/off switch for CSMM in the basic server settings. This checkbox can disable all csmm modules for your server without you losing your configs


    Bug fixes/small changes:


    -You can now see your donator status on the 'your profile' page. It is also listed in the basic server settings of your server.

    - Fixed a property accessor in historicalInfo#deleteMap which was causing the module to not load properly

    - Cleaned up log messages for (dis)connected messages

    - Cache donator status in Redis to limit usage of discord API

    - Mark servers that haven't been online for a long time as 'inactive'. This will unload a lot of unnecessary modules that are eating up RAM

    - Fix system stats collection

    - Ingame command $balance now has 2 aliases: $bal and $wallet

    - Fix initialization of customHooks module for newly created servers

    - MOTD module removed

    - Added some bugs so future me wont get bored :bug:




    Psst, want to know what data is available in your custom commands/hooks? Here's the current data object that is passed: https://hastebin.com/uguqoxapuq.json


    Please note that it's still not a definitive list, some stuff may still be removed or added. So some examples of possible variables:


    ${date}, ${time}, ${player.name}, ${server.ip}, ${player.positionX}, ...

  9. CSMM Updated!


    Custom hooks


    Allow you to attach a set of commands to events that happen on your server.

    Currently implemented hooks: playerConnected, playerDisconnected, chatMessage, playerDeath, playerJoined (new player on your server), playerLevel, zombieKilled, animalKilled, playerKilled

    CPM 9.5 is required for the playerLevel, zombieKilled and animalKilled hooks so be sure to update!



    No docs yet but it's pretty straight forward how they work. See the screenshot for some examples and adjust to your own liking :).




    I have also revamped the variables that you can use inside commands (this is not exclusive to hooks but also applies to gimmie and custom cmds). These use a new syntax ("dot syntax"). I **highly** suggest you do not use the old variables anymore, they are deprecated meaning they will be removed somewhere in the future.


    What is the point of this new syntax? Well you now have access to any variables that CSMM has in the database! I don't have a definite list (yet) but here are some new possibilities:











    ... You see where this is going ;)


    Almost all hooks support a 'player' variable. The playerKilled hook instead has a 'victim' and 'killer' variable (which are just renamed 'player's).

    The zombieKilled & animalKilled also have an 'entityClass' and 'entityName' variable. The playerLevel hook supports 'oldLvl' and 'newLvl' variables.


    If any of your existing commands broke because of this update, please create a ticket on discord and I'll resolve it ASAP.



  10. Yeah, the build id detection is still wonky (thanks Valve for not fixing your issues :( ). As you did --force should always work, though theoretically if you only run the updateengine once with at least 10min delay in between you *should* also get the proper data.


    If it's not starting it's *probably* due to the changes in the serverconfig as outlined in the release notes of 17.2. Biggest issue should be the removal of BlockDurabilityModifier and ZombiesRun. Added config stuff should just be ignored as it would stay at the default if not overridden in the config. Will have to update the scripts for this to work again. Mabye I can get to that today or tomorrow.


    Yeah the configfile was indeed the problem :). Got everything working again now, just wanted to report this because I wasn't sure if you were aware of it already.



  11. Hey Alloc


    Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug but I have some weird behaviour. I had a server on A17.1 b9 and tried updating to the latest stable version.




    Then I tried with the --force parameter, it downloaded some stuff from steam and now I get this message.


    Engine is already at the newest build on the selected branch "public" (local: 3579269, remote: 3472022)


    After this the server refused to boot up but that's most likely because I didn't wipe/change any configs after updating. :D


  12. CSMM now has a status page!





    After trying a couple seemingly abandoned services I am very grateful to find CSMM. The service itself is very good and easy to use BUT also the support team are fantastic and go out of their way to help out even if it seems not to be directly related to CSMM in some cases.


    Thanks for your work!



    Thank you for the kind words! :D

  13. Hey there Alloc


    I noticed there's some chrani panel files in the latest release link ( http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/server_fixes.tar.gz ). Is that intentional? I don't see the same files in the source code.





    EDIT: here's an example nginx config for reverse proxying the webmap. Might be useful for someone :)


    server {
    server_name map.example.com;
           location / {
                   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host map.example.com;
                   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server map.example.com;
                   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                   proxy_set_header Host map.example.com;
                   proxy_http_version 1.1;
                   proxy_pass_request_headers on;
                   proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
                   proxy_store off;
                   proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;

  14. Hey my 7DTD A17 server wont load the December release. The error is no modinfo.xml found, and then the allocs fixes are ignored - but i checked and each of the three folders has a modinfo.xml, so the server isn't seeing them. I am wondering whether the modinfo files should be in a directory one above the dll files and not in the same directory as the dll files as per the modlets for A17 ? Which would mean creating a sub directory for the dll files but i have no idea what that would be called.


    No, modinfo.xml files need to be next to the .dll files.


    From what you are describing, your folder structure is bad. It should look similar to this. Mods/ in the root of your server with subfolders for every mod in there.

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