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Record Comments posted by Jugginator

  1. Thanks for the compilation of information, but Pimp Dreams or the General discussion section would be better for this, as most of these aren't bugs but opinions.


    I will say:


    • Lots of optimization has been done, is being worked on, and will be worked on in the future
    • Absolute tons of balance changes have been done, are being worked on, and will be worked on in the future
    • Visitmap has been worked on, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to clear the "Fog of War" or not, I can check on that
    • Electricity is pretty simple for a pretty good reason. That system is pure CPU/Memory based and there are lots of constantly running things to keep it going in a game (even if it's not being used or there aren't players in the area). We're already pretty CPU/Memory starved (not just consoles although those are very limited hardware-wise)
    • Glass jars were impossible to balance unless we removed practically all water from POI loot and drastically changed the recipe cost for empty jars. We went over this for quite some time and wasn't a decision made with haste; we wanted water to be something to consider, not something you think about once every week or so and just fill all your jars and be done with it for several more weeks
    • Tons of zombies everywhere is very hardware-taxing and we do have to worry about player fatigue, but maybe an option to increase them can be on the table before gold.
  2. This is part of a larger project being working on for 1.0 release. But, we do request you give us information on how to reproduce issues if you can't get a solid reproduction, since this game is vastly complicated/huge and not static it could be a million ways something can happen :). In these cases, things like what you were doing/were they planted trees/were these in a new area or old area revisited/etc can help a lot.

  3. So far, the vending machine is the only reliable one to reproduce. I thought I had something with the workstations, but it was an Assertion failure and is as generic as they come, and only got that after I triggered the error with the vending machine. 


    I'll have a play with it, but unfortunately with how busy we are with 1.0 I don't have as much time as I'd like. Likely could automate on my second computer in a world, having it run random poi reset or region reset commands in a test world or something. But, if you find something concrete (maybe it's not a thing but only a thing after a POI with a broken vending machine with SecureLoot gets hit) def let me know here.

  4. On 5/7/2024 at 12:18 PM, Sufkis said:

    I honestly did not understand what am I supposed to do wit DDU, I downloaded it and clicked update drivers and it just sends me to download another software with a fishy download.

    And I don't understand the part about ensuring the folders are added to the ms security....


    I'll try turning off SS Reflections and SSAO. Or maybe I'll just wait for the official release and stop playing the alpha.
    Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.


    You're welcome.


    I found this DDU guide that has pictures and useful information, hope this help: How to Totally Uninstall Nvidia, AMD or Intel Graphics Drivers | Tom's Hardware (tomshardware.com)


    It is good practice to do this every so often, I do it 1 - 2 times a year. 

  5. 22 hours ago, John Raoux said:

    Hey Jugginator,


    Here is a link to a google drive with the logs.



    It has since happened to a third player. It happens every time we go to the desert part of the map and only there.


    [EOS] [LogAudioCaptureCore - Error] RtApiDs::probeDeviceOpen: error (The sample rate or the channel format is not supported) creating input buffer (Headset Microphone (Xbox Controller))!
    [EOS] [LogEOSRTC - Error] RTCAudio Audio_StartInputStream failed. ResultCode=[EOS_UnexpectedError] LocalProductUserId=[000...df1] RoomName=[conf+769577398]
    [EOS] [LogEOSRTC - Error] RTCAudio StartRecording failed. LocalProductUserId=[000...df1] RoomName=[conf+769577398]


    This appears to actually be the case, but odd that 3 players are getting it, and only of that map... I'm going to look at your server log too and look into this.


    Would you mind if I connected to your server? 


    Also, make sure everyone who is using a controller is using big picture mode and Steam's default configuration settings for controllers.

  6. Hey @gpark1984, sorry you're having issues with these. It sounds like a bug where the vehicles are loaded in the wrong spots, and the GUI vanished. Check your log file, you will see entries for your vehicles via the vehicle manager, they look like these: 

    INF 100365 VehicleManager write #0, id 99952, vehicleMinibike, (2753.7, 32.0, 386.2), chunk 172, 24


    Then, you just go to those coordinates and they should be there (the GUI sprite/icon should also appear again once you get closer). If you want to teleport, using that example, enter tp 2753 32 386 into the console -- make sure to remove the decimals and commas.


