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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Spider

    True Survival

    .....…........... Stay tuned https://steamcommunity.com/groups/HardcoreSurvivalServer Message me if you are interested in viewing and commenting on development in the A18 Dev Forums.
  2. Spider

    True Survival

    @Rickacha- Hi Rick I have thought about it but I do not think it would be legal for people to do that with this game or its servers. The reason is this part "Using Patreon, creators establish perks and tiers for patrons, offering exclusive content and access to their work in exchange for financial support." That is explicitly stated to be not allowed for 7D2D Mod creators and/or 7D2D Server owners. If a server owner/modder is doing it, it is illegal and you should report them. I do accept plain donations through PayPal but we Modders/Server Owners are not allowed to accept money for any type of exclusive 7D2D product, be that a modding product or a perk of any type on a server running 7D2D. Even charging a maintenance fee for access to play on a server is not allowed.
  3. Spider

    True Survival

    I'm not missing just been busy. If you would like to keep up on the new 3d models I'm putting in you can check in on my screen shot section on Steam here-https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071700260/screenshots/ So far just finished adding 22 new melee weapons, 10 new gore blocks, new loot blocks, rusty vehicles and a few new Workstations. Check back often because when I finish adding something I will take a screen shot.
  4. Hi Jax inquiring minds would like to know if your 1-120 quality level system was accomplished with xml or sdx changes. Mods looking great man keep up the good work.
  5. Spider

    True Survival

    Very nice work. Looking good. It will be nice to finally be able to collect animals and breed them and have a sustainable farm....... if you can stop the zombies from eating them of course.
  6. Spider

    True Survival

    @n2n1- I have Action Skills working Blunt, Blade, Unarmed, Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles and so on. They gain xp by breaking blocks if a tool and by hitting or killing zombies/animals if a weapon. The player will get a choice of Professions(Perks) at the start of the game but after that I am still unsure. Ill do it one of two ways. One- As you level you will unlock a choice of quest at set player levels and completing the quest will grant new Perks/Finding Books in loot that teach specific Perks. Or Two- set up a bunch of perks and let the player buy them with skill points as they level. I'm leaning toward the first but not sure.
  7. Spider

    True Survival

    I don't understand the question.
  8. Spider

    True Survival

    Ok peps I have had a change of mind. I was changing the mod around to make it work with a quest/story line system I am designing but that system will depend on TFP fixing and balancing somethings in A17 like rwg and some others. But because this is not my first alpha I know better than to count on any of that happening in a timely manner. So instead of building a new untested mod around this new untested quest line I will build the new quest line onto the 16.2 mod. That being said the new plan is to update the 16.2 True Survival Mod to work in A17. After that I can make changes using some of the new ideas that have been shared. I know one change from the start is the simpler building progression, I already have it coded and I think it will have better "game play" than the old one where you had to use a select tool to get the mats from a block. So change your track of thought and let me know of anything in 16.2 True Survival that needs improvement/fixing before it goes into A17.
  9. Spider

    True Survival

    @naxter60- Yes I plan on using clothes/backpacks to decrease backpack encumbrance. I would like to lock the unused slots like MM had in his video over the summer before they made this system. And then let the player find better backpacks to unlock more slots. I haven't been able to find any xml to lock them yet so it might be hardcoded and if so I will have to wait to mess with it until 17 is stable. If I cant lock them then I may re work the encumbrance to be in every slot but like 4 at the start and then let the player find/craft more carrying room. If this is the system I go with encumbrance would be severally nerfed since it will effect almost all slots. Maybe there could be other negative effects than just being slow like easier to sprain a foot or leg, or maybe if you are over encumbered too much too long you could get a bad back or something. So something more interesting than just slowing you down.
  10. Spider

    True Survival

    @RomRomRya- In A17 crafting quality is a player stat not an item stat. So there is no crafting to improve quality anymore. If you go back a page you can see the perks and skills. Some increase crafting quality and you will increase a few levels from quest at set player levels.
  11. Spider

