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Posts posted by Mahnogard

  1. 5 minutes ago, Treb said:

    About point #3, there are already bars for hunger and thirst in the vanilla HUD. There's no number on it, but you can estimate pretty well.

    These are so easily missed. I tend to play hard for a few months, go play something else then come back. And each time, I forget about those tiny bars until someone mentions them again. LOL I don't forget anything else about the game, they're just so tiny! Especially if I'm on my laptop.

  2. 47 minutes ago, hiemfire said:


    I had to do that with the old sound or risk a headache and ringing after about two minutes...

    Same. I don't love the new sound but the old sound did not get along with my tinnitus so it's been a net improvement for me.

  3. When I first generated the map I'm currently on, I started up the new save, went through the tutorial and as I'm approaching town I see REKT in giant letters on his front gate.


    I exited the game, deleted the save, started again on the same map but this time I walked 1km in the opposite direction on the road till I was next to another town. I finished the tutorial. I put down my campfire and this time it sent me to Bob.


    Worth it.


    I appreciate Rekt for who he his, but my first trader is usually someone I see almost daily, even several times a day that first week. I usually have a permanent base nearby.  There's a bond there, ya know? Anyone but Rekt will do for that particular relationship.

  4. On 12/17/2021 at 12:17 PM, Mahnogard said:

    but since we don't (unless I'm blind) have a window paint texture, it's kind of a stretch to call it a "window".

    Just posting to correct myself - I was, in fact, blind, and we do have a paint texture for that. "glass opaque"

  5. 1 minute ago, Mr Lucky said:

    Off topic, but regarding trying to generate a new Random Gen World in A20, I have yet to get a world to generate or load up. Start a new world, tried to generate a Random Gen World, and after I hit Generate World, it starts but after about 3 minutes it stops, console pops down and says "EXC Nullreferenceexception Object reference not set to an instant of an object" and that's that. Everything stops, I have to close the game and been trying since last night. I can only get a new world if I load up one of the PreGen maps we have for A20 to choose from, or Navezgane. How do I fix this? I've deleted save game files, all my old worlds from A19 but still keeps happening. Deleted the mods folder entirely so it wouldn't be a problem. What am I missing? Any ideas or help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Did you ever do a direct intall of prefabs? (ie, into the Data\Prefabs\ folder instead of a modlet package) I only ask because I inadvertently left some old Compo pak stuff in there when I first updated to A20 and ran into the same problem. 

  6. My first couple of A20 starts gave me no honey in stumps. But my current save I did okay, enough to keep a few on hand until the trader could supplement my stock.


    I'm more bothered by the roadside Honey stands that don't ever have any honey. And the beekeeper farm that has apiaries that are just fancy wood blocks that also don't drop honey. (That location has some stumps too, which *seem* to have about the same drop rate as regular stumps.) Man, I saw those bee boxes and thought for sure that I was about to stock up, but no. Disappointed again. LOL

  7. 2 minutes ago, NukemDed said:


     bro, having 4 sons, my kitchen IS a defensive perimeter!!

    protect the fridge!!!

    Ha! Yeah, I can see that! Heck, even in game, I put A LOT of work into gathering all those eggs and I'm going to defend them with my life. 

  8. Last night I was getting pretty upset that the modular table pieces were missing from the wooden furniture block choices. Then I remembered - we got shapes for that! And I happily went back to furnishing my kitchen with a cute little table in the corner. 


    Wooden furniture block > select kitchen chair > place kitchen chair > pick up chair then select color from the chair block. I like the flexibility but it's not super intuitive at first.


    Regarding shapes: Square trellis can be climbed but the diamond design trellis cannot. I've been using trellises for loft access since A19 and I think diamond was climbable when it was part of the other group it used to be in. Also, railings / bars shapes but no center options? Not a huge deal because I'm used to cranking centered iron bars out of the forge anyway, but again - even the forged iron bars have a corner but no centered corner option.


    The new window shapes are awesome! However. A few of them have the miniblinds texture (love that!), others are open shapes, while others are filled and have the split-texturing feature which is great but since we don't (unless I'm blind) have a window paint texture, it's kind of a stretch to call it a "window". I've tried a few of those with the shutter paint texture and that looks nice. I guess the window is implied.


    I noticed that faucets are in metal furniture shapes now. Is that new? I may have just missed it before. (I know I can just wrench them or sometimes buy them but I like making stuff.) Will we ever be able to craft or buy some of the other storage bits like gun racks? Also, what demon do I have to make a sacrifice to in order to be able to paint sink and stovetop textures in the correct orientation? I try turning the crates when I place them but no matter what I do, it always seems to be either "wrong" or "different but also wrong". I'm in single player so after about 10 tries I give up and use the CM to get a sink if I can't find one for sale. I think the only things I ever spawn in are sinks and uncraftable / unbuyable storage items.


    Yeah, I know, everyone else is worried about keeping zombies out of their bases and I'm playing 7 Days to Die: Better Homes and Gardens Edition. I'm building a defense perimeter too. Not just a kitchen. :D 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Mechanimal said:

    Can't imagine how or why anyone could be happy with this cruel and unusual change. So if someone can manage to defend this, please try, lol. 

    I can't defend it, but it didn't stand out to me because currently (out of habit) I generally only use full blocks and bars for primary fortifications. (I usually build walled compounds. If they get in, I've failed, so all the strength goes into that wall and its defenses.) So I think the lack of outcry just could come down to how people are building. I suspect you'll see more push-back on the change when the people who didn't read the patch notes yet see the results of the changes in their game, though.

  10. 3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    After thinking about it, I realized now that I am wrong (sorry!).  The none option takes you into the latest stable build which in this case would be 19.6.  You would only need to change that setting when Alpha 20 goes into its first stable build and you want to remain in A19.6.


    Yup, I went through the same thought process / confusion when A19Exp was out. "None" is whatever the current stable build is, and when a new stable is out, the previous stable then gets added to list of version-numbered options.

  11. 4 hours ago, myrkana said:

    I think you use that word without actually knowing if a majority use the mod.


    I think this is one of those things that would be hard, if not impossible, to get numbers on. It's likely that more players overall stick to vanilla configuration options, but it many games, long-term players are more likely to mod. I think I recall back when GameSparks was added, it was stated that data wasn't collected from modded games but I'm not sure.


    I think many, if not most, of us who regularly use mods just don't say much about the stuff we're changing. I currently use a backpack mod and several other things, but I never complain about the stuff in vanilla not being what I want because... I can just change it. LOL I would struggle to play without a backpack mod at this point, but I don't think TFP should change it, because it's still a survival game even if I don't always play it like one.


    I would like to see more things like backpack size (both bigger and smaller) eventually added to the vanilla in-game configuration options just to make different ways of playing more accessible (I was over the moon when the Bloodmoon frequency options were added), but not right now because I think it would muddy the waters too much before other features are in / complete.

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