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Kosmic Kerman

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Posts posted by Kosmic Kerman

  1. 9 hours ago, Unamelable said:


    If there a plenty of people typing about bad vanila - maybe its a real problem then. Idk about your tastes, but im pretty sure you have own opinion what's in "this alpha" is missing/need to be fixed/need to be balanced and etc. From my perspective - almost 75-80% of game design for me needed to be changed through xml files. Or i could just download overhaul mods like undead legacy


    You not liking something doesn't mean its bad. Other people not liking something doesn't mean its bad. You can't please everyone--nor should you. And you don't have to take my word for it. Below is a video from Tim Cain, the producer of the first Fallout game and the co-director of Outerworlds, discussing this topic. 


    There's nothing wrong with offering constructive criticism. But that is not what you are doing. You are repeatedly claiming that the game is poorly designed because you don't like the choices the devs made. Sometimes a game just isn't for you.





  2. On 5/10/2024 at 4:32 PM, 8_Hussars said:

    "Heat/Activity" accumulates in a chunk.  When the heat/activity rolls over 100 a screamer is summoned.  If the screamer sees you they "scream" and summon a horde, with an added chance to summon another screamer.  The screamer loop can get real, but in general screamers are trivially easy to deal with.


    I'm pretty sure there is only a percentage chance for a screamer to be summoned once the heatmap hits 100. Fataal reworked the heatmap/screamer mechanic several alphas ago and one of the changes was that screamers were no longer guaranteed spawns once it reached 100. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Code6 said:

    Does the impending release of 1.0 this mean that TFP has worked out the optimization challenges?
    I love this game, but performance has always been something that we excused as being something that would be addressed when it was time to leave alpha.

    I'm sure there's been minor performance improvements. And there may be more in the future. But I don't expect there to be major improvements. There is only so much that can be done to optimize a game that is voxel-based.  Ultimately, this is all about expectations. If your hopes were the same amount of zombies/enemies you would get in a non-voxel game, that was an unrealistic expectation. 

  4. 2 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    Is the Game Engine part of the issue of "Performance"?


    Game engines are always part of the issue because they are, you know, the game engine.  I could be wrong here but presumably the number one performance issue is that the game world is built on voxels/blocks. But without those blocks it wouldn't be 7DTD. That's why comparisons to non-voxel games are pointless. Games that are built on static backgrounds don't have the overhead created by voxels/blocks and their AI controllers don't have to account for players' ability to build or destroy blocks. And because the world is built from blocks there is only so much optimization that can be done.


  5. 8 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    It's more of a case of not having a way to gather and carry water in a realistic way anymore.


    Please. The relative scarcity of water in A21 is what most people have been complaining about. This is obvious from all of the posts with people moaning about being thirsty, not having enough water for duct tape, problems with water in MP, etc.  Besides, the only reason anyone professes to care about a "realistic way" to gather and carry water is because of its importance to certain recipes. If water was only needed for survival, players would be fine with what they scavenged . The inability to gather water from rivers and lakes is just an abstraction to further gameplay--in the same way that the game does not have a weight limit for what you can carry.


    Consider this thought experiment:  instead of changing jars or the availability of water TFP simply changed the non-cooking crafting recipes and replaced water with some other item with similar scarcity as water in A21. Duct tape would still be harder to come by early game and explosive arrows, etc. would still be harder to mass produce.  In this scenario, most of the people complaining about water and jars would still be complaining. Because the issue is not "realism" but how the changes affected the playstyle of certain players. Now, no doubt some people would argue that it was not "realistic" to replace water with whatever the new ingredient is but the "realism" argument is just a crutch.


    What's important is not whether the game is realistic but whether it's fun to play. As currently designed, the player is required to make choices early game due to a limited resource--water. The player must choose whether water will be used for cooking or crafting. They no longer have an infinite supply to make as much duct tape or whatever else early game. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing about the balance TFP has struck here but it has very little to do with "realism" and everything to do with scarcity. 





  6. 1 hour ago, JRaskal said:


    Not my experience. I'm not saying the old system was perfect, but the new one is just tedious and boring and adds nothing really in terms of game play. It doesn't require skill, it's just purely based on luck. Same with the new progression system. if you can't find the right books, you just not progress. No furnace, no vehicles, no food no nothing.

    To each their own. I prefer the new system because it adds variety to my play throughs and gives me access to recipes I typically did not unlock in previous versions.  The thing I liked the least during the experimental was how slow vehicle progression was. I haven’t played enough of the release version to know where this ended up. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Gazz said:


    So DVulture/SMG are T3 ranged, yet they are treated even worse than other T2 ranged.


    If they dropped on a T2 loot table it could be reasonable but no, they are actually harder to find than other weapons since Vulture/SMG share the slot when an agility firearm is rolled to drop.

    Compound bows do use the T2 quality and loot template so they drop much earlier and at higher quality.


