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Everything posted by funk

  1. I've been able to start a dedicated server up, and "INF [NM] DataReceived: bad!" is spamming inside the console, and also I do not see my server listed in my game but I can see the server listed when I browse through the steam client server list.
  2. After more experimenting it seems the WorldGenSize needs to be a multiple of 1024, so the maximum you can use is 15360 without that error, not 16384.
  3. Trying to start an alpha 20 dedicated server and this message pops up twice while trying to generate a RWG map. 2021-12-07T11:07:04 24.975 INF terrain/biome tile generation took 22.2320996 seconds 2021-12-07T11:07:21 42.727 EXC IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. 2021-12-07T11:10:01 202.383 INF Terrain detail placement took 171.6121879 seconds 2021-12-07T11:10:01 202.386 EXC IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. It has been stuck like that for and hour and a half. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to generate a WorldGenSize of 15992 which is under the "large" world type/section limit of rwgmixer.xml which states 16000. Anything I am doing wrong? P.S. serverconfig.xml should probably be updated to reflect that 15999 is the limit and not 16384 as stated
  4. Thanks for that. I have another question but I doubt anyone coud help. I know that the farming station(farmer npc) is bugged and only works if you upgrade the farm storage to icy farm storage using ice balls, but the farm storage doesn't stay icy for too long by design. The problem is when the icy farm storage reverts to normal the farmer npc stops working again until I upgrade it with snow again. Is there anything I can edit to make it stay longer in icy mode or maybe even make it permanent by swapping the files over to make both blocks icy? I guess that probably wont work because the code for the icy mode is probably written somewhere else I think.
  5. So I've been playing starvation mod with a few friends and got to the point where we could start using x-rad clothes and hazmat clothes that we found in the scientist's underground base. We tried the clothes near the outer edge boundary to get glowing mushrooms and what not, the clothes tell me I'm protected and it works for over 2 hours, but when we use the same clothes in the inner radiation biome areas it tells me the same thing that I'm protected but myhealth starts going down as soon as the x-rad shirt or hazmat shirt health goes down a bit which happens quickly. I then start losing health fast too, which makes exploring any inner radiation biome's unfeasable. You can try to offset that with anti rad meds and first aid kits but that doesn't hold too long. I tried cheating in higher level clothes to test if that is the issue, but it isn't. I tried level 600 clothes. Is there some bug or am I doing something wrong? Please help.
  6. funk

    DMT Modding Tool

    Dang, not my skill set. Thanks for the prompt reply
  7. Is there a version of this for alpha 16.4? Or is there any way to convert it?
  8. funk

    DMT Modding Tool

    I have a question, I am currently running Starvation Mod Alpha A16.4. Will the DMT Modding Tool allow me to further add more mods like Manux_customvehicles SDX mod for A16.4 to it? The files that come from Starvation mod are already patched with SDX it seems, and there is no Manux_Customvehicles modlet version for A16.4
  9. For the client you can use http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ or for both client and server files, they're available at https://github.com/StarvationTeam
  10. Hi Guys, I've been trying to add in Starvation mod a16.4( with https://github.com/manux32/7dtdSdxMods/tree/master/Manux_CustomVehicles together and https://github.com/7D2DSDX/Mods/tree/master/HalDllUpdates(required by Manux) . I'm new to adding mods together and have tried these past few days getting around the issues using SDX Launcher 0.7.1 to add mods to Starvation but after figuring out what the issues are I seem to require Starvation mod files pre-SDX build so as to add them inside SDX Launcher. I did try a kind of hack way to get it added by reverting "7DaysToDie_Data\Managed" "Mods" folder to vanilla so that SDX Launcher would patch files and then I found an issue with ui_edits.xml and comment this part out as it conflicts with Starvation: <remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/grid[@name='hud']/rect[@stat_type='VehicleHealth']"/> <insertAfter xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/grid[@name='hud']/rect[@stat_type='VehicleFuel']"> <rect name="vehicleHealth" width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="VehicleHealth" visible="{statvisible}"> <sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced" /> <sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3" name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" /> <sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3" name="BarContent" sprite="{statimage|once}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" flip="Horizontally" /> <sprite depth="4" name="Icon" sprite="ui_game_symbol_minibike" size="32,32" pos="130,-6" foregroundlayer="true" /> <label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="15,-8" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" text="{statcurrentwithmax}" height="30" /> </rect> </insertAfter> It seems built but then I realised that SDX patcher also patches relevant ID's in the files located in "7DaysToDie_Data\Managed" and therefore doesn't work when I re-add Mods\SDX from Starvation and either use "Managed" folder from Starvation or the new patched SDX "Managed" folder files. I cannot seem to also find SDX 0.7.2 or 0.7.2c anywhere which is required by Manux, hence SDX 0.7.1. I did try DMT but that gives errors with every version I've tried. Is Starvation available in a form so as to add it inside SDX Launcher?
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