    True Survival

    @Funchy- Exalant post. Great ideas. I could make the professions buyable but cost like 20 points and require lv 40-50 or something. The Profession Perk would unlock a 2nd profession quest to get the skills and stats. I like it. I like the idea of a starting choice of Sp/MP for you Profession Choices. Good idea. Agree on the balancing of xp from killing to everything else Right now i have attack speed, stamina use and dismemberment off melee weapon skills. 10 levels each 3 % stat increase per level. And reload speed, aiming speed, weapon handling and dismemberment off firearm weapon skills. 10 levels each 3 % stat increase per level. Plus Archery has range increase per lv. I was planing on rising and lowering the max health and stamina with food/drink and maybe time alive. I want to bring back a Hunger stat by its self independent of Stamina. Injuries and death would lower max health and stamina. Weapon ideas sound good too i like the 3 tiers of ammo idea, it should make progression feel better too.
  12. Spider

    True Survival

    @litomaster - Thanks for the feed back and suggestions. Current Test Server Status- Server has the frame work of a progression system Zombie HP have been adjusted X10 All weapon head damage has been increased Building Progression system added - building quest/locked recipes/new drop items from world blocks/new recipes All other recipes are unlocked for now Things I could use some community brain power on- Perks you would like in game and suggested gating if you think it should have one TS A17 Weapons- Ok I have dug my fingers into this new weapon code and understand its workings now so its time to fix it. Apart from the terrible idea of dropping weapon parts(Bad Pimps..sham!) its actually internally pretty nice. First off TS will have non quality gun parts in loot that you will combine to make a gun. Like A16 but without the ability for the quality of the weapon part to effect the final gun or to take them back apart. So question one is how many weapon parts per gun and what should they be called? Should I just pull the parts, names and icons from A16 or should we try something else? As far as the gun stat/mod stat system I'm open to suggestions. I would like it more based on reality so base damage on the rounds and no bonus damage for more mods, maybe more mod slots available on lower quality weapons?
  13. Spider

    True Survival

    @Ricowan- I still haven't completely figured out what I want to do with that feature/mechanic yet. Open to suggestions.
  14. Spider

    True Survival

    No because you can log on the server and tell me how great it is in game Its live on the Test Server! fyi port : 18003
  15. Spider

    True Survival

    @adreden- We could fit a knife something in, maybe the cook? or maybe another hobby. Martial Arts would be the unarmed Fighting Style. The Offensive and Defensive buffs are built into your Fighting Style selection and are only available to proc when you are wielding the specified weapon category. So if you chose Unarmed Fighting Style you could only proc the Offensive and Defensive Buffs when you either had nothing in your hand or when you had Brass Knuckles on. Only then would you have the chance for the buffs. Not when you held any other weapons. I want the game to be more about surviving the zombie apocalypse and less about slowly building a character to how you want. So I want to let the player pick what they NEED in a character to have fun at the start. Then when they play the mod they can level by what they are doing in game, collect bonuses to stats as the play and grow their recipe list by looting. Yes you will not build your mods with your schematic and then not remember how. Most recipes for everything will be found in loot and learned permanently.
  16. Spider