    Your preferred weapon already dropped half as likely and now you get shafted on mod slots compared to other T3 ranged.

    Who hates the agility attribute so much?

    Hi Gazz. Hope you are doing well. With the changes to trader rewards and the changes to loot tables taking such a hard line on mod slots for the .44 pistols does seem a little weird.

  8. I don’t know what the correct solution is from a balance perspective (increased base damage or increased armor reduction) but I would agree that slugs should not do less damage to a heavily armed target. Who know why this happened but I’m assuming it has something to do with the changes to mod slots and damage added from mods in the most recent release. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Wulf said:

    Yes, there are ways to deal with this ingame, i understand that. But the bottom line is that it is not fun to deal with this for me. That is the feedback i can offer.

    It was ok with books, but the huge number of different magazines added, makes a game element, that is typically not the focus point for fun in most games, namely inventory management, spill over into multiplayer.


    I'll just stick with singleplayer where i can focus on the gameplay that is fun for me.

    There’s definitely more to manage now with the sheer amount of magazines. However, once you become more familiar with the names and magazine art I think it will become easier. Right now it’s just a massive info dump with a lot of extra things for your brain to process. Another way to approach it would be to focus solely on separating the most important magazines: forge ahead, food, tools, vehicles, and seeds and not worry about the rest as much.  And even then you probably only need to really focus on forge ahead and food in the first couple of days. 

  10. 3 hours ago, hiloboys said:

    Anyone else having issues with quest rewards for Tier III / IV? I havent had a good reward the entire time. It feels like what its offering me is Tier II at best. (wooden bow 2nd rank, skill books, 25 steel, Leather glove 2nd rank) All for a really hard Tier IV mission I just  completed, and all the rewards ive gotten so far have been similar including back in tier 3. It feels like the quest npc tier rewards after 2 go down the hill. (Only tested Trader Joel's quests though havent gone up a tier in the other traders missions)

    Same in my game (new game for 317 but using a map generated in 313). This was true for all of my Tier V quest rewards but one. Not only were all my rewards quality 2 but what was offered was hot garbage usually a tier below what I could craft or I had already looted a Q2 or Q3 version. It’s ironic that trader items were changed (unintentionally or not) at the same time the guaranteed skill books were removed. I’m currently on day 35 and I did not receive a single weapon or tool worth selecting. And I was never offered a tier 3 weapon or tool. 

  11. 1 hour ago, doughphunghus said:

    Playing on pure vanilla settings on latest experimental... i like it "a lot" so I'm only posting Some a21 "negative" input with details/thoughts for brevity, I'm on "day 9", still in the forest biome.


    - helmet water filter: i found one in my first day in loot. Yeah "i could have chosen not to use it" but i do feel looting it (and early) should be nerfed somehow. I think it should be "buy only" and/or crafted only and nerfed as a mod so its not 100% safe to drink with. Maybe 5-8% dysentery chance.


    - murky water: i found a lot of this on loot. I just started drinking it without boiling and got quite a few in me (like 10?) before dysentery kicked in. I feel that the dysentery "chance" should be upped a little, to discourage drinking more, but its been that way for forever so ... maybe make it like meat where its 5 bottles of murky water boils to 1 boiled water?


    - player created doors: the health on a first tier wooden door is 1000 hp. While the early zeds were able to do a lot of damage, it was super easy to just repair it "whenever" while they beat on it. I feel dropping it a little might make it less OP.



    * Water Purifier - I don't know what the drop chances are but let's say hypothetically its 1%. Just because you happened to find one in a game on day 1 doesn't mean there should be a zero chance for it to drop.  The first time I saw the water purifier mod in was in the late day 20s when it has no real use for me. If it ruins your playthrough don't use it or eliminate it from your game. This game is largely driven by RNG, there needs to be the chance of a rare drop to spice things up.


    * Murky water - I think the drop rate is mostly fine because you need water to make glue and it rewards people for opening every single loot container. At Day 9 you haven't experienced the true need for duct tape yet as what you can craft is pretty limited at that point.  


    * Doors - Doors can no longer be reinforced so while 10 wood does take you further in this Alpha  you can no longer increase the health of doors by reinforcing with iron. It mostly balances out.  You also need forged iron for iron hatches which I think also balances out the strength of the doors early game since iron hatches aren't as practical any more.


  12. I am not a huge fan of the vehicle progression path so far. In past alphas I have skipped the minibike and waited until I found or bought the necessary schematics or bought the motorcycle outright. This usually occurred between Day 14 and Day 21. Considering how gas seems a little more scarce, I think sticking with the bicycle may probably still be the right call.  In A21, I am on day 32 and two magazines away from getting the motorcycle. I put a point in Grease Monkey around Day 21 and kept an eye for Gas Stations and car related POIs. I've also been checking traders and I've only seen a bicycle offered by Bob. In future playthroughs maybe this improves now that I know how slow the progress is. 


