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Everything posted by Grue

  1. The recipes were unchanged in the exported configs. Edit: Found the problem-- I left the "s" off the end of recipes in the mod xml
  2. Yes thank you, but accidentally typed in the wrong amount. Am I correct that this pair or recipes would do and undo correctly? <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammoGasCan'][@count='600']/@count">1200</set> <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='oilBarrel']/ingredient[@name='ammoGasCan']/@count">1200</set> I might have done something wrong, It still seems to be using 600 units of gas both ways in the recipe.
  3. Question, there are two recipes for gas but I only want to change one of them, so that the oilBarrel recipe makes 1200 gas instead of 600. How do I target the correct one to make my alterations? Vanilla code: <recipe name="ammoGasCan" count="100" craft_area="chemistryStation" tags="learnable"> <ingredient name="resourceOilShale" count="12"/> </recipe> <recipe name="ammoGasCan" count="600" craft_exp_gain="0" craft_time="5" always_unlocked="true"> <ingredient name="oilBarrel" count="1"/> </recipe>
  4. I am trying to add a large denomination casino token to store large piles of tokens. It adds the new token and associated recipes to stack and unstack your tokens. I can get the new item to add correctly to items.xml, but I cannot figure out how to make it add a name and description in the Localization.txt. (edit: I know can do it manually, but I am trying to get it all self contained.) Is that even possible with an xpath modlet?
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