    True Survival

    Development Update- I have been working on building the new Profession, Hobbies, Fighting Style, Progression System and I have most of it to gather and working. This coming week I hope to have something on new progression system on the server to start testing. I only have a few buffs to finish but the biggest thing is untangling the vanilla Progression.xml from everything else since we are not using it at all. Should be fun …. Not. So since I got Progression guts to gather I wanted to post the stats I set up. Please note this is all very early untested stat guesses on my part and will need tons of testing and adjusting before the final numbers. Also this is not everything related to these Perks/Skills like the recipes that will be unlocked, special items/weapons or special buffs that may come with a given Perk/Skill. With that in mind. -Warning Wall Of Stats Ahead!- Definitions Spread Multiplier -How wide your cross hairs are when not aiming with LMB Kick Degrees - Kick from firearms that pushes the screen up Weapon Handling- How quickly you aim with LMB Crafting Tier - Weapon Quality crafting level 1-6 Professions- Player picks one at start of game(Learning all yet to be determined) Doctor- [-5% Weapon Handling, Reload Speed, Spread Multiplier, Kick Degrees] 10% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv1, 10% Dismemberment bonus with bladed weapons *Will have all medical recipes, possibly stronger illness immunity* Construction Worker- [-10% Weapon Handling, Reload Speed, Spread Multiplier, Kick Degrees] 30% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv3 *Will have all shape frame* Thief/Burglar- 30% Faster Looting, 30% Faster when crouching, 30% Better Spread Multiplier when crouching 10% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv2, 50% Better Stealth Ability *Possibly a lockpick* Soldier- [40% Better- Weapon Handling, Reload Speed, Spread Multiplier, Kick Degrees] 10% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv2, 20% Dismemberment bonus *Will have most gun recipes, weapon repair kit recipe* Heisenberg- 20% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv1 *Will know all drug recipes, Will know advanced chemistry recipes, Possibly higher tolerance to all drugs* Repair Man- [-5% Weapon Handling, Reload Speed, Spread Multiplier, Kick Degrees] 40% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier Lv3 *Will know many recipes for general items, Will know upgrade tool recipes* Hobbies- Player picks one at start can unlock others through quest or chance Fitness Nut- [20% Faster Walk Speed, Run Speed] 10% Faster Stamina Regen, 10% Slower Stamina Max Drop Ice Fishing- 20% Warmer in Cold Weather, 7% Warmer in Hot Weather Sun Bathing- 20% Cooler in Hot Weather, 7% Colder in Cold Weather Arts and Crafts- 20% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier + 1 level Paintball- [20% Better Weapon Handling, Spread Multiplier] Baseball- [Only when holding a blunt weapon- 20% Faster Attack Speed, 15% Less Stamina Loss, 10% Better Dismemberment Chance] Parkour- Jump 2 Blocks High, 10% Faster Stamina Regen, ?% Less Fall Damage Computers- 10% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier + 1 level *Will have high tech recipes* Engines- 10% Faster Crafting Time, Crafting Tier + 1 level *Will have all vehicle recipes* Drugs- Lessen the bad effects from drugs, Slightly lessen the good also *Low level drug recipes* Cook- All Cooking Recipes Gardening- Will know low level seed recipes *Possibly extra harvest from plants* Hunting- [15% Better- Weapon Handling, Reload Speed, Spread Multiplier, Kick Degrees] Fighting Style- Player Picks one at start of game Definitions- Defensive Buff- “Fight or Flight” When the player is holding the given weapon style and is below 10 health, the player has a 10% chance to proc this buff when hit. When activated the player will receive two buffs- Flight- 20% Speed Increase for 3 sec Fight- 20% Dismemberment Bonus for 3 sec [*]Offensive Buff-”In The Zone” When the player gets a head shot with the given weapon style using the light attack/Shooting 2 times quickly in a row a 100% Dismemberment Bonus is applied to the next Power Swing/Shot for 5 seconds Archery- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Archery Skill Handguns- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Handgun Skill Shotguns- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Shotgun Skill Rifles- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Rifle Skill Unarmed- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Unarmed Skill Explosives- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff Will have all explosive recipes *Perk Exclusive- Throwable Scrap Bomb/recipe= 1EmptyCan + 5GunPowder + 5Nials Traps- Will have most Trap recipes *Perk exclusive- Fishing hook trap/recipe = 1WoodStake + 1FishingLine +5 FishingHooks/When placed holds only the next entity that touches it in place for 30 seconds, no damage* Bladed- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Blade Skill Blunt- Defensive Buff, Offensive Buff. Level 3 in Blunt Skill Action Skills- The player can level these skills as they use/fight with the weapon/tool. 10 Levels each. These effects only take hold when the player is holding the given weapon/tool Weapon Action Skills - 1xp for enemy hit / 5xp for enemy kill Bladed Weapons- 3% Faster Attack Speed per Lv, 3% Less Stamina loss per swing,3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Unarmed- 3% Faster Attack Speed per Lv, 3% Less Stamina loss per swing,3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Blunt Weapons- 3% Faster Attack Speed per Lv, 3% Less Stamina loss per swing,3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Archery- 3% Faster Reload Speed per lv, 2% Farther Range per lv, 3% Better Weapon Handling per lv, 3% Better Spread Multiplier per lv, 3% Less Kick per lv, 3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Handguns- 3% Faster Reload Speed per lv, 3% Better Weapon Handling per lv, 3% Better Spread Multiplier per lv, 3% Less Kick per lv, 3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Shotguns- 3% Faster Reload Speed per lv, 3% Better Weapon Handling per lv, 3% Better Spread Multiplier per lv, 3% Less Kick per lv, 3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Rifles- 3% Faster Reload Speed per lv, 3% Better Weapon Handling per lv, 3% Better Spread Multiplier per lv, 3% Less Kick per lv, 3% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Tool Action Skills - 1xp per Block Break Mining- 3% Faster Attack Speed per Lv, 3% Less Stamina loss per swing,2% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv Axes- 3% Faster Attack Speed per Lv, 3% Less Stamina loss per swing,2% Better Dismemberment Chance per lv
  17. Spider