    Here's why I am not a huge fan of vehicle progression being this slow. Having a motorcycle drastically changes my options. The motorcycle inventory size makes moving from a starter base to a new base much less of chore (moving bases, dealing with drop chests, and checking traders are my list favorite activities). It allows me to loot other towns or multiple POIs at once without having to worry about drop chests or inventory space. It also better allows me to explore the map. Clearly, I am far away from unlocking the gyrocopter which I typically have unlocked from looting or traders around Day 35  to Day 40  (I generally never put points in Intellect in past alphas, I was happy to rely on RNG for workstations and vehicles).  With the gyrocopter, I would really explore the map and reduce the chore of trader runs.


    In my current save, my starting trader was in a biggish city so the slow progression hasn't been a deal breaker. But if my next save ends up starting in a small town, the slowness of the vehicle progression will be much more strongly felt. The lack of a proper vehicle is incredibly limiting in 7d2d and ultimately just increase the tedium of mid game. I think the drop chance of vehicle magazines needs tweaking and/or the total number of magazines for unlocks needs to be reduced.


    Update: I have now unlocked the motorcycle on Day 32. In my opinion this is just too late. I am fully established in my starter base and a horde base (both built on the same POI next to a trader) that will continue to work with minor tweaks and upgrades well past the point I get bored with this save.  

  13. 4 hours ago, faatal said:

    I lowered the height as short zombies would just walk under it and it was reported as a bug. Zombie controller collider height was shortened, so they stack better, which also made more of them miss the wire. In a typical case, I would not be putting a wire high above the ground where enemies walk under it, but lowering it even more may make other issues, so it landed where it is now.


    It seems to be at a good height now. It caught dogs and spider zombies. It' not the end of the world if it doesn't catch pure crawlers (which it may do but I haven't tested it). If people want a whole block fully covered they can go top to bottom with their fences or criss-cross poles at different heights.


    ETA: However I was using upside down electric fences so maybe this is unique to the orientation I was using.

  14. 2 hours ago, Neminsis said:

    Again, people should not have to mod the game in order to make it playable, especially not new players who are going to fumble around, give it a couple tries and then decide that they wasted their money. There should be a baseline where it just works the first time you try it no matter how bad you are at the game. 

    Right now that baseline is, you get to the trader, you discover that everything is obtainable through dukes and you throw points into better barter and daring adventurer only to later wonder why there are even other perk trees.

    I do get it, I've been through the experimental phase 5 times now, and I've been lurking on this forum for nearly as long. It's easy to understand how one could come to the conclusion that everyone just doesn't understand the game well enough to understand how things will actually work out. Sure, people were saying that digging Zs would ruin underground bases, but up until a20 you could dig deep enough to be undetectable, and now with wandering hordes more precisely and more frequently coming close to the player is that still true? It doesn't matter because there are many things that the player can do to circumvent the issue. The player has agency.

    On the other hand there is very little the player can do about how far away particularly important books are going to drop or if RNG is going to be kind. The player doesn't have agency. That's why this time it's different.


    Putting points in BB and DA is a choice and not necessary. I put one point in DA and have had plenty of dukes to buy the crucible and chemstation my trader offered. Obviously I got lucky as it is Day 14 and I now have all of the workstations but that is the joy of RNG. Next playthrough will be different and I will have to make different choices. In A20 I never put points in intellect. I would either find workstation schematics in loot or at the trader or I would buy the workstations. Sometimes it would be day 21 and I still wouldn't have a cement mixer and I would adapt. If you feel that there is only one way to play that is because you have fallen into the min-maxer's trap. You claim players don't have agency but that's not true. It's a choice to be hyper-focused on efficiency. If you just play the game you will stumble into everything you need.


    No one needs to mod the game to make it playable. People mod the game to tailor it to their preferences. And you are confused about new players. New players have never played a version of the game where you could dig a giant hole and unlock high tier crafting and workstations. Why would they think they need everything the first week? 

  15. Is there an answer that will satisfy you?  Ultimately what you are asking is to be guaranteed an item you want rather than having to rely on RNG.  And so what you are really asking is why some games (including 7dtd) rely on RNG for certain loot rather than guaranteeing that loot after you perform some arbitrary tasks. The unsatisfying answer is that it is a well established  game mechanic. RNG provides replayability and a dopamine hit when you finally get what you want.

  16. 2 minutes ago, boban said:

    Interesting results so far... seems that 80% of active forum users prefer other system than the new one...

    You mean 80% of the people who voted. I haven't voted because the choices do not reflect the systems the game has had.  And of course votes here are purely reactionary because no one has played A21 enough to be able to fully assess its strengths and weaknesses compared to A20. At this point, I can't say whether I prefer A20 or A21. Early game, I'm enjoying A21 but I have no idea how I will feel about it mid-game, late-game or on subsequent playthroughs. I can say I prefer the systems in A20 and A21 to those that existed in A16 and before. 

