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dcsobral last won the day on September 16 2021

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About dcsobral

  • Birthday 03/01/1971

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  • Biography
    Born and raised in Brazil, lived in Japan, moved to the US.
  • Location
    Boulder, CO
  • Interests
    video games, table top games, rpgs, movies, books

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  1. The salvaging/harvesting challenges are really off. Some example: Harvest Iron Pipes: requires stone axe on sinks and toilets. Harvesting actual pipes doesn't work, nor does wrenching anything. Steel: only from vending machines. Street lights and transformers do not work. Electrical parts: only from lights. Everything else won't work. Mechanical parts: only from office chairs. Rotten meat: won't work with iron knives. Honey: doesn't work with POI tree trunks. Do you know how long it takes to get 5 honey from wilderness tree trunks? I'm way past stone axe at that point! I don't know about the rest because I had no trouble with the rest, but in all cases above I had to figure out the exact conditions. In the case of the knife, I usually use the stone axe on gore blocks because it's one hit instead of multiple hits like the knife, and in addition to that I got a toilet knife early on and stopped using the bone knife. Every armor piece gives a fixed 20 cold and heat resistance. In other words, heat and cold are not relevant at the moment, possible pending the weather update.
  2. Magnum Book 2: take 5% less damage when wearing a suit. What suit?
  3. I'm speaking of 7 Days to Die brightness setting, not the monitor's. No game can predict how dark your screen will be, or what you personal preferences are, which is why every game for which darkness level is important asks you to adjust it the first time you play it. 7 Days to Die brightness setting will not impact any other game you play.
  4. Summary: Switching toolbelt item with scroll wheel will sometimes stop before the scroll wheel Game Version: V1.0 V309 OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro CPU Model: i7-7700K System Memory: 64 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1080 Ti / 11264 MB Screen Resolution: 5120 x 1440 Video Settings: 2560x1440, windowed, popupwindow, almost everything high, reflection quality medium, SS reflections medium, DoF and Blur off, Temporal AA Game mode: SP NAV Did you wipe old saves? No Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? off Status: NEW Bug Description: When using the scroll wheel to switch items the game will randomly stop after only a few moves. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Start new game 2) Swipe the scroll wheel (requires a scroll wheel that doesn't immediately stop) 3) Repeat 2 a few times Actual result: (description of what is occurring) The selected toolbelt will sometimes act as expected, and sometimes it will stop after moving just a few spots while the scroll wheel is still scrolling. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) The selected toolbelt item keeps moving until the scroll wheel stops. Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/QfF6ws3D
  5. Brightness washing out graphics is something that stopped being an issue back in alpha 18 -- I think -- with a change in how it works. It is true of most games I play, and it was definitely true of 7d2d. This "adjustment" you speak of is pretty much what brightness does now.
  6. I'm not trying to be a smartass -- this is a genuine suggestion/question: turn the brightness down?
  7. Was it at night, outside the forest biome, or on a T3+ building? In any of these three cases then it's just the streamer taking their chances. Or, for that matter, horde night.
  8. Except there's no more dusters, ponchos, hoodies, t-shirts, etc.
  9. What's the story on cold and heat? Is it disabled until the weather update or what?
  10. Quest reward: one (1) bacon and eggs. I'm fairly sure you use more food running to the quest site and back than you'd get with that reward.
  11. Here's a potential bug report. I'm watching Kraken and Grand Spartan, and whereas Kraken got the shovel before getting the Buried Supplies quest, Grand Spartan got the shovel AFTER completing the Buried Supplies quest!!! The difference: Grand Spartan had not opened the Challenges Window before visiting the trader.
  12. Ok, I've hold back for 6 alphas, but enough is enough. Why are the release notes published with that stupid gray checkerboard background that makes them so low contrast?
  13. Yes, because there's no animation for loading magazines. Or, for that matter, magazines. If there were magazines in the game that you had to load with bullets and watch an animation of it, it would drive me crazy if the animation showed two bullets being loaded however many bullets there were in the magazine. I'm talking about animation. If it's not animation, it's not related. How much concrete you carry, how the bullets magically appear in magazines, etc. None of that counts, because I don't get to watch it. Feel free to come up with examples of other animations that I might be giving a pass, but stuff that doesn't have animation are not relevant.
  14. You are putting in a whole new drum or a whole new magazine. Even on revolvers there's fast loaders were you are replacing all your ammo at once. But in the specific case of these two guns you do load bullets one by one, and the animation does show you loading a fixed number of bullets.
  15. I'm with Dan on that (hehe). These two reload animations have driven me nuts from the moment they were introduced. The very first time I reloaded a shotgun many years ago I thought "That didn't look like the number of shots I fired". And when I reloaded my shotgun YESTERDAY I looked at the animation and bemoaned the fact it didn't represent the number of rounds loaded accurately. I've never complained about it that I can think of because it is such a small thing, but it just rubs me the wrong way. Now, the fact that the lever action rifle cannot use the tube extension mod despite the fact that the mechanism is exactly the same as the shotgun's, that one I have complained about and I'm going to take this opportunity to bring it up again. And I'll raise it with my complain that clubs have three exclusive mods (which drop way more often than clubs themselves and are mutually exclusive anyway), whereas blades share mods with knuckles (!?!??! -- iirc), spears have no exclusive mods, and batons and sledgehammers cannot use the club mods despite the fact that they work just like clubs. And sledgehammers don't even have magazines. Sadly, apparently I'm the only person in the whole world that's bothered by these things. Me too! Yeah, I agree. I don't particular care if they do iron sights or not -- there's pros and cons, and if done right you'd have to focus on the front sight and blur everything else which I think very few people would appreciate. But however it works it has to be consistent across all guns.
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