    True Survival

    Joshua if i remember right. He did some .dll hacks for me in the past. I want to keep this xml/nonsdx for as long as i can. Once 17 is finished and all the .1, .2's are done I'll start poking around in the .dll to do somethings. I've done some script writing for other games while I was away form 7D2D. It was fun and I'm looking forward to it when its stable and no more patches to the .dll.
  18. Spider

    True Survival

    Well it wouldn't be "assembling" it would just be a normal recipe. You wouldn't be able to take it apart again same goes for guns.
  19. Spider

    True Survival

    @DeafCHIMP- No we are discussing what we want in the mod for A17 once stable hits I will begin coding and public testing. @wolverine576- Weapon parts and engine parts were the same system. TFP removed both for a extremely more simplistic version(their still designing for console even though that hasn't gone well). But like the gun parts we can still have more parts for the engine recipes so I could add engine parts to cars and stuff that you would have to collect or make. But again like the gun parts I'm not sure how consequential the quality will be to the completed engine yet.
  20. Spider

    True Survival

    O lol ok whats up then. Yes whole guns quality level 1 and 2 will be in loot. I think because you will not be able to take a gun apart like in a16 you will not have as many parts laying around. I'll have to check to see if I can withhold gun modding by some mechanic haven't tried yet.
  21. Spider

    True Survival

    @naxter60- Not sure if you played any past True Survival builds but it sounds like you got the idea.
  22. Spider

    True Survival

    @naxter60- Yes as far as I know weapon mods can have a negative effect, and that's a good idea I'll put it in. Yes this weapon system is real cool but I liked the old one for gameplay better. I wish they would of just allowed buffs on items and kept A16 gun parts then it would of been awesome, best of both worlds. Not sure if you read it but yes True Survival will have weapon parts again like A16 but how consequential the quality is to the completed gun is yet to be worked out. They may just end up being items for a recipe idk yet.
  23. Spider

    True Survival

    During the game the player could improve skills in any action skill by killing zombies with a given type of weapon or level Mining or loging(?) by breaking blocks with a given tool. Also the player can scavenge for crafting recipes which would be all found in loot except Iron Tools, Steel Tools and Forge. Those will be unlocked by completing a quest at a given player level. Also you will have a Hunting skill to level to gather more animal parts from harvested animals and unlock special tool maybe. Also either a quest or leveling skill for Farming. Also unlocking 6 building style skills with quest. That's just for leveling/improving skill things.[WIP] Also I am shooting to make something I and other have talked about for about 5 alphas now. So you will have a Story Driven Quest chain that is profession specific, that will intertwine with all the other profession's quests wither you are playing SP or MP. This quest will give back story on the outbreak and offer you a chance to cure it and save humanity and yourself(if you can). This quest chain will be available in RWG only and have special poi locations and many, many surprises. My inspiration is to have a quest line like Resident Evil where you could play one side of the story then go back as a different profession and play the other side, also I am trying for multiple path quests so different endings are possible, its complicated.
  24. I have a question for you Gup. Maybe you can tell me if you think this will be doable. I want to package a custom biome map to go with my mod that players could use in RWG. So every time they made a new rwg map they would get different roads, terrain height and poi's but my set layout for biomes. Do you think we will be able to do something like that this alpha?
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