  17. The poll choices have no relation to how this game ever worked so I'm not sure what you think you are going to accomplish here. In the current system you action skills are controlled by perks and your ability to craft items is controlled by finding skill books to gradually level up your various crafting skills (notably not an option in the poll).  When the game was completely LBD your actions were leveled by using an item, your crafting skill was controlled by how much you crafted (which early game meant crafting infinite stone axes or anvils to level at a reasonable pace), and you had to find schematics to unlock certain craftables. When the game switched completely to perks  your actions and crafting ability were controlled by perks and you could unlock certain craftables with either perk points or schematics and other craftables required finding a schematic. 



  18. 6 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @meganoth They nerfed water but gave us more food than ever when food was already everyhwere in A20 already. That´s weird. And having water everywhere but not beeing able to use it while needing 50 dew collectors is simply feeling wrong for a survival game.


    I could get that you can´t drink the water after the war and the pandemic without complicated treatment, but not even beeing able to use it for glue is simply weird af. Especially because we simply need a waterfilter mod to be able to drink it.

    I assume you are using the dew collectors for glue.  What are you using all that glue for? 

  19. 3 minutes ago, Cattrina said:


    Thank you. I just am afraid using the creative. I've had many games spoiled by unlimited powers. I am an active modder in few games and beginning doing that made the actual game impossible. XD

    That is the danger of unlocking the creative menu or god mode. Another alternative would be to create a modlet that changes your starting equipment. I don't know exactly what type of play you are looking for but you could start with a miner's helmet, iron tools, and whatever workstations you feel you need.  If you were to poke around the mod section I'm sure you could find a mod that used different starting equipment and use that as a template to create your own. Or you could wait for mods that will inevitably come that revert crafting skills to perks.

  20. I'm always baffled when people get upset that the game isn't fully released yet.  When it releases there is no guarantee that they will like the state it's in. It could be buggy or half-baked. TFP could have settled on a progression system or game-loop that they dislike.  Enjoy the ride while it lasts. There's no guarantee as to what it will look like when it releases and there is no guarantee how long it will receive support or DLC afterwards. While it's possible there will be some performance improvements, there's only so much they can do in a game built on blocks with a fully destroyable and modifiable environment. If wishes were ponies, beggars would ride.

  21. 19 hours ago, NotOnly25 said:


    It could also just be locked behind a higher loot stage so you don't get in in the first week perhaps? It just kills that early game water battle if you get it in the first week I think.

    Why? It's completely RNG. More often than not you aren't going to get the mod until you no longer need it. Just enjoy the playthrough where you get it. Or if you don't like it, don't use it.

  22. On 6/15/2023 at 8:02 AM, Cattrina said:

    I am a night-blind solo base builder. I cannot see when it is night in the game, even tho my brightness and gamma is up. Which means I can only play this game (kill zombies, adventure, search for loot) during daylight. At nights I used to craft and decorate/build my base. Which means after A21 I spend now the entire night watching videos online. I can no longer enjoy this game when all that is taken from me. I am forced 99% of the time to look for magazines. The other bummer was to build a bucket and spend all my forged iron I found on it, only to learn I cannot use it to make drinking water. And why does the dew collector not fill up when it is raining?


    I loved the old empty jars and cans. It made this game slightly more fun game. It no longer has the appeal for me, so I had to down vote this game on the Steam page.

    These changes basically killed the game for me.


    Also the seed 50% chance is ridiculous. I want to be able to craft, farm and gear up with my labor. Not wait until by chance, it is totally different genre of a game now.

    It is no longer a survival-basebuilder game. It is now a looting-first person fighter game. And that makes me super sad and a bit angry. I am only glad I was able to play to be content on A20. Now I can just uninstall and forget this game.


    If you are unable to see at night I would recommend using the creative menu and grabbing a helmet light mod and a padded helmet. No reason to suffer until you find one.  And if what you enjoy is building, you can also use the creative mode to spawn in blocks or spawn in better tools. 

  23. 2 hours ago, Neminsis said:

    Yes, I gave an approximation of hours played by restricting it to the first 7 days and the number of restarts, besides engaging in every possible harvesting task and turning those into building tasks the only viable adaptation is questing, and I understand the push to get more people questing, but an awful lot of people are just never going to do that until they're 'ready' and making it more difficult for them to get that way is counterproductive to that goal.




    If the problem is people don't want to start looting until they are both overgeared and overskilled for Tier 1 quests it sounds like they need to lower the difficulty or adjust zombie movement speed.  If they are playing experimental, they should probably just try questing from the start of the game as it seems less punishing with early gear, especially now that they have adjusted how often zombies get criticals on you. 

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