    If you need help with this, take a log file of you logging into and exiting that game and put it on pastebin.com and we'll have a look ^^

  7. I have confirmed this and am writing up a ticket/doing a bit more digging into this. One more question @bdubyah if you don't mind, does this happen to other blocks than a vending machine? I suspect not, I believe it's a case of SecureLoot not playing well with the vending machines (technically being traders), over networking and this doesn't happen to other blocks with SecureLoot, but I just wanted to be sure :)


    Note, I don't mean for you to go checking a bunch of blocks, I can do that, just if yall have seen it being thrown with other modded blocks with SecureLoot ^^

  8. Hey @bdubyah, is this the same error you're getting?


    EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
      at PooledBinaryReader.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00030] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at PooledBinaryReader.ReadUInt64 () [0x00000] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at TraderData.Read (System.Byte _version, System.IO.BinaryReader _br) [0x0000c] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at TileEntityVendingMachine.read (PooledBinaryReader _br, TileEntity+StreamModeRead _eStreamMode) [0x00095] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at NetPackageTileEntity.ProcessPackage (World _world, GameManager _callbacks) [0x0007b] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection, ClientInfo _clientInfo) [0x000f0] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x0016a] in <9353b4dc7ad8423cbcf8e715c4f38529>:0 


  9. This can happen sometimes when networking has become poor at the wrong time at one end or the other when a region/chunk is called new at the same time, or the server could have been put in a "not dead but pretty much dead" state, and it failed to load any chunks/regions outside of the ones that were already loaded.


    But yeah @John Raoux if there are scrolling/repeating errors or warning in the log you can delete those to save space, or upload to somewhere like OneDrive/Dropbox/etc. too.

  10. Hi, I am not entirely sure what the main issue is here, but looks like you did resolve it - that's exactly what you'd need to do if you want to put yourself above 0 but want to maintain 0-level commands. Just remember that's any level between 0 - 100, if you go to make custom groups for more people.


    If you were asking about the issue with the players dropping and not closing the connection, it sounds like a DDOS-style attack, we'd need some heavy information from the server like a log file + any networking activity logging (Fiddler, Wireshark, TCPview, etc.) if you had any running when that event happens. If you don't want to publish that to the public, you may DM it to me or any other QA staff.

  11. Hi @Sufkis, Quick edit, I read and typed that driver number into a search incorrectly, sorry about that. I suggest using the free program DDU first before installing, but if not, do check the Clean Installation box during install. 


    Also, ensure that the game folder and save folder are both added to Microsoft's Security from the live scanning exclusion, or any other protection software you use. 


    If that doesn't work, can you try turning off SS Reflections and SSAO?

  12. Hi @Wyze Wildfire, you will need admin to perform that command yeah. I wouldn't suggest giving it to everyone, since that can be abused/potential for users to troll. I'm not sure on hand the default permission level, but you can either just give yourself admin 0, so:

    add admin "Wyze Wildfire" 0


    You should be able to add this into serveradmin.xml, under <commands>:

     <permission cmd="jd clear" permission_level="(level of trusted users, or yourself)" />

    or just "jd" for the cmd value. The permission level can be whatever you want, if you want all your users then 1000, but if you want to limit it, go lower than everyone else is (0 is the highest-level, 1000 is the lowest-level and is default for non-admin users).


    Hope that helps!

  13. Moving this around since this seems like it's Intel's fault here. Thanks for the info Sylen. 


    If you do need further help with this, do open up a post in General Support and feel free to copy/paste or link this report there. Or respond here, either way that's easiest for you (you may get more coverage from users with this CPU in General Support though). Hopefully, Intel gets squared away on this as well as some Unity updates that will come with A22 will help this out.

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